
The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food



  1. 講座一:簡介-現代人的飲食內涵、來由、以及食物在生活中扮演的關鍵角色
  2. 講座二:古代與現代的食物-大腦演化不合乎現今飲食生態
  3. 講座三:生物學、營養與健康 I-我們的食物
  4. 講座四:生物學、營養與健康 II-對健康有益及有害的食物
  5. Lecture 5 Biology, Nutrition and Health III: The Psychology of Taste and Addiction (待翻譯)
  6. Lecture 6 Culture and the Remarkable Plasticity of Eating (Presentation by Ashley Gearhardt)(待翻譯)
  7. Lecture 7 Hunger in the World of Plenty(待翻譯)
  8. Lecture 8 Nutrition Transition and Global Food Issues(待翻譯)
  9. Lecture 9 From Ancient to Modern Farming: The Green Revolution and the Prospect of Feeding the World(待翻譯)
  10. Lecture 10 Sustainability I: The Impact of Modern Agriculture on the Environment and Energy Use(待翻譯)
  11. Lecture 11 Sustainability II: The Impact of Modern Agriculture on Biodiversity, Genetic Modification and Animal Welfare(待翻譯)
  12. Lecture 12 Public Health vs. Medical Models in Nutrition Change: Saving Lives One or a Million at a Time(待翻譯)
  13. Lecture 13 Eating Disorders and Obesity (Guest Lecture by B. Timothy Walsh)(待翻譯)
  14. Lecture 14 Perspectives of the Food Industry (Guest Lecture by Derek Yach)(待翻譯)
  15. Lecture 15 Economics, Nutrition and Health: Subsidies, Food Deserts and More(待翻譯)
  16. Lecture 16 Everyone but Me: The Pervasive Reach and Powerful Influence of Food Marketing on Food Choices(待翻譯)
  17. Lecture 17 The Politics of Food I: How Politics Affects National Nutrition Policy (Guest Lecture by Rogan Kersh)(待翻譯)
  18. Lecture 18 The Politics of Food II: The Issues, the Fights and Who Controls the Frame(待翻譯)
  19. Lecture 19 The Law and Opportunities to Improve Nutrition and Health (Guest Lecture by Stephen Teret)(待翻譯)
  20. Lecture 20 Schools and Nutrition: Where Health and Politics Collide (Guest Lecture by Marlene B. Schwartz)(待翻譯)
  21. Lecture 21 The Morphing of the Modern Diet (Guest Lecture by Brian Wansink)(待翻譯)
  22. Lecture 22 Sustainability and Health Food Access (Guest Lecture by Melina Shannon-DiPietro and Jennifer McTiernan)(待翻譯)
  23. Lecture 23 Success Stories, Innovation and Change from the Grass Roots(待翻譯)


【Food Fight: The Inside Story of the Food Industry, America's Obesity Crisis, and What We Can Do About It】
Kelly D. Brownell, Katherine B. Horgen
McGraw Hill/Contemporary Books

【In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto】
Michael Pollan
The Penguin Press


這門耶魯大學的課程,於 2008 年秋季在耶魯大學開設並錄影,每週上課兩次,一次七十五分鐘。



Kelly D. Brownell

Kelly D. Brownell 教授任教於耶魯大學心理學系、流行病學和公衛系,同時也是耶魯羅德 (Rudd) 食物政策與肥胖中心主任,曾擔任耶魯心理系的系主任,以及西力門學院 (Silliman College) 的輔導長。曾經出版了十四本書和三百多篇學術論文,在專業上獲獎無數。曾當選美國醫學會 (Institute of Medicine) 的會員,並名列 2006 年時代雜誌 (Time) 百集特刊中「全球最有影響力的一百人」,此特刊報導了一百位「透過權力、才能或道德典範改變全世界」的人。


翻譯人員Ronald Y. Chang


