



    The following assignment is an example of the study questions that correspond to each lecture. 


    1. 中國農業改革的「跨國經驗」是什麼?換言之,有沒有普遍性的經驗,可以應用到其他國家?是否高估了產權明晰對經濟成長的影響?也或許是自由化-亦即減少無效率的政府干預-導致了成長?為何中國的農業改革會有效?會有效到何種程度?
    What are the "ex country" lessons of China's agricultural reforms? In other words, are there any generalizable lessons that can be applied to other countries? Is the lesson that clear property rights are overrated as driver of growth? Alternatively, is the point that liberalization - lifting the chains of inefficient govt intervention - the clearest path to growth in developing countries? Why were China's agricultural reforms effective, and to what extent really were they effective?


    2. 什麼樣的政策「模式」使得中國的農業改革得以進行?如何理解中國所謂一種結合經驗主義與漸進主義的改革模式?它是實用主義或只是「摸著石頭過河」?
    What was the policy "style" that allowed agricultural reform to proceed? Is there anything to the idea that China developed a particular form of experimentalism and incrementalism. Was this pragmatism or just "muddling through."




    What is the most important reason behind the development of TVEs? Again, what are the "ex country" lessons to be drawn from this? Is the point that state intervention necessary and useful, a la local state corporatism? Or, is the point that surplus labor is essential, and that TVE growth signifies a normal process of industrialization that would have happened regardless of China's particular policy interventions.


    Do TVEs really represent an alternative property rights form? How sustainable is this form? What accounts for the transformation of TVEs and the growth of the private sector in the 1990s?