


    課程單元 閱讀資料


    China's Transition: Success Or Failure?

    Rawski, Thomas G,〈改革中的中國經濟:我們學到了什麼?〉,《中國研究期刊》,第四十一期,1999年一月,頁 139-156.
    Rawski, Thomas G. "Reforming China's Economy: What Have We Learned?" The China Journal, No. 41 (Jan. 1999): 139-156.

    胡永泰. 〈中國成長的真正原因.〉 《中國研究期刊》, 第四十一期,1999年一月,頁115-137.
    Woo, Wing Thye. "The Real Reasons for China's Growth." The China Journal, No. 41 (Jan. 1999): 115-137.

    史迪格里茲. 〈衰弱的改革?轉型的十年.〉, 發表在世界銀行1999年關於發展經濟學的年會上, 華盛頓特區, 1999年四月. (http://www.worldbank.org/research/abcde/washington_11/papers.html)
    Stiglitz, Joseph E. "Wither Reform? Ten Years of Transition." Paper prepared for World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, Washington D.C., April 1999. (http://www.worldbank.org/research/abcde/washington_11/papers.html)

    Lardy, Nicholas R. 〈何時中國的金融制度會符合它的需要?〉, 發表在史丹佛大學經濟發展與政策改革研究中心所舉辦的中國政策改革的會議上, 史丹佛, 1999年十一月十八至二十日, ( 2000年二月校正).
    Lardy, Nicholas R. "When Will China's Financial System Meet China's Needs?." Paper prepared for Conference on Policy Reform in China, Center for Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, November 18-20, 1999 (Revised February 2000).



    Command Planning And The China Difference

    林毅夫、蔡昉、李周. 《中國的奇蹟》. 香港:中文大學1966年英文版, 頁 19-50.
    Yifu Lin, Justin, Fang Cai, and Zhou Li. The China Miracle. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1996, Pp. 19-50.

    Naughton, Barry. 《計畫外的成長》:哥倫比亞大學出版, 1996年, 頁 26-55.
    Naughton, Barry. Growing Out of the Plan. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996, Pp. 26-55.

    Qian, Yingyi, and Xu Chenggang. "Why China's Economic Reforms Differ: The M-form Hierarchy and Entry/Expansion of the Non-State Sector." Economics of Transition, Vol. 1(2) (1993): 135-170.

    Jeffrey D. Sachs, 胡永泰. 〈了解中國的經濟表現〉, 美國國家經濟研究署研究報告 編號: 5935, 1997年. (可以在Dewey圖書館取得)
    Sachs, Jeffrey, and Wing Thye Woo. "Understanding China's Economic Performance." NBER Working Paper No. 5935, 1997. (available in Dewey library)



    Agricultural Transformation

    Ash, Robert F. 〈農業政策的進程〉,《中國季刊》,第116期,1998年12月,頁529-555.
    Ash, Robert F. "The Evolution of Agricultural Policy." The China Quarterly (116), (Dec. 1988): 529-555.

    Kojima, Reeitsu. 〈農業組織:新形式,新矛盾〉,《中國季刊》,第116期,1998年12月,頁 706-735.
    Kojima, Reeitsu. "Agricultural Organization: New Forms, New Contradictions." The China Quarterly (116), (Dec. 1988): 706-735.

    Oi, Jean. "Fiscal Reform and the Economic Foundations of Local State Corporatism." World Politics, Vol. 45, no. 1 (October 1992): 99-126.

    Sargeson, Sally, and Jian Zhang. 〈重新評估地域國家的角色:一個杭州地方政府介入產權改革的研究實例〉,《中國研究期刊》第四十二期,1999年七月,頁 77-99.
    Sargeson, Sally, and Jian Zhang. "Reassessing the Role of the Local State: A Case Study of Local Government Interventions in Property Rights Reform in a Hangzhou District." The China Journal, no. 42 (July 1999): 77-99.

    Shleifer, Andrei, and Robert W. Vishny. 《掠奪之手:政府的病態及其療法》,哈佛大學出版, 1998年, 頁 1-13
    Shleifer, Andrei, and Robert W. Vishny. The Grabbing Hand: Government Pathologies and Their Cures. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1998, Pp. 1-13.



    Reforming State-Owned Enterprises

    Boycko, Maxim, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny. 《私有化俄羅斯》,劍橋:麻省理工學院出版社,1995年, 頁 19-67.
    Boycko, Maxim, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny. Privatizing Russia. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995, Pp. 19-67.

    Steinfeld, Edward S. 《中國鍛造般的改革:國有企業的命運》. 劍橋:劍橋大學出版,1998年, 頁1-24, 45-77, 124-164.
    Steinfeld, Edward S. Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998, Pp. 1-24, 45-77, 124-164.

    Tenev, Stoyan、張春霖著,《中國的公司治理與企業改革》,華盛頓:世界銀行/國際財經公會,2002年,頁1-104.
    Tenev, Stoyan, and Chunlin Zhang. Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China. Washington: World Bank/IFC, 2002, Pp. 1-104.



    The Rise Of The Private Sector

    Gregory, Neil, Stoyan Tenev, and Dileep Wagle. 《新興的中國私有企業:展望新世紀》, 國際財經公會, 2000 年(http://www.ifc.org/publications/)
    Gregory, Neil, Stoyan Tenev, and Dileep Wagle. China's Emerging Private Enterprises: Prospects for the New Century, International Finance Corporation, 2000 (http://www.ifc.org/publications/)

    Unger, Jonathan, and Anita Chan,〈景氣的接棒者:私有企業和中國南部農村裡地方政府的角色〉,《中國研究期刊》,第四十二期,1999年七月,頁45-76.
    Unger, Jonathan, and Anita Chan. "Inheritors of the Boom: Private Enterprise and the Role of Local Government in a Rural South China Township." The China Journal, no. 42 (July 1999): 45-76.


    Financial System Reform

    Stiglitz, Joseph E. ,《社會主義向何處去?》,劍橋:麻省理工學院出版社, 1994年, 頁207-229.
    Stiglitz, Joseph E. Whither Socialism. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994, Pp. 207-229.

    Lardy, Nicholas R. 《中國未完成的經濟革命》,華盛頓:布魯金斯學院, 1998年, 頁 1-20, 59-127.
    Lardy, Nicholas R. China's Unfinished Economic Revolution. Washington: Brookings, 1998, Pp. 1-20, 59-127.

    Langlois, John D. 〈世界貿易組織與中國金融制度〉,《中國季刊》,第167期,2001年9月,頁 610-629.
    Langlois, John D. "The WTO and China's Financial System." The China Quarterly, no. 167 (September 2001): 610-629.

    Steinfeld, Edward S. 〈免費的午餐或是最後晚餐:中國債轉股的來龍去脈〉,中國商業評論,2000年7.8月,頁 22-27.
    Steinfeld, Edward S. "Free Lunch or Last Supper: China's Debt-Equity Swaps in Context." The China Business Review, (July-August 2000): 22-27.



    Public Governance And Rule Of Law

    Naughton, Barry.〈為了統一全國市場,地區整合會做到什麼程度?〉 ,經濟發展與政策改革研究中心,工作底稿編編號 58, 史丹佛大學, 2000年八月.
    Naughton, Barry. "How Much Can Regional Integration Do to Unify China's Markets?" Center for Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform, Working Paper no. 58, Stanford University, August 2000.

    Young, Alwyn.,〈剃刀邊緣:中國扭曲與遞增的改革〉,《經濟學季刊》, Vol. CXV, no. 4.
    Young, Alwyn. "The Razor's Edge: Distortions and Incremental Reform in the People's Republic of China." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. CXV, no. 4.

    Ding, X. L.,〈中國商業部門的準犯罪行為〉,《犯罪、法律與社會變遷》第35卷第3期,2001年4月,頁177~202
    Ding, X.L. "The Quasi-Criminalization of a Business Sector in China." Crime, Law & Social Change, Vol.35, No.3 (April 2001): 177-202.

    Alford, William,〈法律越多越...?評估中共的合法改革〉,史丹福大學經濟發展及政治改革研究中心,Working Paper第59篇,2000年8月(http://credpr.stanford.edu/publications/abstracts.html#58)
    Alford, William. "The More Law, the More . . .? Measuring Legal Reform in the People's Republic of China." Center for Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform, Working Paper no. 59, Stanford University, August 2000. (http://credpr.stanford.edu/publications/abstracts.html#58)
    推薦: Peerenboom, Randall. 《中國朝向法治的長征》紐約:劍橋大學出版,2002年.
    Recommended: Peerenboom, Randall. China's Long March Toward Rule of Law. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.



    Corporate Governance

    Pinto, Brian, Vladimir Drebentsov, and Alexander Morozov. 〈廢除未付制度(軟預算):創造成長的條件〉,世界銀行,1999年(http://www.worldbank.org.ru/eng/statistics/nonpayments/)
    Pinto, Brian, Vladimir Drebentsov, and Alexander Morozov. "Dismantling Russia's Nonpayments System: Creating Conditions for Growth." World Bank, 1999. (http://www.worldbank.org.ru/eng/statistics/nonpayments/)

    Carruthers, Bruce G., and Terence C. Halliday. 《挽救企業:英國與美國正在制訂公司破產法》,牛津:牛津大學出版,1998年, 頁 15-62.
    Carruthers, Bruce G., and Terence C. Halliday. Rescuing Business: The Making of Corporate Bankruptcy Law in England and the United States. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998, Pp. 15-62.

    Pan, Philip. 〈中國風起雲湧的勞工抗爭〉,華盛頓郵報, 2002年1月21日.
    Pan, Philip. "High Tide of Labor Unrest in China." The Washington Post, Jan. 21, 2002.

    Tenev, Stoyan, and Chunlin Zhang. 〈中國的公司治理與企業改革〉.華盛頓:世界銀行/國際財經公會, 2002年, 略讀整本書http://www.ifc.org/publications/pubs/corp_gov/frontmatter.pdf
    Tenev, Stoyan, and Chunlin Zhang. Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China. Washington: World Bank/IFC, 2002, skim entire book.



    Social Security And Pension Reform

    Hussain, Athar. 〈中國三種轉變脈絡下的社會福利〉史丹福大學經濟發展及政治改革研究中心,Working Paper第66篇,2000年8月 (http://credpr.stanford.edu/publications/abstracts.html#58).

    Hussain, Athar. "Social Welfare in China in the Context of Three Transitions." Center for Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform, Working Paper no. 66, Stanford University, August 2000



    Croll, Elisabeth J. 〈社會福利改革:趨向與緊張情勢〉,《中國季刊》,第159期,1999年9月,頁 684-699.

    Croll, Elisabeth J. "Social Welfare Reform: Trends and Tensions," The China Quarterly, no. 159 (September 1999): 684-699.


    James, Estelle. 〈中國如何解決舊時代遺留的社會安全問題?養老金、國企與金融市場改革的互動〉,發表在哈佛大學有關中國金融部門改革的會議上,2001年9月

    James, Estelle. "How Can China Solve Its Old Age Security Problem? The Interaction between Pension, SOE, and Financial Market Reform." Paper presented at the Conference on Financial Sector Reform in China. Harvard University, September 2001.



    Foreign Direct Investment And WTO

    聯合國關於貿易與發展的會議,2001年世界投資報告 Promoting Linkages,日內瓦:聯合國,2001年(閱讀〈概覽〉可於http://www.unctad.org/wir/contents/wir01content.en.htm)線上取得。
    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Investment Report 2001: Promoting Linkages, United Nations, Geneva, 2001 (read "Overview," available online at http://www.unctad.org/wir/contents/wir01content.en.htm).

    Huang, Yasheng.《出售中國:改革年代裡外商的直接投資》,劍橋;劍橋大學出版, 即將出版(2003年),頁 8-89.
    Huang, Yasheng. Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment During the Reform Era. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, forthcoming, Pp. 8-89.

    Lardy, Nicholas R.《將中國融入全球經濟》,華盛頓:布魯金斯學院, 2002年, 頁 1-28, 106-133.
    Lardy, Nicholas R. Integrating China into the Global Economy. Washington: Brookings, 2002, Pp. 1-28, 106-133.



    The Quest For Global Competitiveness

    Amsden, Alice H.《下一個亞洲巨人》,牛津:牛津大學出版s, 1989年, 頁 3-23.
    Amsden, Alice H. Asia's Next Giant. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1989, Pp. 3-23.

    Nolan, Peter H. 《中國與全球經濟》的第一章,倫敦:Palgrave出版,,2001年
    Nolan, Peter H. Chap.1 In China and the Global Economy. London: Palgrave, 2001.

    Perkins, Dwight. 〈中國與越南的產業與金融政策;東亞經驗的新模式或重演〉,在Joseph Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf所編的《再探東亞奇蹟》(Rethinking the East Asia Miracle),牛津:牛津大學出版,2001年, 頁247-294.
    Perkins, Dwight. "Industrial and Financial Policies in China and Vietnam: A New Model or a Replay of the East Asian Experience?" In The East Asian Miracle Revisited. Edited by Joseph Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001, Pp. 247-294.

    Steinfeld, Edward S. 〈中國企業的發展與全球整合的挑戰〉,世界銀行東亞前景研究2002年1月
    Steinfeld, Edward S. "Chinese Enterprise Development and the Challenge of Global Integration." Paper prepared for World Bank East Asia Prospects study. January 2002.



    Social Stability And Prospects For The Future

    Stiglitz, Joseph. 〈中國:正鑄造第三代的改革〉,中國:北京1999年7月的演講 (download from www.worldbank.org, search for "Stiglitz")
    Stiglitz, Joseph. "China: Forging a Third Generation of Reforms." Speech delivered July 23, 1999, Beijing, China. (download from www.worldbank.org, search for "Stiglitz")

    Blecher, Marc J.,〈中國的霸權與工人政治〉,《中國季刊》第170期,2002年6月,頁283~303
    Blecher, Marc J. "Hegemony and Workers' Politics in China." The China Quarterly, no. 170 (June 2002): 283-303.

    Cai, Yongshun,〈改革時期中下崗工人的反抗〉,《中國季刊》第170期,2002年6月,頁327~344.
    Cai, Yongshun. "The Resistance of Chinese Laid-off Workers in the Reform Period." The China Quarterly, no. 170 (June 2002): 327-344.

    Minxin, Pei,〈中國的治理危機〉,《外交事務》,2002年9/10月號
    Minxin, Pei. "China's Governance Crisis." Foreign Affairs, (Sept/Oct. 2002).