



    Cook, Scott《帝國主義盛世的殖民遭遇》Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism. New York, NY: Talman, 1996. ISBN: 1886746621. 

    Davis, Mike《維多利亞末期的大屠殺:聖嬰餓荒和第三世界形成》Late Victorian Holocausts:El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World. New York, NY: Verso, 2002. ISBN: 1859843824.

    Oyono, Ferdinand《男僕》 Houseboy. London, UK: Heinemann, 1960, and 1990. ISBN: 0435905325.

    奧威爾Orwell, George.《緬甸歲月》Burmese Days. New York, NY: Harper & brothers, 1934.

    《緬甸歲月》李锋 译,南京大学出版社,2007年 

    葛林Greene, Graham.《沉靜的美國人》The Quiet American. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1956, and 1955.


    Fanon, Franz.《地球上的不幸者》The Wretched of the Earth. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1963. ISBN: 080215083.



    1      導論Introduction 


    2      重商帝國的衰落:1492年至19世紀初The Decline of the Mercantilist Empires: From 1492 to the Early 19th Century


    3      帝國主義的經典理論Classic Theories of Imperialism

    吉卜林Kipling, Rudyard.〈白人的負擔〉"The White Man's Burden."《詩歌》Verse. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1899, pp. 321-323. (英語文本)(不成熟的中譯本) 

    Rose, J. Holland.《歐洲國家的發展,1870-1900》The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1900. London, UK: Constable, 1905, pp. 508-512.
    Hobson, John A. 〈帝國主義〉 "Imperialism."《帝國主義研究》Imperialism: A Study. New York, NY: Harper-Collins, 1902, pp. 14-20. (《帝国主义》纪明译,上海人民出版社,1964年) 

    列寧Lenin, V. I. 〈帝國主義,資本主義的最高階段〉"Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism." In 《選集》Selected Works. Moscow, Russia: Progress, 1975 (originally, 1916), pp. 36-51. (中譯本

    奧威爾Orwell, George. 《獵象記》"Shooting an Elephant." 1936.(英語原文

    英屬印度的建立和新帝國主義的根源The Foundation of "British" India, and the Roots of a New Imperialism 

    4      約翰公司1857年暴動From "John Company" to the Mutiny of 1857

    Harlow, Barbara, and Mia Carter.〈Nabob Nudjum-Ul-Dowlah和約翰公司之間的協議〉"Agreement between the Nabob Nudjum-Ul-Dowlah and the Company (1765)." 《帝國檔案》Archives of Empire. Vol I. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 25-7. ISBN: 0822331640.(英語原文) 

    ——〈Hastings, Burke和Macauley彈劾Warren Hastings的文件〉"Documents from the impeachment of Warren Hastings (Hastings, Burke, Macauley)." Archives of Empire《帝國檔案》 Vol I. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 131-166. ISBN: 0822331640. (Macauley彈劾Hastings的英語原文1, 2) 

    5      改變經濟理性:從自由貿易到鴉片戰爭Shifting Economic Rationales: From "Free Trade" to Opium Wars      

    亞當·斯密Smith, Adam. 〈美國和東印度〉"America and the East Indies." 《國富論》Wealth of Nations. 1776. (編註:建議閱讀中譯本〈第四篇:論政治經濟學體系〉) 

    Harlow, Barbara, and Mia Carter. 〈Macauley為東印度公司的辯護〉"Macauley's defense of the East India Company." 《帝國檔案》Archives of Empire. Vol I. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 54-8 and 95-106. ISBN: 0822331640. 

    對異國異民的(新)認識 (New) Views of Exotic Lands and Exotic "Others" 

    6      繪製新地形圖:發現最黑暗的非洲”Charting New Terrain: Discovering "Darkest Africa"      

    Harlow, Barbara, and Mia Carter.《帝國檔案》Archives of Empire. Vol II. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 253-300. ISBN: 0822331640. (Excerpts from Livingston and Stanley.) (有關Livingston和Stanley的摘錄) 

    7      人種學和種族科學”Ethnography and "Race Science"

    Harlow, Barbara, and Mia Carter. "Charles Darwin《人類的由來》The Descent of Man (1871)," "Robert Knox《人類的種族》The Races of Man (1850) and "James Redfield《比較人相學》"Comparative Physiognomy" (1852)." 於《帝國檔案》Archives of Empire, Vol II. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0822331640, pp. 153-177.(選章)

    Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871) (英語原文

    James Redfield, Comparative Physiognomy (1852)(英語原文) 

    8      帝國和文明開化使命Imperial and "Civilizing" Missions   

    Harlow, Barbara, and Mia Carter〈Macauley:印度教育備忘錄〉(1835) "Macauley, "Minute on Indian Education" (1835)." 於《帝國檔案》Archives of Empire. Vol I. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 54-8, 95-106, and 227-238. ISBN: 0822331640. (英語原文)[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

    Cook, Scott〈英屬印度的意識形態衝突〉"Conflicting Ideologies in British India." In《帝國主義盛世的殖民遭遇》Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism. New York, NY: Talman, 1996, pp. 113-143. ISBN: 1886746621. 

    瓜分世界Partitioning the World 

    10    大賽局到爭奪非洲From the Great Game to the Scramble for Africa  

    Cook, Scott.《帝國主義盛世的殖民遭遇》Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism. New York, NY: Talman, 1996, pp. 1-28. ISBN: 1886746621. 

    11    柏林會議:強權政治與地圖幻想The Berlin Conference: Power-Politics and Map Fantasies

    Harlow, Barbara, and Mia Carter《帝國檔案》Archives of Empire. Vol II. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003, pp. 13-81. ISBN: 0822331640.(文獻和地圖)


    12    第一次殖民戰爭:征服非洲、布爾戰爭、義和團起義Colonial Warfare I: Conquest of Africa, Boer War, Boxer Uprising    


    13    比利時屬剛果和德屬西南非的種族滅絕Genocides in the Belgian Congo and German South-West Africa     

    Cook, Scott.《帝國主義盛世的殖民遭遇》Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism. New York, NY: Talman, 1996, pp. 33-70. ISBN: 1886746621.[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

    Hochschild, Adam.《利奧波德皇帝的幽魂》 King Leopold's Ghost. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1998, chapter 8. ISBN: 0395759242.(節選)[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


    Cocker, Mark.西南部的德國人〉"The Germans in Southwest" 《血流成河,財源滾滾》Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1998, pp. 269-370. ISBN: 0802116663. 

    宗主國的帝國Empire in the Metropole 

    14    帝國國家出現The Imperial Nation on Display      

    Corbey, Raymond〈民族誌展覽,1870-1930年〉"Ethnographic Showcases, 1870-1930."《文化人類學》Cultural Anthropology 8, no. 3 (1993): 338-369.[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

    Ramamurthy, Anandi.《帝國之鞭》Imperial Persuaders. New York, NY: Pelgrave, 2003. ISBN: 0719063795. (節選)[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

    Ciarlo, David.〈消滅種族,展望帝國〉"Consuming Race, Envisioning Empire." 博士學位論文, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2003. (節選) 

    15    帝國的陽剛與陰柔Imperial Masculinities and Femininities       

    Judd, Denis.〈喀土穆的戈登:帝國烈士的產生〉"Gordon Of Khartoum: The Making Of An Imperial Martyr."《今日歷史》 History Today 35 (1985): 19-25.[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

    Cook, Scott.《帝國主義盛世的殖民遭遇》Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism. New York, NY: Talman, 1996, pp. 146-156. ISBN: 1886746621. 

    殖民地改革的個案研究Case Studies of Transformation in the Colonies 

    16    夏威夷Hawaii      

    Cook, Scott.〈天定命運的島嶼〉"Islands of Manifest Destiny."《帝國主義盛世的殖民遭遇》Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism. New York, NY: Talman, 1996, pp. 73-101. ISBN: 1886746621. 

    有關發展的敘述(和反敘述)Narratives (and Counter-Narratives) of Development 

    19    第一次世界大戰The First World War       


    20    殖民經濟學和現代化”Colonial Economics and "Modernization"      

    Duignan, Peter, and L. H. Gann.〈殖民者的經濟功績:評價〉"Economic Achievements of the Colonizers: An Assessment."見Peter Duignan和L. H. Gann合編《1870-1960的非洲殖民主義》Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1975. ISBN: 0521073731.[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

    Cooper, Frederick〈殖民時代〉"Colonizing Time." 於Nicholas Dirks編輯《殖民主義與文化》Colonialism and Culture. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1992. ISBN: 0472064347. 

    帝國的衰落Twilight of Empire 

    21    第二次世界大戰中的帝國Empire in the Second World War       


    22    新的世界秩序?從蘇伊士危機到越南A New World Order? From the Suez Crisis to Vietnam      

    Greene, Graham《沉靜的美國人》The Quiet American. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1956, 1955. 

    亞洲和非洲的去殖民化Decolonization in Asia and Africa 

    23    去殖民化Decolonization

    Cooper, Frederick.〈去殖民化的辯證法:戰後法屬非洲的民族主義和勞工運動〉"The Dialectics of Decolonization: Nationalism and Labor Movements in Postwar French Africa." 見Frederick Cooper和Ann Laura Stoler合編《帝國的壓力》Tensions of Empire. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997, pp. 406-435. ISBN: 0520206053. 

    24    新精英份子的獨立民族主義Independent Nationalism of the New Elites

    法農Fanon, Franz.《地球上的不幸者》The Wretched of the Earth. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1963. ISBN: 0802150837. 

    新帝國主義?New Imperialisms? 

    25    “全球化的新殖民主義?The Neo-Colonialism of "Globalization"?    


    26    新美利堅帝國?The New American Empire?

    Kaplan, Robert D. 〈秘密的霸權〉 "Supremacy by Stealth." in 《大西洋月刊》The Atlantic Monthly 292, no. 1 (July/August 2003): 66-83.