



    Paper Topics


    Students will be required to write three papers for this course:


    Paper 1


    Due on session 8.


    Five pages in length and worth 20%, this paper will take the form of a critical analysis of the accounts of Augustus and/or Nero in Tacitus and/or Suetonius. Students may devise their own topic or write on one of the following:

    1. 1. 「塔西佗筆下的尼祿,與其說是不偏不倚重建歷史的偶然結果,不如說是一個文學人物。」根據塔西佗《編年史》13到16卷的內容來討論這個命題。
      'Tacitus' Nero is a literary figure, rather than the casual result of impartial historical reconstruction.' Discuss this claim with reference to Books 13-16 of Tacitus, Annals.
    2. 2. 「在現代,簡樸被認為是蘇埃托尼烏斯作品的主要特點,沒有其他明顯的文學藝術性質。」依據蘇埃托尼烏斯所寫奧古斯都和尼祿的傳記,討論這命題和蘇埃托尼烏斯作為一個超然客觀學者的相關看法。
      'In modern times, simplicity has been seen as the main characteristic of Suetonius' writing, in the absence of any obvious literary artistry.' Discuss this claim, and the associated view of Suetonius as a detached and objective scholar, with reference to Suetonius' biographies of Augustus and Nero.


    Paper 2


    Due on session 15.


    Five pages in length and worth 20%. The aim of the exercise for Paper 2 is to develop your skills in the interpretation of the art and architecture of the Imperial period as a medium through which images of emperors were created and disseminated.


    Your Paper 2 should focus on one of the following Augustan monuments:

    • 和平祭壇
      The Ara Pacis
    • Prima Porta的奧古斯都像
      The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta
    • 奧古斯都廣場
      The Forum of Augustus


    In developing your interpretation of your chosen monument, you should be thinking about a range of questions including the following:

    • 是誰委託製作這些紀念遺跡?
      Who commissioned the monument?
    • 這最初是在什麼的背景下出現的?
      In what context did the monument originally appear?
    • 這描繪了什樣的形象?(需要一定數量的簡單描述)
      What images are portrayed on the monument (a certain amount of simple description will be required)?
    • 它的訊息是否明晰清晰?
      How clear-cut is the message/meaning of the monument?
    • 它怎樣和你唸過的蘇埃托尼烏斯、塔西佗、《功績》的記述有聯繫?
      How does it relate to what you have encountered in Tacitus, Suetonius, the Res Gestae?


    Demonstrating an understanding of Zanker's argument(s) about images in the Age of Augustus is also required. What does Zanker have to say about your chosen monument? How does he employ the monument as part of his wider argument about the power of images under Augustus?

    為了進一步準備論文,你應該閱讀Karl Galinsky的《奧古斯都文化》(1996)的相關章節,書中提出另一種觀點和Zanker的觀點對比。

    To help you further in the preparation of your paper, you should read the relevant chapter from Karl Galinsky, Augustan Culture (1996), which will provide you with a second opinion with which to compare Zanker.


    Paper 3


    Due on session 26.


    Ten pages in length and worth 35%, this paper will consist of a wider-ranging analysis and will provide students the opportunity, and space, to bring together various aspects of the course in a longer work of synthesis. The grading of the final paper will be broken down as follows: 5% for a substantial outline of the paper, due on session 21; 5% for a short presentation to the class, followed by a brief discussion, of your argument and the evidence on which it will rest (presentations will take place in Week 13); and the remaining 25% for the paper itself.