


    蘇埃托尼烏斯《凱撒傳》 C. Edwards英譯,英國牛津,美國紐約,牛津大學出版社,2000,2001. ISBN: 0192832719.

    Suetonius. The Lives of the Caesars. Translated by C. Edwards. Oxford, UK; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2000, 2001. ISBN: 0192832719.

    塔西佗《羅馬帝國編年史》 M. Grant英譯,英國倫敦企鵝叢書,1971, 1996. ISBN: 0140440607.

    Tacitus. The Annals of Imperial Rome. Translated by M. Grant. London, UK: Penguin Books, 1971, 1996. ISBN: 0140440607.

    Champlin, E 《尼祿》 Cambridge, MA:哈佛大學出版社之Belknap出版社,2003. ISBN: 0674011929

    Champlin, E. Nero. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0674011929.

    Zanker, P.《奧古斯都時期形象的力量》Ann Arbor,密歇根大學出版社,1988, 1990. ISBN: 0472081241.

    Zanker, P. The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1988, 1990. ISBN: 0472081241.

    課程單元 閱讀資料
    1 簡介:研究羅馬的皇帝
    Introduction: Studying Roman Emperors
    2 皇帝與其帝國
    The Emperors and Their Empire
    《牛津古典字典》第三版。詞條:「羅馬(歷史)」、「元老院」、 「執政官」、 「奧古斯都」與「尼祿」。
    The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Entries for: 'Rome (history)', 'senate', 'praetorians', 'Augustus', and 'Nero'.

    Zanker. 1-31頁
    Zanker. pp. 1-31.
    3 蘇埃托尼烏斯筆下的奧古斯都
    Suetonius' Augustus
    Suetonius. Augustus. pp. 43-97.

    The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Entry for: 'Suetonius'.
    4 塔西佗與塔西佗筆下的奧古斯都
    Tacitus and Tacitus' Augustus
    塔西佗《編年史》1.1-15 和12.1-13.58. 31-42頁,252-312頁。
    Tacitus. Annals. 1.1-15, and 12.1-13.58. pp. 31-42, and 252-312.

    The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Entry for: 'Tacitus'.
    5 塔西佗筆下的尼祿
    Tacitus' Nero
    塔西佗《編年史》14.1-16.35. 312-397頁。
    Tacitus. Annals. 14.1-16.35. pp. 312-397.
    6 蘇埃托尼烏斯筆下的尼祿
    Suetonius' Nero
    Suetonius. Nero. pp. 195-227.

    Champlin. 36-52頁
    Champlin. pp. 36-52.
    7 閱讀書本中的帝王
    Reading the Written Emperor
    巴頓. T.〈書寫尼祿:蘇埃托尼烏斯〉於Jas Elsner與Jamie Masters編輯《反思尼祿:文化,歷史和表達》Chapel Hill,NC:北卡羅萊納大學出版社, 1991, 48-63頁. ISBN: 0807821438.
    Barton, T. "The inventio of Nero: Suetonius." In Reflections of Nero: culture, history, and representation. Edited by Jas Elsner, and Jamie Masters. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1991, pp. 48-63. ISBN: 0807821438.

    Syme, Ronald編輯〈塔西佗的政治觀點〉摘自《塔西佗的十項研究》紐約, NY:牛津大學出版社, 1970, 119-40頁. ISBN: 0198143583.
    Syme, Ronald, ed. "The political opinions of Tacitus." In Ten Studies in Tacitus. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1970, pp. 119-40. ISBN: 0198143583.
    8 交戰的形像:屋大維,安東尼和亞克興角(希臘西北部一個地方)
    Warring images: Octavian, Antony, and Actium
    anker. 33-77頁. 
    Zanker. pp. 33-77。
    9 發明奧古斯都
    Inventing Augustus
    Zanker. 78-100頁.
    Zanker. pp. 78-100。

    Brunt, P. A.與J. M. Moore編輯《神聖奧古斯都的功績》紐約,NY: 牛津大學出版社1967. ISBN: 0198317727.
    Brunt, P. A., and J. M. Moore, eds. Augustus. Res Gestae Divi Augusti: The Achievements of the Divine Augustus. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1967. ISBN: 0198317727.
    10 羅馬人價值觀的形成
    Shaping Roman Values
    Zanker. 101-166頁。
    Zanker. pp. 101-166.
    11 金色的繁榮
    Golden Prosperity
    Zanker. 167-192頁。
    Zanker. pp. 167-192.

    《維爾吉的埃涅阿斯傳紀》Allen Mandelbaum英譯。紐約,NY: Bantam出版社, 1971. 1.223-304, 6.679至結尾,8.597至結尾, 9-11, 161-168, 218-222頁. ISBN: 0553210416. (譯註:簡體中譯本《埃涅阿斯紀》楊周翰 譯,譯林出版社「世界英雄史詩譯叢」,1999年6月第1版,ISBN:7-80567-929-0/I·563 ) 
    The Aeneid of Virgil. Translated by Allen Mandelbaum. New York, NY: Bantam Press, 1971. 1.223-304, 6.679-end, 8.597-end, pp. 9-11, 161-168, 218-222. ISBN: 0553210416.
    12 創造奧古斯都的歷史
    Making Augustan History
    Zanker. 192-238頁。
    Zanker. pp. 192-238.
    13 尼祿的自我炫耀
    Nero Makes a Spectacle of Himself
    Champlin. 53-83頁。
    Champlin. pp. 53-83.
    14 尼祿的神化
    Neronian Myth-making
    Champlin. 84-144頁。
    Champlin. pp. 84-144.
    15 尼祿的暴行
    Nero Behaving Badly
    Champlin. 145-177頁。
    Champlin. pp. 145-177.
    16 尼祿統治下的羅馬
    Nero's Rome
    Champlin. 178-209頁。
    Champlin. pp. 178-209.
    17 成為一個軍事上的笑柄
    Making a Military Mockery
    Champlin. 210-234頁。
    Champlin. pp. 210-234.
    18 創造帝國的歷史
    Making Imperial History
    Jenkins, Keith.《再思歷史》 紐約, NY: Routledge, 1991, 6-32頁. ISBN: 0415067782.
    Jenkins, Keith. Re-thinking History. New York, NY: Routledge, 1991, pp. 6-32. ISBN: 0415067782.

    Evans, Richard《為歷史辨護》第二版,紐約。NY: W.W. Norton, 2000, 75-102頁. ISBN: 0393319598.
    Evans, Richard. In Defense of History. 2nd ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2000, pp. 75-102. ISBN: 0393319598.
    19 電影中的尼祿:觀看《暴君焚城記》(1951)
    The Reel Nero: Viewing of Quo Vadis? (1951)
    Wyke, Maria.〈尼祿:迫害和無度的炫耀〉摘自《放映過去:古羅馬、電影與歷史》紐約, NY: Routledge, 1997, 110-46頁. ISBN: 0415906148.
    Wyke, Maria. "Nero: Spectacles of Persecution and Excess." In Projecting the Past: Ancient Rome, Cinema, and History. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997, pp. 110-46. ISBN: 0415906148.
    20 尼祿晚年的基督教徒生活
    Nero's Christian Afterlife
    Champlin. 1-35頁。
    Champlin. pp. 1-35.
    21 墨索里尼的奧古斯都
    Mussolini's Augustus
    Raaflaub, K. A.和M. Toher.〈編者序言〉《共和與帝國之間:闡述奧古斯都及其元首統治》伯克利, CA: 加州大學出版社, 1990, xi-xxi頁. ISBN: 0520084470.
    Raaflaub, K. A., and M. Toher. "Editors' Preface." In Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990, pp. xi-xxi. ISBN: 0520084470.

    Scott, K.〈墨索里尼和羅馬帝國〉《古典期刊》 27 (1931-2): 645-657頁.
    Scott, K. "Mussolini and the Roman Empire." The Classical Journal 27 (1931-2): 645-657.

    Aicher, P. 〈墨索里尼的廣場與奧古斯都時代羅馬的神話〉《古典文獻通報》第76期第2號 (2000): 117-139頁.
    Aicher, P. 'Mussolini's Forum and the myth of Augustan Rome.' The Classical Bulletin 76, no. 2 (2000): 117-139.
    22 Syme筆下的奧古斯都
    Syme's Augustus
    Syme, Ronald《羅馬的革命》紐約, NY: 牛津大學出版社, 1939, 2002. vii-xi, 1-9, 149-161, 459-475, 和 509-524頁. ISBN: 0192803204.
    Syme, Ronald. The Roman Revolution. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1939, 2002. pp. vii-xi, 1-9, 149-161, 459-475, and 509-524. ISBN: 0192803204.

    Galsterer, H.〈一個人,一本書,一種方法:Ronald Syme爵士的羅馬革命五十年〉於K. A. Raaflaub和 M. Toher編輯《共和與帝國之間:闡述奧古斯都及其元首統治》Berkeley, CA: 加州大學出版社 1990, 1-20頁. ISBN: 0520084470.
    Galsterer, H. "A Man, a Book, and a Method: Sir Ronald Syme's Roman Revolution After Fifty Years." In Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate. Edited by K. A. Raaflaub, and M. Toher. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990, pp. 1-20. ISBN: 0520084470.
    23 陳述並討論期末論文的主題
    Presentation and Discussion of Final Paper Topics
    Reading for final paper.
    24 繼續陳述並討論期末論文的主題
    Presentation and Discussion of Final Paper Topics (cont.)
    Reading for final paper.
    25 《羅馬帝國興亡史》(1976)
    Viewing of I, Claudius(1976)
    Joshel, Sandra. 〈羅馬帝國興亡史:放映與帝國肥皂劇〉於Sandra Joshel, Margaret Malamud和Donald McGuire編輯《帝國的放映:現代流行文化中的古羅馬》Baltimore, MD:約翰霍金斯大學出版社, 2001, 119-61頁. ISBN: 0801867428.
    Joshel, Sandra. "I Claudius: Projection and Imperial Soap Opera." In Imperial Projections: Ancient Rome in Modern Popular Culture. Edited by Sandra Joshel, Margaret Malamud, and Donald McGuire. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001, pp. 119-61. ISBN: 0801867428.

    Joshel, Sandra. 《羅馬帝國興亡史》. Robert Wise, 1976.
    I, Claudius. Robert Wise, 1976.
    26 結束語:誰之皇帝?
    Conclusion: Whose Emperors?