


    課程單元 閱讀資料
    1 導讀
    2 討論達爾文《小獵犬號的航程》
    Discussion of Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle
    達爾文《小獵犬號的航程:達爾文的考察日記》英國,倫敦,企鵝叢書,1989年,ISBN: 014043268X 
    Darwin, Charles. Voyage of the Beagle: Charles Darwin's Journal of researches. London, England: Penguin Books, 1989. ISBN: 014043268X.
    3 討論課堂閱讀
    Discussion of Session Readings
    達爾文《物競天擇的物種起源》Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2003, 第11-12章. ISBN: 1551113376.
    Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2003, chapters 11-12. ISBN: 1551113376.

    Browne, Janet. 《達爾文:航程》普林斯頓大學出版社,1996年,第7-14章,ISBN: 0691026068.
    Browne, Janet. Charles Darwin: Voyaging. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1996, chapters 7-14. ISBN: 0691026068.

    Desmond, Adrian與 James Moore《達爾文》New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co. , 1994年,第8-13章,ISBN: 0393311503.
    Desmond, Adrian, and James Moore. Darwin. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1994, chapters 8-13. ISBN: 0393311503.

    Keynes, R. D 編輯 《達爾文的小獵犬號日記》英國,劍橋,劍橋大學出版社,1988年, 尤其是351-64頁,ISBN: 0521235030.
    Keynes, R. D., ed. Charles Darwin's Beagle diary. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1988, especially pp. 351-64. ISBN: 0521235030.

    達爾文〈達爾文的鳥類學筆記〉Nora Barlow編輯。《大英自然博物館歷史系列第二冊》第7號,(1963) 英國,倫敦。
    Darwin, Charles. "Darwin's Ornithological Notes." Edited by Nora Barlow. The British Museum of Natural History Historical Series 2, no. 7 (1963). London, England.

    Bulletin of BM (NH), 1963, especially pp. 260-266.

    Sulloway, Frank.〈達爾文和他的雀鳥〉,《生物史期刊》15 (1982): 1-53頁
    Sulloway, Frank. "Darwin and His Finches: The Evolution of a Legend." Journal of the History of Biology 15 (1982): 1-53.
    4 討論Pielou《冰期之後》和Mithen《冰期後》
    Discussion of Pielou's After the Ice Ageand Mithen's After the Ice
    Pielou, E. C. 《冰期之後:北美洲冰封後復生》芝加哥大學出版社,1991年,尤其是5-38、 61-80、99-101、 107-115、 125-128和 227-312頁,ISBN: 0226668126.
    Pielou, E. C. After the Ice Age: the return of life to glaciated North America. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1991, especially 5-38, 61-80, 99-101, 107-115, 125-128, and 227-312. ISBN: 0226668126.

    Mithen, Steven. 《冰期後:公元前20,000-5000年的全球人類史》哈佛大學出版社,2004年,尤其是1-300頁,ISBN: 0674015703.
    Mithen, Steven. After the ice: a global human history, 20,000-5000 BC. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004, especially 1-300. ISBN: 0674015703.
    5 討論Richards《不見邊際的邊地》
    Discussion of Richards's Unending Frontier
    Richards, John F. 《不見邊際的邊地:早期現代世界的環境史》加州大學出版社,2003年,尤其是1-61、 199-245 和313-622頁,ISBN: 0520230752.
    Richards, John F. The unending frontier: an environmental history of the early modern world. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003, especially 1-61, 199-245, and 313-622. ISBN: 0520230752.
    6 討論Grove《綠色帝國主義》
    Discussion of Grove's Green Imperialism
    Grove, Richard. 《綠色帝國主義:殖民擴張、熱帶島嶼的伊甸園和環境主義的源起1600-1800年》,劍橋大學出版社,1995年,尤其是1-152和309-486頁,ISBN: 0521565138.
    Grove, Richard. Green imperialism: colonial expansion, tropical island Edens, and the orgins of environmentalism, 1600-1860. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995, especially 1-152, and 309-486. ISBN: 0521565138.
    7 討論Melville《綿羊的瘟疫》和Anderson《帝國的畜牲》
    Discussion of Melville's Plague of Sheepand Anderson's Creatures of Empire
    Melville, Elinor. 《綿羊的瘟疫:征服墨西哥的環境後果》英國,劍橋,劍橋大學出版社,1994年,ISBN: 052157448X.
    Melville, Elinor. A plague of sheep: environmental consequences of the conquest of Mexico. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN: 052157448X.

    Anderson, Virginia DeJohn. 《帝國的畜牲:馴養動物如何改變早期的美洲》紐約:牛津大學出版社,2004年,ISBN: 0195158601.
    Anderson, Virginia DeJohn. Creatures of Empire: how domestic animals transformed early America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0195158601.
    8 討論Drayton《大自然的政府》 
    Discussion of Drayton's Nature's Government
    Drayton, Richard. 《大自然的政府:科學、大英帝國,和世界的「改進」》耶魯大學出版社,2000年,ISBN: 0300059760.
    Drayton, Richard. Nature's government: science, imperial Britain, and the 'Improvement' of the World. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0300059760.
    9 討論課堂閱讀
    Discussion of Session Readings
    Stocking, George. 《維多利亞時代的人類學》第一冊,紐約The Free Press平裝本,1991年,尤其是46-109 和186-283頁,ISBN: 0029315514.
    Stocking, George. Victorian anthropology. 1st Free Press paperback ed. New York, NY: The Free Press, 1991, especially 46-109, and 186-283. ISBN: 0029315514.

    Pratt, Mary Louise. 《帝國之眼:旅遊文學和外來文化帶來的改變》 英國,倫敦:Routledge, 1992年,尤其是15-143頁 ISBN: 0415060958.
    Pratt, Mary Louise. Imperial eyes: travel writing and transculturation. London, England: Routledge, 1992, especially 15-143. ISBN: 0415060958.

    Krech, Shepherd. 《生態的印第安人:神話與歷史》紐約:W.W. Norton & Co., 1999年,ISBN: 0393047555.
    Krech, Shepherd. The ecological Indian: myth and history. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999. ISBN: 0393047555.
    10 討論Watt《流行病與歷史》和Curtin《疾病與帝國》 
    Discussion of Watt's Epidemics and History and Curtin's Disease and Empire
    Watts, Sheldon. 《流行病與歷史:疾病、權力和帝國主義》耶魯大學出版社,1997年,ISBN: 0300080875.
    Watts, Sheldon. Epidemics and history: disease, power, and imperialism. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0300080875.

    Curtin, Philip D. 《疾病與帝國:歐洲軍隊征服非洲時的健康》英國,劍橋,劍橋大學出版社,1998年, ISBN: 0521598354.
    Curtin, Philip D. Disease and empire: the health of European troops in the conquest of Africa. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0521598354.
    11 討論MacKenzie 《大自然的帝國》和Ritvo《動物新社區》 
    Discussion of MacKenzie's Empire of Nature and Ritvo's Animal Estate
    MacKenzie, John.  《大自然的帝國:狩獵、保育和大英帝國》 英國曼徹斯特大學出版社,1988年,ISBN: 0719022274.
    MacKenzie, John. The empire of nature: hunting, conservation, and British imperialism. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 1988. ISBN: 0719022274.

    Ritvo, Harriet. 《動物新社區:維多利亞時代的英格蘭人和其他畜牲》哈佛大學出版社,1987年,243-288頁,ISBN: 0674037065.
    Ritvo, Harriet. The animal estate: the English and other creatures in the Victorian Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987, pp. 243-288. ISBN: 0674037065.
    12 討論MacLeod《科學與殖民企業》
    Discussion of MacLeod's Science and the Colonial Enterprise
    MacLeod, Roy編輯《大自然與帝國:科學與殖民企業》Osiris第二系列,第15冊。芝加哥大學出版社, 2000年,ISBN: 0226500780
    MacLeod, Roy, ed. Nature and empire: science and the colonial enterprise. Osiris, 2nd series, vol. 15. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000. ISBN: 0226500780.
    13-14 最後發表
    Final Presentations