




    These are example exam questions from the motor cortex section of the course. 





    1. Describe the modular organization of the spinal cord: implications for the control of movement.

    2. 描述從見到一杯水到喝水的詳細步驟

    2. Describe in detail each step from seeing a glass of water to drinking from that glass.

    • 從「看見一杯水」開始,然後進行如何動作的設計和指導(包括運動和感覺神經的分配)
    • Start with "seeing the glass," then proceed to how movement is planned and directed (including motor and sensory innervation).
    • 描述觸及杯子和送到嘴邊過程中神經元每一步的放電模式
    • Describe the firing pattern of neurons at each step along the process to reaching and bringing the glass to your lips.
    • 詳細列舉嘴唇、舌和咽部、吞咽以及最後將杯子放回桌面的過程中神經元的放電模式
    • List in detail the firing patterns of the lips, tongue and throat, swallowing, and finally setting the glass back down on the table.
    • 分辨自主運動和不自主運動;描述自主動作引發不自主運動的時機
    • Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary movements; also describe the point at which involuntary movements are initiated by voluntary action.