


    第一課:簡介 Introduction


    第二課:以廣泛觀點與結果來思考政策 Thinking About Policy in Broad Terms and Outcomes 



    Weir, M., A. Orloff, and T. Skocpol編輯〈認識美國社會政治〉"Understanding American Social Politics." 《美國社會政策的政治角力》The Politics of Social Policy in the United States. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0691028419.


    Korpi, W. 〈美國貧窮現象的研究取向,歐洲觀點的批判性記錄〉"Approaches to the Study of Poverty in the United States, Critical Notes From A European Perspective." 《貧窮與公共政策》Poverty and Public Policy. Vincent Covello編輯. Rochester, VT: Schenkman Books, 1980. ISBN: 0870738895.


    Lindbeck, A. 〈福利國家的超越、改革與退卻〉"Overshooting, Reform, and the Retreat of the Welfare State." In 《福利國家:Assar Lindbeck論文選集》The Welfare State: The Selected Essays of Assar Lindbeck. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993. ISBN: 185278721X.


    Blank, R. 《社會保護 vs. 經濟彈性:是否有權衡?》Social Protection vs. Economic Flexibility: Is There A Tradeoff? Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994, Introduction, and chapter 1. ISBN: 0226056783.


    Osterman, P., T. Kochan, M. Piore, and R. Locke. 《在美國工作》Working In America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, chapter 2. ISBN: 0262650622.


    Osterman, P. 《確保繁榮》 Securing Prosperity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000, chapter 1, and 2. ISBN: 0691086885.


    第三課:對勞工的需求The Demand for Labor



    Howell, D. 〈技術的迷思〉"The Skills Myth." 《美國前景》The American Prospect, Summer 1994, 81-90.


    Levy, F. and R. Murnane. 〈美國本田與西北互助人壽保險〉 "Honda of America and Northwestern Mutual Life." 《傳授嶄新基礎技能》Teaching the New Basic Skills. New York, NY: Free Press, 1996. ISBN: 0684827395.


    Cappelli, P. 〈技能差距真的與態度有關嗎?〉"Is the 'Skills Gap' Really About Attitudes?" 《加州商業評論》California Business Review (Summer 1995).


    Johnson, G. 〈所得失衡的轉變:需求變化的作用〉"Changes In Earnings Inequality: The Role of Demand Shifts." 《經濟學觀點》Journal of Economic Perspectives (Spring 1997): 41-54.


    Holzer, H., J. Lane, and L. Vilhuber. 〈逃離低所得:雇主特質與改變的作用〉"Escaping Low Earnings: The Role of Employer Characteristics and Changes." 《工業暨勞工關係評論》Industrial and Labor Relations Review (July 2004).


    第四課:公司內部工作結構/內部勞工市場的轉變、網絡、結構Changing Work Structures Within Firms / Internal Labor Markets, Networks, Structure



    公司內部工作結構的轉變Changing Work Structures Within Firms

    Osterman, P. 《確保繁榮》Securing Prosperity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000, chapter 1, 2, and 4. ISBN: 0691086885.


    Houseman, S. 〈人員配置彈性安排〉 "Flexible Staffing Arrangements." 工作論文Working Paper. Kalamazoo, MI: W. E. UpJohn Institute of Employment in the United States, 1999.


    內部勞工市場、網絡、結構Internal Labor Markets, Networks, Structure

    Osterman, P., ed. 〈簡介〉"Introduction." 《內部勞工市場》Internal Labor Markets. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984. ISBN: 0262150263.


    Piore, M. 〈勞工市場分層理論的筆記〉"Notes for A Theory of Labor Market Stratification." 麻省理工學院經濟系工作論文,MIT Working Paper. Department of Economics, 1972.


    Newman, K. 《我的遊戲沒有慚愧這回事》No Shame In My Game. New York, NY: Vintage Press, 2000, chapters 3, and 6. ISBN: 0375703799.


    第五課:5    政策概觀與不同的全國性系統Policy Overview and Alternative National Systems



    Weir, M. 《政治與工作》Politics and Jobs. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993, chapter 3, and 4. ISBN: 0691024928.


    《美國的選擇:高技能或低薪資》America's Choice: High Skills or Low Wages. 教育與經濟全國中心National Center on Education and Economy, 1990, Executive Summary, and chapters 2 and 12. ISBN: 0962706302.


    Heckman, J., and A. Krueger. 《美國的不平等:人力資本政策有什麼作用?》Inequality In America: What Role for Human Capital Policies? Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004, pp. 1-76. ISBN: 0262083280.


    Osterman, P. 《就業的前景》Employment Futures. New York NY: Oxford University Press, 1988, chapter 6. ISBN: 019505279X.


    第六課:評鑒:概觀;青少年勞工市場The Evaluation: An Overview; Youth Labor Market



    Friedlander, D., D. Greenberg, and P. Robins. 〈評鑒政府為經濟弱勢社群設計之培訓計劃〉 "Evaluating Government Training Programs for the Economically Disadvantaged." 《經濟文獻》Journal of Economic Literature 34, no. 4 (1997): 1809-1855.



    Osterman, P. 〈青少年勞工市場是否有問題?如有的話,該如何解決?〉"Is There A Problem With The Youth Labor Market, And If So How Should We Fix It?" 《貧窮、不平等與社會政策的未來》Poverty, Inequality, and The Future of Social Policy. Edited by Katherine McFate, Roger Lawson, and William Julius Wilson. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation Publications, 1996. ISBN: 0871545934.


    Soskice, D. 〈調合市場與制度:德國學徒系統〉 "Reconciling Markets and Institutions: The German Apprenticeship System." 《培訓與私人部門》Training and the Private Sector. Edited by Lynch. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994. ISBN: 0226498107.


    Bailey, T. 〈青少年學徒制度能否在美國盛行?〉"Can Youth Apprenticeship Thrive in the United States?" 《教育研究者》Educational Researcher (April 1993): 4-10.


    Stern, D., et al. 《從學校到工作》School To Work. London, UK: The Falmer Press, 1995, chapters 2, and 3. ISBN: 0750704292.


    第七課:7    成人培訓 Adult Training



    Fitzgerald, J., and V. Carlson. 〈通往較好生活的階梯〉"Ladders To A Better Life." 《美國前景》 The American Prospect, 19 June 2000.


    Giloth, R., ed.《21世紀的勞動力仲介者》Workforce Intermediaries In the Twenty-First Century. "Introduction," "Poppe, Shawn, and Martison," "Kazis," "Carnevale," and "Berry." Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2003. ISBN: 1592132049.


    Clark, P., and S. Dawson. 《工作與都市窮人》Jobs and the Urban Poor. Aspen, CO: Aspen Institute, 2005, pp. 1-33. (PDF)


    Conway, M., and S. Loker. 〈成衣工業發展企業:產業部門發展取向的個案研究〉 "Garment Industry Development Corporation: A Case Study of a Sectoral Employment Development Approach." 研究論文Working Paper. Aspen, CO: Aspen Institute, 1999.


    Glasmeier, A., C. Nelson, and J. Thompson. "〈珍.亞當斯資源公司:產業部門發展取向的個案研究〉Jane Addams Resource Corp: A Case Study of a Sectoral Employment Development Approach." 工作論文Working Paper. Aspen, CO: Aspen Institute, 1999.


    Rangarajan, A. 〈留任與力爭上游:協助低薪工人保留職位與在職進升的策略〉"Staying On, Moving Up: Strategies to Help Low Wage Workers Retain Employment and Advance in Their Jobs." 工作論文Working Paper. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, 2000.


    Strawn, J., and K. Martinson. 〈促進邁向更好工作的渠道:福利改革的工作發展經驗〉 "Promoting Access to Better Jobs: Lessons for Job Advancement From Welfare Reform." In 《新經濟中的低薪勞工》Low-Wage Workers in the New Economy. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, 2001. ISBN: 0877667055.


    Teitz, M. 〈鄰域經濟:地方社區與區域勞工市場〉"Neighborhood Economies: Local Communities and Regional Labor Markets." 《經濟發展季刊》Economic Development Quarterly, May 1989.


    Porter, M. 〈城中舊區的競爭優勢〉"The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City." 《哈佛商業評論》 Harvard Business Review (May/June 1995).


    第八課:工會與最低工資運動 Unions and Living Wage Campaigns




    Turner, B. 〈工會的創新:勞工從貧窮轉移到可維持生計的工作〉"Union Innovations: Moving Workers from Poverty into Family Sustaining Jobs." In 《新經濟中的低薪勞工》Low Wage Workers in the New Economy. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, 2001. ISBN: 0877667055.


    Erickson, C. 〈洛杉磯清潔工的正義〉 "Justice for Janitors in Los Angeles." 《工業關係英國期刊》British Journal of Industrial Relations 40 (April 2002): 543-567.


    Osterman, P., T. Kochan, M. Piore, and R. Locke. 《在美國工作》Working In America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, chapter 4. ISBN: 0262650622.


    最低工資運動Living Wage Campaigns

    Freeman, R. 〈為他人的薪金奮戰:最低工資運動的邏輯〉"Fighting For Other Folks' Wages: The Logic of Living Wage Campaigns."《工業關係》 Industrial Relations即將出版.


    Brenner, M. 〈波士頓最低工資法的經濟影響〉 "The Economic Impact of the Boston Living Wage Ordinance."《工業關係》 Industrial Relations. 即將出版


    Adams, S., and D. Neumark. 〈最低工資何時著力?〉"When Do Living Wages Bite?"《工業關係》Industrial Relations. 即將出版


    第九課:9    組織與聚合 Organizing and Pulling It Together




    Osterman, P. 《聚集力量》Gathering Power Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2003, chapters 2, and 5. ISBN: 0807043389.


    Osterman, P., and B. Lautsch. 〈QUEST計劃:給福特基金會的報告〉 "Project QUEST: A Report to the Ford Foundation." 工作論文Working Paper. Boston, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, January 1996.



    Osterman, P. 《確保繁榮》 Securing Prosperity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000, chapters 5, 6, and 7. ISBN: 0691086885.


    Uhalde, R., M. Selzer, P. Tate, and R. Klein-Collins. 〈邁向全國性勞動力教育政策〉"Towards A National Workforce Education Policy." 教育與經濟國家中心National Center on Education and the Economy, 2003.


    第十至十一課:學生論文Student Papers