



    Those taking the course for credit can satisfy the requirement for written work in one of two ways: a typical class paper, or, a pair of review essays. The latter requires some explanation. The student will read at least two related books for each of the review essays, for a total of four books. These cannot be the required books on the syllabus.

    Suggested Paper and Book Review Topics and Questions

    Note: Related questions are clustered together. This list is suggestive, not exhaustive. Please suggest alternatives.

    1. 1.強權大國決定干預內戰時,法律、道德、國內政治和權力政治等動機的相關權重是什麼?
      What has been the relative weight of legal, ethical, domestic political, and power political, motives in great power decisions to intervene in civil wars?
    2. 2.預防性外交是否避免內戰的合理政策?或者至少是有時與這種戰爭有關聯的最壞的過分行為?
      Is Preventive Diplomacy a reasonable policy tool to avoid civil wars, or at least the worst excesses sometimes associated with such wars?
    3. 3.內戰的早期預警問題和他們的人道主義過分行為可以解決嗎?
      Can the Early Warning problem for civil wars and their humanitarian excesses be solved?
    4. 4.聯盟政治是如何影響要干預的決定?
      How did alliance politics affect decisions to intervene?
    5. 5.不同的強權處理內戰的方式是否有體系差異?為什麼?
      Are there any systematic differences in the ways that different great powers approach civil wars? Why?
    6. 6.哪些類型的軍事武力,和什麼類型的軍事策略看起來是對內戰最有用的干預?
      Which types of military force, and what types of military strategy seem to be most useful for intervention into civil wars?
    7. 7.對內戰的外部干預最好被看作是威懾問題還是高壓政治問題?
      Is external intervention into civil wars best thought of as a deterrence problem or a coercion problem?
    8. 8.在他們的干預中,國家把政治和軍事成分綜合得怎麼樣?
      How well have states integrated the political and military components of their interventions?
    9. 9.現代干預的聯盟性質如何影響了這些干預的實行或結果?
      How has the coalition nature of modern interventions affected the conduct or outcome of these interventions?
    10. 10.如果我們在1990年已用心研究,冷戰和早期的強權軍事干預內戰的歷史教訓了
      What would Cold War and earlier history of great power intervention into civil wars have taught us, had we bothered to examine it in 1990?
    11. 11.局外人考慮干預時,保持中立相對於選擇一方,兩者有哪些相對的優點?
      What are the relative merits of neutrality vs. choosing sides for outsiders considering intervention?
    12. 12.干預者社會中的國內政治是如何影響干預決定的?
      How does domestic politics in the intervener's society affect decisions to intervene?
    13. 13.在干預之前,"撤退政策"的觀念是合理的策略,還是欺騙懷疑論者的愚笨廢話?
      Is the notion of an "exit strategy" before one intervenes, sound strategy or fatuous nonsense invented to gull skeptics?
    14. 14.與其他種類的戰爭相比,內戰是否產生更多戰爭罪行,還是違背更多國際人道主義法律?它們是否特別具破壞性或邪惡?
      Do civil wars produce more war crimes or violations of international humanitarian law than other kinds of wars? Are they particularly destructive or vicious?