


    除了課程使用的閱讀書目,注意下面的每週閱讀。In addition to the bibliography of readings used in the course, see the readings by week below.

    必讀課本Required Texts

    Pape, Robert,《為勝利而轟炸:空軍實力和戰爭中的威壓》Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996. ISBN: 0521007801.

    Pape, Robert. Bombing to Win: Air Power and Coercion in War. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996. ISBN: 0521007801.

    Judah, Tim,《科索沃:戰爭和報復》New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0300083548.

    Judah, Tim. Kosovo: War and Revenge. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0300083548.

    Kuperman, Alan J.《人道主義干預的限制:盧旺達的種族屠殺》Washington, DC: Brookings, 2001. ISBN: 0815700857.

    Kuperman, Alan J. The Limits of Humanitarian Intervention: Genocide in Rwanda. Washington, DC: Brookings, 2001. ISBN: 0815700857.

    Burg, Steven L. 《波士尼亞-黑塞哥維那的戰爭:種族紛爭和國際干預》 Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1999. ISBN: 1563243083.

    Burg, Steven L. The War in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ethnic Conflict and International Intervention. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1999. ISBN: 1563243083.

    Lyons, Terrence, and Ahmed Samatar. 《索馬利亞: 國家崩壞,多國干預,和政治重建的策略》 Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1995. ISBN: 0815753519.

    Lyons, Terrence, and Ahmed Samatar. Somalia: State Collapse, Multilateral Intervention, and Strategies for Political Reconstruction. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1995. ISBN: 0815753519.

    Bowden, Mark. 《黑鷹計畫:一個現代戰爭的故事》New American Library, 2001. ISBN: 0029160014.(譯注:譯名據同名電影)

    Bowden, Mark. Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War. NY: New American Library, 2001. ISBN: 0029160014.

    每週閱讀Readings by Week


    WEEK # 課程單元 閱讀資料
    1 導讀
    2 主要干預者和他們的政策偏好
    Key Intervenors and Their Policy Preferences
    US Intervention During the Cold War 

    Scott, James M.《決定干預:雷根理念和美國外交政策》
    Scott, James M. Deciding to Intervene: The Reagan Doctrine and American Foreign Policy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996, pp. 14-39.

    United States and Grand Strategy After the Cold War

    Krauthammer, Charles.〈單極時刻〉 《外交事務》70期,1號(1991):23-33頁

    Krauthammer, Charles. "The Unipolar Moment." Foreign Affairs 70, no. 1 (1991): 23-33.

    Posen, Barry.〈美國大策略的競爭景象〉《國際安全》21期,3號(1996/1997年冬):5-53頁
    Posen, Barry. "Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategies." International Security 21, no. 3 (Winter 1996/1997): 5-53.

    United States

    Miller, Benjamin.〈冷戰後時期美國軍事干預的邏輯〉《當代安全政策》19期,3號,(1998年12月)72-109頁
    Miller, Benjamin. "The Logic of U.S. Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era." Contemporary Security Policy 19, no. 3, (December 1998): 72-109.

    Daalder, Ivo.〈知道什麼時候說不:美國維護和平的政策發展〉于William Durch 編輯《20世紀90年代聯合國維持和平,美國政治和不文明戰爭》NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996, 35-67頁
    Daalder, Ivo. "Knowing When to Say No: The Development of US Policy For Peacekeeping." In UN Peacekeeping, American Politics, and the Uncivil Wars of the 1990s. Edited by William Durch. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996, pp. 35-67.


    Crocker, Chester.〈拉攏失敗的國家〉《外交事務》82期,5號(2003年9/10月):32-44頁

    Crocker, Chester. "Engaging Failing States." Foreign Affairs 82, no. 5 (September/October 2003): 32-44.

    Smith, Tony. 〈為干預辯護〉《外交事務》73期,6號(1994年11/12月):34-46頁
    Smith, Tony. "In Defense of Intervention." Foreign Affairs 73, no. 6 (November/December 1994): 34-46.

    Solarz, Stephen J.和 Michael O'Hanlon. 〈人道主義干預:武力什麼時候是正當的?〉《華盛頓季刊》20(1997):3-14頁
    Solarz, Stephen J., and Michael O'Hanlon. "Humanitarian Intervention: When is Force Justified?" Washington Quarterly 20 (1997): 3-14.


    Stedman, Stephen John. 〈新的干預主義者〉《外交事務》72期(1993):1-16頁

    Stedman, Stephen John. "The New Interventionists." Foreign Affairs 72 (1993): 1-16.

    Mandelbaum, Michael. 〈外交政策作為社會工作〉《外交事務》(1996年1/2月):16-32頁
    Mandelbaum, Michael. "Foreign Policy as Social Work." Foreign Affairs (January/February 1996): 16-32.


    Smouts, Marie-Claude. 〈維持和平行運的政治方面〉于Brigitte Stern 編輯《聯合國維持和平行運:法國政策》NY: United Nations University, 1998, 7-39頁

    Smouts, Marie-Claude. "Political Aspects of Peace-Keeping Operations." In United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations: French Policies. Edited by Brigitte Stern. NY: United Nations University, 1998, pp. 7-39.


    Gill, Bates與James Reilly.〈主權,干預和維持和平:北京的觀點〉《倖存》42期,3號,(2000年秋):41-60頁

    Gill, Bates, and James Reilly. "Sovereignty, Intervention and Peacekeeping: The View from Beijing." Survival 42, no. 3, (Autumn 2000): 41-60.

    United Nations

    Roberts, Adam.〈從三藩市到塞拉耶佛:聯合國和武力的使用〉《倖存》 37期,4號(1995-1996年冬):7-28頁
    Roberts, Adam. "From San Francisco to Sarajevo: The UN and the Use of Force." Survival 37, no. 4 (Winter 1995-1996): 7-28.
    3 內部衝突理論:起源,本性和範圍
    Theories of Internal Conflicts: Origins, Nature and Extent

    Extent of Internal Conflicts

    Eriksson, Mikael, Peter Wallensteen和Margareta Sollenberg.〈武裝衝突,1989-2002年〉《和平研究期刊》40期,5號(2003年9月):593-607頁

    Eriksson, Mikael, Peter Wallensteen, and Margareta Sollenberg. "Armed Conflict, 1989-2002." Journal of Peace Research 40, no. 5 (September 2003): 593-607.

    Origin of Internal Conflicts

    Evera, Steven Van和Daniel Byman. 〈他們為什麼戰開:對當代極端衝突起因的假設〉《安全研究》7期,3號(1998年春):1-50頁
    Evera, Steven Van, and Daniel Byman. "Why They Fight: Hypotheses on the Causes of Contemporary Deadly Conflict." Security Studies 7, no. 3 (Spring 1998): 1-50.


    O'Brien, Connor Cruise.〈年代的憤怒:民族主義原始的根源〉《外交事務》72期,5號(1993年11/12月):142-149頁
    O'Brien, Connor Cruise. "The Wrath of Ages: Nationalism's Primordial Roots." Foreign Affairs 72, no. 5 (November/December 1993): 142-149.

    Rotten Elites

    Brown, Michael E.〈內部衝突的起因〉於Michael E. Brown編輯《民族主義和種族衝突》Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1-31頁
    Brown, Michael E. "The Causes of Internal Conflicts." In Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict. Edited by Michael E. Brown. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997, pp. 1-31.


    Mueller, John.〈'種族戰爭'的陳腔腐調〉 《國際安全》25期,1號(2000年夏):42-70頁
    Mueller, John. "The Banality of 'Ethnic War'." International Security 25, no. 1 (Summer 2000): 42-70.

    Browning, Christopher.《平凡人:後備警隊101和波蘭的最終解決方案》New York: HarperCollins, 1992,159-192頁
    Browning, Christopher. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. New York: HarperCollins, 1992, pp. 159-192.

    Security Dilemma

    Posen, Barry.〈安全的困局和種族衝突〉《倖存》35期,1號(1993年):27-47頁

    Posen, Barry. "The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict." Survival 35, no. 1 (1993): 27-47.

    Nature of Internal Conflicts

    Weiner, Myron.〈壞鄰居,鄰里的壞關係:調查難民潮的起因〉《國際安全》21期,1號(1996年夏):5-42頁

    Weiner, Myron. "Bad Neighbors, Bad Neighborhoods: An Inquiry into the Causes of Refugee Flows." International Security 21, no. 1 (Summer 1996): 5-42.


    〈重大武裝衝突〉於《2000年斯德歌爾摩國際和平研究所年鑒:軍備,裁軍和國際安全》Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

    "Major Armed Conflicts." In SIPRI Yearbook 2000: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

    Valentino, Benjamin.〈最終解答:大屠殺和種族殺戮的起因〉《安全研究》9期,3號(2000年春):1-62頁
    Valentino, Benjamin. "Final Solutions: The Causes of Mass Killing and Genocide." Security Studies 9, no. 3 (Spring 2000): 1-62.

    4 醫生、律師和記者
    Doctors, Lawyers, and Journalists

    Early Warning and Preventive Diplomacy

    Betts, Richard.《突襲:國防計畫的教訓》 華盛頓特區:Washington, DC: Brookings Institution,1982年,87-149頁
    Betts, Richard. Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1982, pp. 87-149.

    Stedman, Stephen. 〈世界新秩序的魔法〉《外交事務》(1995年5/6月):14-21頁
    Stedman, Stephen. "Alchemy for a New World Order." Foreign Affairs (May/June 1995): 14-21.

    Lund, Michael.〈低估預防外交〉 《外交事務》 (1995年7/8月):160-163頁
    Lund, Michael. "Underrating Preventive Diplomacy." Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995): 160-163.

    Atwood and Stedman letters in Foreign Affairs (September/October 1995): 189-191.

    Harff, Barbara與Ted Robert Gurr.〈人道主義緊急事件的系統預警〉《和平研究期刊》35期,5號(1998年):551-579頁
    Harff, Barbara, and Ted Robert Gurr. "Systematic Early Warning of Humanitarian Emergencies." Journal of Peace Research 35, no. 5 (1998): 551-579.

    Demars, William.〈等待預警:冷戰後的人道主義行動〉《難民研究期刊》8期,4號(1995):390-410頁
    Demars, William. "Waiting for Early Warning: Humanitarian Action After the Cold War." Journal of Refugee Studies 8, no. 4 (1995): 390-410.

    De Waal,Alex與Larry Minear.〈對Demars的反應〉《難民研究期刊》8期,4號(1995):411-417頁
    De Waal, Alex, and Larry Minear. "Responses to Demars." Journal of Refugee Studies 8, no. 4 (1995): 411-417.

    The Role of the Media

    Strobel,Warren.〈美國有線新聞網路效應〉 《美國新聞業評論》(1996年5月):32-34頁

    Strobel, Warren. "The CNN Effect." American Journalism Review (May 1996): 32-34.

    Livingston, Steven.《澄清美國有線新聞網路效應》Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, 1997年6月,第18頁
    Livingston, Steven. Clarifying the CNN Effect. Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, June 1997, pp. 18.

    Growing, Nik.《媒體報導:衝突預防中的幫助還是妨礙?》紐約:防止極端衝突的卡內基委員會,1997年,第41頁
    Gowing, Nik. Media Coverage: Help or Hindrance in Conflict Prevention? NY: Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, 1997, pp. 41.

    Bob, Clifford. The Marketing of Rebellion in Global Civil Society: Political Insurgencies, International Media, and Growth of Transnational Support.PhD Thesis, MIT, 1997, pp. 11-36.

    The Role of Non Government Organizations (NGOs)

    Minear,Larry和Philippe Guillot.《去營救的士兵:盧安達的人道主義教訓》巴黎:經濟合作與發展組織,1996年,33-51頁
    Minear, Larry, and Philippe Guillot. Soldiers to the Rescue: Humanitarian Lessons from Rwanda. Paris: OECD, 1996, pp. 33-51.

    Weiss,Thomas.〈非政府組織和內部衝突〉於Michael E. Brown 編輯《內部衝突的國際尺度》Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996年,435-460頁
    Weiss, Thomas. "Nongovernmental Organizations and Internal Conflict." In The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict. Edited by Michael E. Brown. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996, pp. 435-460.

    International Law

    Roberts, Adam與Richard Guelff.〈防止及懲治滅絕種族罪公約(1948)〉《戰爭法文件》London: Oxford University Press, 2000年,179-188頁
    Roberts, Adam, and Richard Guelff. "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948)." In Documents on the Laws of War. London: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 179-188.

    The Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949. Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

    Roberts, Adam與Richard Guelff.〈對1949年8月12日的日內瓦公約的附加議定書,關於非國際性武裝衝突受難者的保護(第二議定書)(1997年6月8日)〉《戰爭法文件》London: Oxford University Press, 2000年,481-498頁
    Roberts, Adam, and Richard Guelff. "Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II) (8 June 1977)". In Documents on the Laws of War. London: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 481-498.

    Evans, Malcolm編輯〈關於難民地位公約(1951)和難民地位議定書(1967)〉《Blackstone國際法檔》第三版,London: Blackstone Press, 1991年,73-85頁
    Evans, Malcolm, ed. "Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (1967)." In Blackstone's International Law Documents. 3rd Ed. London: Blackstone Press, 1991, pp. 73-85.

    United Nations Charter. Chapters VI and VII.

    Ryniker, Anne. "The ICRC's Position on 'Humanitarian Intervention'." International Review of the Red Cross 83, no. 842, (June 2001): 527-532.

    Bass, Gary J.《抑制復仇的手:戰爭罪犯法庭的政治》普林斯頓:普林斯頓大學出版社,2000年。〈導讀〉和〈結論〉,3-36頁,276-285頁
    Bass, Gary J. Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. Introduction and Conclusion, pp. 3-36, 276-285.

    Brown, Bartram. 〈國際刑事法庭的法令:過去,現在和未來〉於Sarah Sewall和Carl Kaysen編輯《美國和國際刑事法庭:國家安全和國際法》Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000年,61-84頁
    Brown, Bartram. "Statute of the ICC: Past, Present and Future." In The United States and the International Criminal Court: National Security and International Law. Edited by Sarah Sewall and Carl Kaysen. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000, pp. 61-84.

    Ethics, Morals and Norms

    The Responsibility to Protect: Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty.
     Ottawa, Ontario: International Development Research Centre, 2001, pp. 2, 7-21, 69-85.

    Hoffmann, Stanley. 〈軍事干預的政治和道德〉《倖存》37期,4號(1995-1996年冬):29-51頁
    Hoffmann, Stanley. "The Politics and Ethics of Military Intervention." Survival 37, no. 4 (Winter 1995-1996): 29-51.

    Chopra, Jarat, 與Thomas G. Weiss.〈主權不再神聖:將人道主義者干預編成法典〉《道德和國際事務》6期(1992年):95-117頁
    Chopra, Jarat, and Thomas G. Weiss. "Sovereignty Is No Longer Sacrosanct: Codifying Humanitarian Intervention." Ethics & International Affairs 6 (1992): 95-117.

    5 策略和干預
    Strategy and Intervention

    Deterrence and Coercion

    Schelling, Thomas C.《武器和影響力》New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,1996,69-91頁
    Schelling, Thomas C. Arms and Influence. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966, pp. 69-91.

    Pape, Robert.《為勝利而轟炸:戰爭中的空軍力量和高壓政治》Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996年,1-86頁
    Pape, Robert. Bombing to Win: Air Power and Coercion in War. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996, pp. 1-86.

    Shimshoni, Jonathan. 《以色列和傳統震懾手段:從1953年到1970年的邊境戰事》Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988年,5-30頁
    Shimshoni, Jonathan. Israel and Conventional Deterrence: Border Warfare from 1953 to 1970. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988, pp. 5-30.

    Exit Strategy

    Rose, Gideon.〈撤退策略的錯覺〉《外交事務》77期,1號,(1998年1/2月):56-67奇
    Rose, Gideon. "The Exit Strategy Delusion." Foreign Affairs 77, no. 1, (January/February 1998): 56-67.

    Typology of Military Interventions

    Posen, Barry R.〈對難民災難的軍事反應〉《國際安全》21期,1號,(1996年夏):72-111頁
    Posen, Barry R. "Military Responses to Refugee Disasters." International Security 21, no. 1 (Summer 1996): 72-111.

    Conditions for Success

    Kaufmann, Chaim.〈對種族和意識形態內戰的干預:為什麼一個可以而另一個不行呢?〉《安全研究》6期,1號(1996年秋):62-100頁
    Kaufmann, Chaim. "Intervention in Ethnic and Ideological Civil Wars: Why One Can be Done and the Other Can't." Security Studies 6, no. 1 (Autumn 1996): 62-100.

    Walter, Barbara.〈解決內戰的關鍵阻礙〉《國際組織》51期,1號(1997年夏):335-364頁
    Walter, Barbara. "The Critical Barrier to Civil War Settlement." International Organization 51, no. 1 (Summer 1997): 335-364.

    Betts, Richard K,〈不偏不倚干預的錯覺〉 《外交事務》(1994年11/12月):22-23
    Betts, Richard K. "The Delusion of Impartial Intervention." Foreign Affairs (November/December 1994): 20-33.

    Seybolt, Taylor.〈什麼導致人道主義軍事干預起作用〉斯德哥爾摩:斯德哥爾摩國際和平研究所草稿檔,未標日期,共23頁
    Seybolt, Taylor. "What Makes Humanitarian Military Intervention Effective." Draft Paper (Stockholm: SIPRI, undated), 23 pages.


    Berdal, Matts.〈沒有汲取的教訓:20世紀90年代在'和平行運'中使用武力〉《國際維持和平》7期,4號(2000年冬):55-74頁
    Berdal, Matts. "Lessons Not Learned: The Use of Force in 'Peace Operations' in the 1990s." International Peacekeeping 7, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 55-74.

    "Doctrine, Strategy and Decision-Making for Peace Operations." In Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (Brahimi Report). 2000, 11 pages.

    6 外部干預和武力的使用
    External Intervention and the Use of Force
    Force Projection Requirements and Capabilities

    United States

    Department of Defense. Annual Report to the President and the Congress. Washington, DC: GPO, 2001, pp. 49-88.

    Quinlivan, James T. 〈在穩定性行動中的武力需求〉《限制因素》1995-1996年冬,59-69頁
    Quinlivan, James T. "Force Requirements in Stability Operations." In Parameters. Winter 1995-1996, pp. 59-69.

    Shafer, D. Michael.《極端的範例:美國反叛亂政策的失敗》Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,1998年,115-132頁
    Shafer, D. Michael. Deadly Paradigms: The failure of U.S. Counterinsurgency Policy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. 115-132.

    Langewiseche, William.〈和平是地獄〉 《大西洋月刊》(2001年10月):51-80頁
    Langewiseche, William. "Peace Is Hell." The Atlantic Monthly (October 2001): pp. 51-80.

    Adams, Thomas K.《美國特種部隊在行動中:非傳統戰爭的挑戰》London: Frank Cass, 1998年,1-26頁
    Adams, Thomas K. US Special Operations Forces in Action: The Challenge of Unconventional Warfare. London: Frank Cass, 1998, pp. 1-26.

    Greenhill, Kelly M. 〈論阻止極端衝突的干預:警戒的預期分析〉《突破》2001年春,36-44頁
    Greenhill, Kelly M. "On Intervention to Deter Deadly Conflict: A Cautionary Prospective Analysis." In Breakthroughs. Spring 2001, pp. 36-44.


    Burbach, David T. 〈準備行動?歐洲維和行動能力〉《突破》1997年春,10-19頁
    Burbach, David T. "Ready for Action? European Capabilities for Peace Operations." In Breakthroughs. Spring 1997, pp. 10-19.

    Yost, David S. 〈北約的能力差距和歐盟〉 《倖存》 42期,4號(2000年冬):97-128頁
    Yost, David S. "The NATO Capabilities Gap and the European Union." Survival 42, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 97-128.


    Congressional Budget Office. Moving U.S. Forces: Options for Strategic Mobility. February 1997.

    Military Perspectives on Intervention

    Johnson, Jay L. 與Charles Krulak.〈美國利益必要的前進狀態〉《國防部演講》11 期,100號,1996年。
    Johnson, Jay L., and Charles Krulak. "Forward Presence Essential to U.S. Interests." Department of Defense Speeches 11, no. 100, 1996.

    Morillon, Phillipe. 〈實地戰爭的軍事方面〉Brigitte Stern編輯《聯合國維持和平行動:法國政策指南》NY: United Nations University Press, 1998年,83-106頁。
    Morillon, Phillipe. "The Military Aspects of Field Operations." In United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations: A Guide to French Policies. Edited by Brigitte Stern. NY: United Nations University Press, 1998, pp. 83-106.

    United Kingdom Ministry of Defence. Defence Review 2001: Policy Priorities, 2001, 6 pages.

    Corum, James S. 〈空軍軍力和強制和平〉《空軍軍力期刊》(1996年冬):10-25頁
    Corum, James S. "Airpower and Peace Enforcement." Airpower Journal (Winter 1996): 10-25.


    Bash, Brooks L.〈空軍軍力和維持和平《空軍軍力期刊》9期(1995年春):66-78頁
    Bash, Brooks L. "Airpower and Peacekeeping." Airpower Journal 9 (Spring 1995): 66-78.

    Metz, Steven.〈制空權在聯合國維持和平中的作用《空軍軍力期刊》(1993年冬)
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    9 波士尼亞-克羅地亞
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    10 盧安達

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    11 科索沃
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    12 學生陳述
    Student Presentations
    13 學生陳述(續)
    Student Presentations (cont.)
    14 總結