



    第一份書面報告(5頁):中國問題/華人的追尋之旅(The “Chinese Question”) (註1)
    Paper #1 (5 pages): The "Chinese Question"

    探討媒體、文學與其它歷史文獻中,有關十九世紀中國移民潮的正反論述,這些正反論述是如何架構的(在經濟、文化、宗教、道德、健康、性別、法律等層面)? 注意有些人本身不見得是擁華(pro-Chinese)的,而是反排華(anti-anti-Chinese)的煽動者。

    Discuss arguments for and against Chinese immigration in the nineteenth century, as expressed in the media, literature, and other historical documents of the time. How were arguments for and against the Chinese framed (in economic, cultural, religious, moral, health, sexual, legal, etc. terms)? Remember that some people were not necessarily pro-Chinese, per se, but anti-anti-Chinese agitators.


    Use at least one source from the historical documents we read for Week 4, and one source from the literature we read for Week 3 (or use a political cartoon, or film). Think about how the imagery used in fiction (or cartoons/film) relates to the discourse used in the other historical sources.

    再從圖書館或網路搜尋一份關於十九世紀亞裔美國人的資料,可以是卡通影片、相片、文件或是統計資料等,它可能與中國問題(the “Chinese Question”)有直接或間接的關係,(例如你可能找到一份主張日本人是較優越的移民這樣的資料),你要利用搜尋所得的資料,去佐證你選用的課堂閱讀資料。

    Find one additional source through the libraries or WWW concerning Asian Americans in the 19c. This could be a cartoon, photograph, a written document, or statistical information, etc. The source may relate directly, or indirectly to the "Chinese question" (you might find a document arguing that Japanese are superior immigrants for example). Use this source to supplement the other sources you have chosen from the class readings.


    You will use 3 kinds of sources in your paper:
    A- historical documents in Week 4 readings
    B- fiction from Week 3, or cartoon, or film (Fu Manchu, etc.)
    C- your own source your find using the methods learned at the library workshop


    In addition, write one page describing your source (C). How did you find it? How did you evaluate the reliability? What is the source? How does it shed light on the historical question we are exploring? Attach as an addendum to your paper.

    6 pages total

    (卡普拉 [Frank R. Capra]執導,1933)

    Film List:
    The Mask of Fu Manchu
    Charlie Chan at the Opera
    The Bitter Tea of General Yen

    Films are on reserve in 14N-430, film office.

    Cartoons will be placed on reserve in the Reserve Reading Room at the end of the week.

    第二份書面報告: 亞美文學中的歷史與記憶(總共7頁, 第一部份為5頁, 第二部份為2頁)
    Paper #2 History and Memory in Asian American Literature (7 pages [5 pages + 2 pages])

    Part 1 – 5 Pages

    從閱讀作業中,選定一部亞美文學作品(最多可以比較兩位作家),寫一份5頁的報告,討論作者如何運用歷史與記憶來建構亞裔美國人的身分認同。閱讀作業中的作品大多是某種形式的回憶錄(例如:Bulosan, 湯亭亭, Houston) 或是約略以個人回憶錄為基礎 (例如:趙健秀) 所撰寫而成,思考作者為何選擇回憶作為寫作的主題?個人記憶如何與亞裔美國人的歷史連結?歷史記憶又如何形塑個人認同?探討作者如何試圖為在美國的亞洲人與亞裔美國人找到定位?做為美國人代表何種意義?做為亞洲人又是何種意義?請將文學作品與其歷史脈絡相互對應 (就你目前所知的範圍即可,不需另行搜尋資料。可以參考陳素貞書中相關之背景資料。)

    Choose 1 work of Asian American literature from the class list (you may compare 2 writers max). Write a 5 page paper discussing how the author uses history and memory to construct an Asian American identity. Most of the works on the list are memoirs of some sort (Bulosan, Kingston, Houston), or loosely based on personal memoirs (Chin). Think about why the author chooses to write about memory. How does personal memory relate to Asian American history? How does historical memory shape personal identity? Discuss how the author tries to find a place for Asians/Asian Americans in America.  What does it mean to be American? What does it mean to be Asian?Place the work of literature within the historical context of its time (to the best of your knowledge so far. No need for outside research. You can consult the Sucheng Chan book for background).

    ◎ 作者如何處理亞裔美國人不同世代間之關係?
    ◎ 作者有區分「亞裔亞洲人」與「亞裔美國人」嗎?
    ◎ 在你所選定的作品中,性別(gender)算是項議題嗎? 階級(class)也是嗎?
    ◎ 作者是否將自己視為亞裔美國人之代表?或只是一個異質的個體?
    ◎ 作者如何處理族裔間的關係?

    Some questions to think about:
    How does the author deal with relations between the generations?
    Does the author make a distinction between "Asian Asians" and "Asian Americans"?
    Is gender an issue? Class?
    Does the author present him/herself as representative of Asian Americans? Or as an idiosyncratic individual?
    How does the author deal with interethnic relations?


    This should be a critical paper. I don not want long plot summaries. You can assume I have read the books. Use quotations from the book only as EVIDENCE. I will deduct points for plot summary and excessive quotation. Be concise. Make your points succinctly and forcefully.
    See the "Tips for writing papers" handout.

    第二部分: 2頁
    Part 2- 2 pages


    Write a 2 page addendum to your paper in which you talk about your personal reactions to the literature. You can write about several works here, comparing why you liked one piece more than the others, or stick to the one work you chose for your paper. Feel free to express yourself here. This section can be less formal than the 5 page paper.

    Total = 7 pages

    12-point font, double spaced, use margins and page numbers!
    Follow MLA guide for footnote format.

    第三份書面報告: 亞裔美國人泛族裔性之爭論 (總頁數為7頁: 第一部份5頁; 第二部分2頁)
    Paper #3: The Debate over Asian American Panethnicity (7 pages [5 pages + 2 pages])

    (see the passages below)

    Yen Lee Espiritu (亞裔美國人之泛族裔性)和劉柏川(偶然生為亞裔人)展現了對亞美身份認同議題的不同視角。當Espiritu擁護亞裔美國人的泛族裔性時(她接受此概念之可行性及有效性),劉卻對此一概念抱持懷疑的態度。然而,就某些方面而言,他們兩者所謂的亞裔美國人並非迥然不同。兩人皆強調亞裔美國人社群的多樣性,也都承認亞裔美國人是共享政治利益的。但兩人論點主要之分歧在於:Espiritu強調機構體制的運作,而劉則聚焦在文化意涵。兩人的另一項歧異在於Espiritu將「亞裔美國人」視做泛族裔的同義詞;而劉則將「亞裔美國人」一詞看待為種族概念。Espiritu強調亞美身分認同之「偶然性」。由於兩人對「亞裔美國人」一詞解讀不同,因此對於「亞美之身分認同」的形成給了不同結論。

    Yen Lee Espiritu (Asian American Panethnicity) and Eric Liu (The Accidental Asian) present different perspectives on the issue of "Asian American Identity." You might say that Espiritu is a "believer" in Asian American panethnicity (that is, she accepts that viability and usefulness of this concept), while Eric Liu is a "skeptic." Yet, in some ways, what they have to say about Asian Americans is not so different: both emphasize the diversity of the Asian American community, and both acknowledge that Asian Americans have shared political interests. A central difference between the two arises from the fact that Espiritu focuses on institutions, while Liu focuses on culture. Another difference arises from the fact that Espiritu equates the term "Asian American" with the panethnicity concept, while Liu equates the term with the concept of race. Espiritu emphasizes the "accidental" nature of this identity. Therefore, because they take the term "Asian American" to mean different things, they arrive at different conclusions regarding the viability of "Asian American Identity."


    Which side of the debate do you support? Do you agree with Liu or Espiritu? Is Asian American identity feasible in the face of diversity or not? Are there any drawbacks to this panethnic concept? Any benefits?

    A. 寫一份五頁的報告 (提出你的論點,我要看到如「我認為」、「我主張」等字眼。)

    A. Write a 5 page paper (Argue! I want to see the words "I argue that...")


    Step 1 – lay out a brief exposition of their arguments
    Step 2 – use historical and statistical evidence to support your own stance.


    For Step 1:
    Use the excerpts I have given you.


    You may draw on other material from their books, but you must analyzethese passages thoroughly. Otherwise, I take off points.

    在開始分析Espiritu和劉之前,要先解釋族裔根本主義理論(the primordialist theory of ethnicity)與族裔工具主義理論(the instrumentalist theory)(註2)兩者的差異 (用兩句話說明即可!)。

    You will need to explain the difference between the primordialist theory of ethnicity and the instrumentalist theory (two sentences only!) before you get to Espiritu and Liu.


    Espiritu is clearly instrumentalist: she sees "Asian American Identity" as a product of institution building.


    Is Liu a primordialist?


    Which side of the debate do you support?

    請你探討「族裔」(ethinicity) 與「種族」(race) 的不同。並且說明這兩個概念又是如何糾結在一起的?

    Address the difference between "ethnicity" and "race" and show how these concepts are tangled together.


    Generally - "Asian American" = ethnicity
    "Asian" "Yellow" "Brown" = race


    What does "Asian American" or "Asian" mean to Eric Liu? Espiritu? To you?


    This leads to step 2:
    Use evidence from the class to show cases of unity and disunity in the Asian American Community[ies] historically.
    Show how "Asians/Orientals" have been lumped together, and show how they have been distinguished from one another.
    Use census statistics to show common points and diversity.
    Discuss benefits and drawbacks of "unity/lumping".
    Weigh external and internal factors.
    Should Asian Americans "assimilate" or maintain a distinct identity?  Can they ever assimilate?

    Some things to think about:

    劉柏川(Eric Liu)所謂「偶然的亞裔人」涵義為何?

    What does Eric Liu mean by the term "accidental Asian"?
    How does he feel about "assimilation"?

    劉經常將「亞洲人」定義為「白人」的相反詞,那麼Espiritu 又是以哪一族群作為其論述指涉點(註3)? 

    Liu often defines "Asian" in opposition to "White". Which group[s] does Espiritu use has her reference point?


    How do they deal with the question of ethnicity (sometimes called "Asian American subethnicity") v. panethnicity? Are you born with your ethnic identity? Or do you learn it?

    他們如何看待「文化企業家」所扮演的角色 ? 

    How do they treat the question of "cultural entrepreneurs"?

    劉主張無法從「亞裔美國人」中聽見一致的聲音,而Espiritu雖然也承認亞裔美國人沒有一致的聲音 (例如:亞裔美國人幾乎可以被二分成共和黨和民主黨人),但她不認為這是個問題,你認為呢?

    Liu protests that you cannot hear a unitary voice from "Asian Americans." Espiritu acknowledges that there is no unitary voice (for example, Asian Americans are nearly equally divided between Republican and Democrat), but does not see that as a problem. What do you think?




    B部分- 2頁
    B – 2 pages


    Personal statement. Your own thoughts and experiences. Free form.


    Yen Lee Espiritu,亞裔美人之泛族裔性(<>), 第164頁。
    Yen Lee Espiritu, Asian American Panethnicity, p. 164.

    建構與維持亞洲人的泛族裔性(“Constructing and Sustaining Asian Panethnicity”):
    Constructing and Sustaining Asian Panethnicity

    「族裔根本主義論者與族裔工具論者對於族裔文學的爭論,主要在於雙方如何解釋族裔團體的發展與延續,是內在的文化性因素或外在的結構性因素較為重要。目前的研究指出,至少就其起源來說,泛亞族裔性並非由文化上血緣關係(cultural bonds) 形成的,而是一種物質性、政治性、和社會過程的產物,意即亞裔美國人聚集在一起,是因為認同泛亞聯盟在保護與促進他們自身利益時,扮演重要、甚至不可或缺的角色。即便如此,這並不表示泛亞族裔性這個概念不具有文化意涵和情感,相反的,當泛族裔團體在某些狀況下順勢而生時,雖不見得就能從此延續(見Cornell 1988b),但一旦成立,這些泛族裔團體會透過制度、領導者和人脈來衍生與轉變泛族裔的文化與意識。在這個過程中,泛族裔概念有了自主性、能夠自行滋長,經過一段時間,泛族裔概念甚至可能超脫當初創造它的情勢和利益,轉而創造能讓其自身延續和重生的形勢。」

    "The primordialist-instrumentalist debate in the ethnicity literature is primarily a debate over the relative importance of internal, cultural factors as opposed to external, structural factors in explaining the development and maintenance of ethnic groups. The present study indicates that, at least in its origin, pan-Asian ethnicity was the product of material, political, and social processes rather than cultural bonds. Asian Americans came together because they recognized that pan-Asian alliance was important, even essential, for the protection and advancement of their interests. But this is not to say that pan-Asian ethnicity is devoid of culture and sentiment. On the contrary, while panethnic groups may be circumstantially created, they are not circumstantially sustained (see Cornell 1988b). Once established, the panethnic group – through its institutions, leaders, and networks - produces and transforms panethnic culture and consciousness. In the process, the panethnic idea becomes autonomous, capable of replenishing itself. Over time, it may even outlive the circumstances and interests that produced it, creating conditions that sustain and revivify it."

    劉柏川(Eric Liu),偶然生為亞裔人, (<>),第73-74頁:
    Eric Liu, The Accidental Asian, pp. 73-74.

    「與其說亞裔美國人是一個種族,不如說它是一個聯盟 - 有如一個覆蓋著各種利益的黃棕色帳棚。這些利害關係雖然對部分議題看法一致(例如:反歧視、開放移民),卻又在其它許多方面意見分歧。畢竟這個擁有一千萬人口的「社群」涵蓋了幾十個族裔,而這些族裔的根源又橫跨美國和全球,其家庭在美國定居的時間有少過一個星期的也有超過一世紀的,其政治信念囊括了所有的意識形態,組成分子包括接受社會福利援助的母親、大富豪、軍人、醫生、教徒、無宗教信仰者,在如此紛亂吵雜聲中,只能以選擇性失聰的方式才能聽到一致的聲音。」

    "Asian Americans belong not to a race so much as to a confederation, a big yellow-and-brown tent that covers a panoply of interests. And while those interests converge usefully on some points – antidescrimination, open immigration – they diverge on many others. This is a "community," after all, that consists of ten million people of a few dozen ethnicities, who have roots all across America and around the globe, whose families have been here anywhere from less than a week to more than a century, whose political beliefs run the ideological gamut, who are welfare mothers and multimillionaires, soldiers and doctors, believers and pagans. It would take an act of selective deafness to hear, in this cacophony, a unitary voice."

    註1: 原文The “Chinese Question”中的Question具有雙關意義。 因為question可以譯為 問題 及 追尋,又此門課之主題為探討亞裔美國人之身分認同,因此此標題可被解讀為中國移民及其後代(即亞裔美國人)在美國追尋(question)身分認同的過程,而移民也常被移入國(host country,即接收移民之國家)視為一項帶有負面意涵的議題與問題(question) 。

    註2: 族裔根本主義理論(the primordialist theory of ethnicity)與族裔工具主義理論(the instrumentalist theory)兩者差異主要在於對族裔性的看法。簡略的作區分,族裔根本主義論者主張一個人所屬的族裔是由生理決定、無法變動的事實 ; 而族裔工具主義論者則認為人可以自由選擇自己所屬的族裔,而選擇的標準則是能為其帶來最大利益最少成本的族裔。

    註3:以一種文化為指涉點(the point of reference,將注意力集中於諸事件及其過程,經由此類事件與過程,一種文化因持續地接觸,對其他一種文化或諸文化之元素,以接受、重組或抗拒等不同方式發生反應。),也就是說Espiritu的立論是從Asian / White / Asian and White / Asian or White 哪一種文化出發? 她支持其中任一團體嗎?