


    The readings listed below provide the foundation of this course. Click on the links to view abstracts for the journal articles, where available. The readings are arranged by topics. 





    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. 《人類動物行為學》. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989.
    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. Human Ethology. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989.


    Additional General Texts and Treatises

    Darwin, C. 《人類及動物的情緒表達》. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, Phoenix Books, 1965, orig. 1872.
    Darwin, C. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, Phoenix Books, 1965, orig. 1872.

    Lorenz, K. Z. 《動物行為學基礎》. N.Y.: Springer, 1981.
    Lorenz, K. Z. The Foundations of Ethology. N.Y.: Springer, 1981.

    Gallistel, C. R. 《行動的系統:一個新綜合體》. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1980.
    Gallistel, C. R. The Organization of Action: A New Synthesis. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1980.

    Wickler, W. 《性的密碼:動物與人類的社會行為》. 譯者:F. Garvie. Garden City: Doubleday, Anchor Press, 1973.
    Wickler, W. The Sexual Code: The Social Behavior of Animals and Men. Translated by F. Garvie. Garden City: Doubleday, Anchor Press, 1973.

    Wilson, E. O. 《社會生物學:刪節版》. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1980.
    Wilson, E. O. Sociobiology, the Abridged Edition. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1980.

    Maxwell, M., ed. 《社會生物學的想像》. Albany: SUNY Press, 1991.
    Maxwell, M., ed. The Sociobiological Imagination. Albany: SUNY Press, 1991.

    Barash, D. P. 《社會生物學與行為》. 2nd ed. N.Y.: Elsevier, 1982.
    Barash, D. P. Sociobiology and Behavior. 2nd ed. N.Y.: Elsevier, 1982.

    Cockburn, A. 《演化生態學入門》. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 1991.
    Cockburn, A. An Introduction to Evolutionary Ecology. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 1991.

    Krebs, J. R. 和 N. B. Davies, eds. 《行為生態學,一個演化觀點》. 4th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997.
    Krebs, J. R., and N. B. Davies, eds. Behavioural Ecology, an Evolutionary Approach. 4th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 1997.

    Brown, L. 和 J. F. Downhower. 《行為生態學分析:實驗室與田野研究手冊》. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 1988.
    Brown, L., and J. F. Downhower. Analyses in Behavioral Ecology: A Manual for Lab and Field. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 1988.

    Alcock, J. 《動物行為:一個演化觀點》. 5th ed. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 1993.
    Alcock, J. Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach. 5th ed. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 1993.

    Drickamer, L. C., S. H. Vessey 和 D. Meikle. 《動物行為:機制、生態學與演化》. 3rd ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1996.
    Drickamer, L. C., S. H. Vessey, and D. Meikle. Animal Behavior: Mechanisms, Ecology and Evolution. 3rd ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1996.

    Dewsbury, D. A., ed. 《比較心理學的當代議題》. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 1989.
    Dewsbury, D. A., ed. Contemporary Issues in Comparative Psychology. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 1989.

    Gallistel, C. R. 《學習的系統》. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (Bradford Book), 1990.
    Gallistel, C. R. The Organization of Learning. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (Bradford Book), 1990.

    Roitblat, H. L. 《比較認知入門》. N.Y.: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1987.
    Roitblat, H. L. Introduction to Comparative Cognition. N.Y.: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1987.

    Ristau, C. A., 和 P. Marler, eds. 《認知動物行為學:其他動物的心智》. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990.
    Ristau, C. A., and P. Marler, eds. Cognitive Ethology: The Minds of Other Animals. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990.

    Griffin, D. R. 《動物思想》. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1984.
    Griffin, D. R. Animal Thinking. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1984.

    Gallistel, C. R., ed. 《動物認知》. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992. (From Cognition 37, 1-2 (1990)).
    Gallistel, C. R., ed. Animal Cognition. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992. (From Cognition 37, 1-2 (1990)).

    Hediger, H. 《被飼養的野生動物》. N.Y.: Dover, 1964.
    Hediger, H. Wild Animals in Captivity. N.Y.: Dover, 1964.

    ------. 《動物園中的人與動物》. 譯者:G. Vevers and W. Reade. N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1969.
    ------. Man and Animal in the Zoo. Translated by G. Vevers and W. Reade. N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1969.

    Morris, Desmond. 《賞人:人類行為田野研究指南》. (LJM)
    Morris, Desmond. Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behavior. (LJM)

    Marsh, Peter. 《眼對眼:人類如何互動》. 1988. (HM132.E98.1988)
    Marsh, Peter. Eye to Eye: How People Interact. 1988. (HM132.E98.1988)

    Morris, Desmond, et al. 《手勢》. 1979. (BF 591.647 1979).
    Morris, Desmond, et al. Gestures. 1979. (BF 591.647 1979).

    Davitz. 《情緒意義的交流》. 1964. (BF 591.B36).
    Davitz. The Communication of Emotional Meaning. 1964. (BF 591.B36).

    Morris, Desmond. 《嬰兒觀察》. 1991. (LJM)
    Morris, Desmond. Babywatching. 1991. (LJM)

    Omark, Donald F., F. Strayer, 和 Daniel G. Freedman. 《支配關係:人類衝突與社會互動的動物行為學觀點》. (HM106 .D65)
    Omark, Donald F., F. Strayer, and Daniel G. Freedman. Dominance Relation: An Ethological View of Human Conflict and Social Interaction. (HM106 .D65)

    Archer, John. 《動物行為學與人類發展》. (BF713 .A8 1992)
    Archer, John. Ethology and Human Development. (BF713 .A8 1992)

    Hinde, Robert A. 《個體、關係與文化:動物行為學與社會科學的連結》. (HM106 .H55 1987)
    Hinde, Robert A. Individuals, Relationships & Culture: Links Between Ethology and the Social Sciences. (HM106 .H55 1987)

    《人類動物》.多媒體娛樂. (媒體錄影 BF199 .H85 1991) [錄影紀錄]
    The Human Animal. Multimedia Entertainment. (MEDIA VIDEO BF199 .H85 1991) [Video recording]

    Konner, M. 《打結的翅膀:人類心靈的行為限制》. N.Y.: Harper & Row (Harper Colophon Books), 1982, 1990.
    Konner, M. The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit. N.Y.: Harper & Row (Harper Colophon Books), 1982, 1990.




    Additional, More Specialized Books and Articles

    《行為研究的進展》. Vol. 1-18 (1965-1988), N.Y.: Academic Press.
    Advances in the Study of Behavior. Vol. 1-18 (1965-1988), N.Y.: Academic Press.

    Hrdy, S. B. 《阿布的齡猴:雄性與雌性的生殖策略》. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1977.
    Hrdy, S. B. The Langurs of Abu: Female and Male Strategies of Reproduction. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1977.

    Strum, S. C. 《近乎人類:一場通往狒狒世界的旅程》. New York: W.W. Norton, 1987.
    Strum, S. C. Almost Human: A Journey into the World of Baboons. New York: W.W. Norton, 1987.

    Byrne, R. W. 和 A. Whiten. 《狡猾的智力:猴子、猩猩與人類的社交技術與智力演化》. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.
    Byrne, R. W., and A. Whiten. Machiavellian Intelligence: Social Expertise and the Evolution of Intellect in Monkeys, Apes, and Humans. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.

    Cheney, D. L. 和 R. M. Seyfarth. 《猴子如何看世界:進入其他物種的心智》. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1990.
    Cheney, D. L., and R. M. Seyfarth. How Monkeys See the World: Inside the Mind of Another Species. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1990.

    Fossey, D. 《迷霧中的大猩猩》. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.
    Fossey, D. Gorillas in the Mist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.

    Goodall, J. 《剛貝的大猩猩:行為模式》. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1986.
    Goodall, J. The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1986.

    Wrangham, R. W., W. C. McGrew, F. B. M. de Waal 和 P. G. Heltne, eds. 《大猩猩的文化》. Harvard Univ. Press, 1994.
    Wrangham, R. W., W. C. McGrew, F. B. M. de Waal, and P. G. Heltne, eds. Chimpanzee Cultures. Harvard Univ. Press, 1994.

    Moore, Jim. 〈靈長類的女性轉變〉《靈長類動物學國際期刊》5, 6 (1984): 537-589.
    Moore, Jim. "Female Transfer in Primates." International Journal of Primatology5, 6 (1984): 537-589.

    Crawford, Charles 和 Dennis L. Krebs. 《演化心理學手冊:概念、議題與應用》. (BF57 .H36 1998)
    Crawford, Charles, and Dennis L. Krebs. Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology: Ideas, Issues, and Applications. (BF57 .H36 1998)

    Bekoff, Marc. 〈認知動物行學與非人類動物行為的解釋〉. 1995.
    Bekoff, Marc. "Cognitive Ethology and the Explanation of Nonhuman Animal Behavior." 1995.

    ------. 〈認知動物行為學、警覺性、資訊收集和表徵:誰知道是什麼以及為什麼?〉 《行為過程》 35 (1996): 225-237.
    ------. "Cognitive Ethology, Vigilance, Information Gathering, and Representation: Who Might Know What and Why? " Behavioral Processes 35 (1996): 225-237.

    Bekoff, M. 和 C. Allen. 〈認知動物行為學:屠宰者、懷疑論者及擁護者〉 節錄自《擬人論、軼事及動物:國王的新衣?》 Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 1997, pp. 313-334.
    Bekoff, M., and C. Allen. "Cognitive Ethology: Slayers, Skeptics, and Proponents." In Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals: The Emperor's New Clothes? Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 1997, pp. 313-334.

    Bekoff, Marc. 〈認知動物行為學:動物心智的比較研究〉. 節錄自《Blackwell認知科學指南》. Blackwell Publishers, 1995.
    Bekoff, Marc. "Cognitive Ethology: The Comparative Study of Animal Minds." In Blackwell Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell Publishers, 1995.

    Bekoff, Marc. 〈深奧的動物行為學〉.節錄自《親密關係,擁抱自然世界》.Kosmos, (1997).
    Bekoff, Marc. "Deep Ethology." In Intimate Relationships, Embracing the Natural World.Kosmos, (1997).

    Bekoff, Marc 和 Colin Allen. 〈有意圖的溝通與社會遊戲:如何以及為何動物談判及同意遊戲〉.節錄自《動物遊戲:演化的、比較的及生態的觀點》. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
    Bekoff, Marc, and Colin Allen. "Intentional Communication and Social Play: How and Why Animals Negotiate and Agree to Play." In Animal Play: Evolutionary, Comparative, and Ecological Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

    Bekoff, Marc. 〈與遊戲遊戲,我們能學到什麼有關認知、談判及演化?〉.節錄自《心智的演化》. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
    Bekoff, Marc. "Playing with Play What Can We Learn About Cognition, Negotiation, and Evolution?." In The Evolution of Mind. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

    Dittrich, Winand. 〈猴子的世界是科學難以探測的嗎?〉 《行為與腦科學》15 (1992): 152.
    Dittrich, Winand. "Is the Monkeys' World Scientifically Impenetrable?Behavioral and Brain Sciences15 (1992): 152.

    Oliphant, Michael. 〈重新思考語言的瓶頸:為什麼動物無法學會溝通?〉 1988.
    Oliphant, Michael. "Rethinking the Language Bottleneck: Why don't Animals Learn to Communicate?" 1988.

    Suddendorf, Thomas. 〈大猩猩、兒童及祖先的次級表徵〉《行為與腦科學》 21 (1998): 131.
    Suddendorf, Thomas. "Simpler for Evolution: Secondary Representation in Apes, Children, and Ancestors." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1998): 131.

    Moore, Jim. 〈社會生物學與亂倫迴避:關鍵回顧中的關鍵一瞥〉《美國人類學者》 94 (1992): 929-932
    Moore, Jim. "Sociobiology and Incest Avoidance: A Critical Look at a Critical Review." American Anthropologist 94 (1992): 929-932

    Moore, Jim. 〈相互分享的演化〉《動物行為學與社會生物學》 5 (1984): 5-14. 
    Moore, Jim. "The Evolution of Reciprocal Sharing." Ethology and Sociobiology 5 (1984): 5-14. 


    Cross-Cultural Differences or Their Absences

    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. 《人類動物行為學》.. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989.
    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. Human Ethology. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989.

    Hall, Edward T. 《隱藏的向度》. 1966. (BF469.H3)
    Hall, Edward T. The Hidden Dimension. 1966. (BF469.H3)

    ------. 《沉默的語言》. 1981. (HM258.H245 1990)
    ------. The Silent Language. 1981. (HM258.H245 1990)

    〈譯者〉,《科學》. July/Aug. 1985. (SJU Holdings)
    "The Translator." Science. July/Aug. 1985. (SJU Holdings)

    Stewart, Edward C. 《美國文化型態:跨文化觀點》. (E169.1 .S836 1991)
    Stewart, Edward C. American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-cultural Perspective. (E169.1 .S836 1991)

    Philips, Susan Urmston. 《無形的文化:溫暖的春天印地安保留區中教室與社區的交流》. (E97.65.O7 P45 1983)
    Philips, Susan Urmston. The Invisible Culture: Communication in Classroom and Community on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. (E97.65.O7 P45 1983)

    General Non-Verbal Communication

    Lewis, Michael. 《嬰兒對於其照顧者的影響》. Edited by Michael Lewis and Leonard A. Rosenblum. New York: Wiley, 1974. SJU (HQ774 .L45).
    Lewis, Michael. The Effect of the Infant on its Caregiver. Edited by Michael Lewis and Leonard A. Rosenblum. New York: Wiley, 1974. SJU (HQ774 .L45).

    Weitz, Shirley, ed. 《非語言的溝通》. 1979. (BF 637.C45 W38 1979).
    Weitz, Shirley, ed. Nonverbal Communication. 1979. (BF 637.C45 W38 1979).

    Siegman, Aron W. 和 Fieldstein, eds. 《非語言行為及溝通》. 1978. (BF 637.C43 N62).
    Siegman, Aron W., and Fieldstein, eds. Nonverbal Behavior and Communication. 1978. (BF 637.C43 N62).

    Argyle, Michael. 《肢體溝通》. 1988. (BF 637.C45 A73 1988).
    Argyle, Michael. Bodily Communication. 1988. (BF 637.C45 A73 1988).

    Kendon, Adam, Harris 和 Key. 《面對面互動下的行為》. 1975. (BF 637.C45 O73).
    Kendon, Adam, Harris, and Key. Organization of Behavior in Face-to-Face Interaction. 1975. (BF 637.C45 O73).

    Hinde, R. A., ed. 《非語言溝通》. 1972. (BF 637.C45 N65).
    Hinde, R. A., ed. Nonverbal Communication. 1972. (BF 637.C45 N65).

    Knapp, Mark R. 《人類互動中的非語言溝通》. (BF 637.C45 K57 1978).
    Knapp, Mark R. Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction. (BF 637.C45 K57 1978).

    Duncan, Starkey Jr. 和 Fiske. 《面對面的互動:研究方法及理論》. 1977. (BF 637.C45 D86).
    Duncan, Starkey Jr., and Fiske. Face-to-Face Interaction: Research Methods, and Theory. 1977. (BF 637.C45 D86).

    Szasz, Suzanne. 《孩童的肢體語言》. (BF723.C57 S92 1978)
    Szasz, Suzanne. The Body Language of Children. (BF723.C57 S92 1978)

    Davis, Martha. 《肢體動作及非語言溝通:詮釋目錄學》. 1971-1981. (BF295 .Z943 1982)
    Davis, Martha. Body Movement and Nonverbal Communication: An Annotated Bibliography. 1971-1981. (BF295 .Z943 1982)

    Feldman, Robert, ed. 《孩童非語言行為之發展》. N.Y.: Springer-Verlag. 1982. (BF723.C57 D47 1982)
    Feldman, Robert, ed. Development of Nonverbal Behavior in Children. N.Y.: Springer-Verlag. 1982. (BF723.C57 D47 1982)

    Axtell, Roger E. 《可行與禁忌的肢體語言》. (BF637.N66 A88 1998)
    Axtell, Roger E. Gestures: The Do's and Taboos of Body Language around the World. (BF637.N66 A88 1998)

    Knapp, Mark L. 和 R. Gerald. 《Miller 的人際溝通手冊》. (BF637.C45 H287 1994)
    Knapp, Mark L., and R. Gerald. Miller Handbook of Interpersonal Communication. (BF637.C45 H287 1994)

    Portch, Stephen R. 《文學的安靜言語: 非語言溝通》. (PS374.N65 P67 1985)
    Portch, Stephen R. Literature's Silent Language: Nonverbal Communication. (PS374.N65 P67 1985)

    Spiegel, John Paul. 《來自肢體的訊息》. (BF637.C45 S66)
    Spiegel, John Paul. Messages of the Body. (BF637.C45 S66)

    Moroni, Giancarlo. 《我的手伸向了你:祈禱中肢體及雙手的使用》. (BV215 .M6713 1992)
    Moroni, Giancarlo. My Hands Held Out to You: The Use of Body and Hands in Prayer. (BV215 .M6713 1992)

    Eisenberg, Abne M. 《非語言溝通》. (P90 .E35)
    Eisenberg, Abne M. Nonverbal Communication. (P90 .E35)

    Ruesch, Jurgen. 《非語言溝通;人際關係的視覺覺察筆記》. (P90 .R8 1966)
    Ruesch, Jurgen. Nonverbal Communication; Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relation. (P90 .R8 1966)

    Key, Mary Ritchie. 《非語言溝通: 研究指南及目錄》. (REFERENCE P99.5 .K4)
    Key, Mary Ritchie. Nonverbal Communication: A Research Guide & Bibliography. (REFERENCE P99.5 .K4)

    Cooper, Ken. 《商場致勝的非語言溝通》. (HF5386 .C78)
    Cooper, Ken. Nonverbal Communication for Business Success. (HF5386 .C78)

    Papousek, Hanus 和 Uwe Jurgens, Mechthild Papousek. 《非語言的聲音溝通: 比較及發展的取向》. (BF723.C57 N66 1992)
    Papousek, Hanus, and Uwe Jurgens, Mechthild Papousek. Nonverbal Vocal Communication: Comparative and Developmental Approaches. (BF723.C57 N66 1992)

    Segerstrale, Ullica 和 Peter Molnar. 《非語言溝通:: 當自然遇到文化》. (SJU BF637.N66 N66 1997)
    Segerstrale, Ullica, and Peter Molnar. Nonverbal Communication: Where Nature Meets Culture. (SJU BF637.N66 N66 1997)

    Hoggart, Richard. 《關於文化與溝通》. (P90 .H65 1972)
    Hoggart, Richard. On Culture and Communication. (P90 .H65 1972)

    Key, Mary Ritchie. 《副語言與動作學 (非語言溝通),目錄學》. (BF637.C45 K48)
    Key, Mary Ritchie. Paralanguage and Kinesics: (Nonverbal Communication), with a Bibliography. (BF637.C45 K48)

    Jones, Stanley E. 《正確的觸摸:了解並使用身體接觸的語言》. (BF275 .J66 1994)
    Jones, Stanley E. The Right Touch: Understanding and Using the Language of Physical Contact. (BF275 .J66 1994)

    Rosenthal, Robert, et al. 《非語言溝通的感受性:PONS測驗》. (BF637.C45 S43)
    Rosenthal, Robert, et al. Sensitivity to Nonverbal Communication: The PONS Test. (BF637.C45 S43)

    La Russo, Dominic A. 《溝通的影子:非語言向度》. (P99.5 .L3)
    La Russo, Dominic A. The Shadows of Communication: Nonverbal Dimensions. (P99.5 .L3)

    Leathers, Dale G. 《成功的非語言溝通:原則與應用》. (BF637.C45 L435 1986)
    Leathers, Dale G. Successful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications. (BF637.C45 L435 1986)

    Josipovici, Gabriel. 《接觸》. (P99.5 .J67 1996)
    Josipovici, Gabriel. Touch. (P99.5 .J67 1996)

    Szasz, Suzanne. 《兒童的無聲語言》. (BF723.C57 S92 1980)
    Szasz, Suzanne. The Unspoken Language of Children. (BF723.C57 S92 1980)

    《手勢的世界:文化與非語言溝通》.創作生產者:Dane Archer. 指導者:Jon Silver. (VIDEOTAPE CASSETTE P117 .W67 1991) [錄影紀錄]
    A World of Gestures: Culture & Nonverbal Communication. Created & produced by Dane Archer. Directed by Jon Silver. (VIDEOTAPE CASSETTE P117 .W67 1991) [Video recording]

    Sebeok, Thomas A. 和 Alfred S. Hayes. Mary Catherine Bateson. 《符號語言學入門: 文化人類學、教育、語言學、精神病學、心理學;執行》.印第安那大學副語言學與動作學會議, 1962. (P87 .I5 1972)
    Sebeok, Thomas A. 和 Alfred S. Hayes. Mary Catherine Bateson. Approaches to Semiotics: Cultural Anthropology, Education, Linguistics, Psychiatry, Psychology; Transactions. Indiana University Conference on Paralinguistics and Kinesics, 1962. (P87 .I5 1972)

    Nespoulous, Jean-Luc, Paul Perron 和 Andre Roch Lecours. 《手勢的生物基礎:運動與符號學觀點》. (QP360 .B563 1986)
    Nespoulous, Jean-Luc, Paul Perron, and Andre Roch Lecours. The Biological Foundations of Gestures: Motor and Semiotic Aspects. (QP360 .B563 1986)

    Fast, Julius. 《身體語言》. (BF637.C45 F35)
    Fast, Julius. Body language. (BF637.C45 F35)

    Scheflen, Albert E. 《身體語言與社會秩序:溝通是行為控制》. (BF45.C45 S34 1973)
    Scheflen, Albert E. Body Language and the Social Order: Communication as Behavioral Control. (BF45.C45 S34 1973)

    Birdwhistell, Ray L. 1918- 《動作學與脈絡:論說身體語言》. (BF637.C45 B57)
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    Emotion and Facial Expression

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    Sex Differences

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    Hines, Dick. 《禮拜時的穿著:基督徒上教堂時穿什麼》. (BX5141.A1 G75 no.138)
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    Chenoune, Farid. 《男性時尚史》. (GT1710 .C44 1993)
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    Thourlby, William. 《穿著代表你》. 1978. (TT 507.T47)
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    v.3: Selecting good models. (editors: Petsche T, Hanson SJ & Shavlik JW)
    v.4: Making learning systems practical. (ed.: Greiner R)

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    Yoon, S.-Y., Blumberg, B. M. and Schneider, G. E. 2000. Motivation Driven Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents. New York, NY.: ACM Press. Forthcoming.

    Song-Yee Yoon, Robert C. Burke, Bruce M. Blumberg, Gerald E. Schneider. 人造性格的互動式訓練(2000) 會議記錄, pp. 249-254.
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    B. Blumberg, P. Todd and P. Maes (1996) No bad dogs: Ethological lessons for learning. In: From Animals to Animats, Proc. Fourth Intenational Conf on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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    B. Blumberg (1994) Action-selection in hamsterdam: Lessons from ethology. In: From Animals to Animats, Proc. Third International Conf on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

    C. Kline 和 B. Blumberg (1999) 人造性格設計之藝術與科學. 節錄自: Proc. AISB 1999 人工智慧與娛樂及視覺藝術創造力座談會會議記錄, Edinburgh, Scotland.
    C. Kline and B. Blumberg (1999) The art and science of synthetic character design. In: Proc. AISB 1999 Symposium on AI and Creativity in Entertainment and Visual Art, Edinburgh, Scotland.

    Humphrys, Mark. 〈假設性屋內機器人的行動選擇:使用RL數據〉. 摘錄自《第一屆國際ICSC智慧工業自動化技術與軟體座談會會議記錄》. 編輯者 Peter G. Anderson and Kevin Warwick. Reading, England, 1996, pp. 216-222.
    Humphrys, Mark. "Action Selection in a Hypothetical House Robot: Using those RL Numbers." In Proceedings Proceedings of the First International ICSC Symposia on Intelligent Industrial Automation (IIA-96) and Soft Computing. Edited by Peter G. Anderson and Kevin Warwick. Reading, England, 1996, pp. 216-222.

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    ------. "Action Selection Methods using Reinforcement Learning." In Proceedings from Animals to Animats 4: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Edited by Pattie Maes, Maja Mataric, Jean-Arcady Meyer, Jordan Pollack and Stewart W. Wilson. Massachusetts, USA, 1996, pp. 135-144.

    Beaugrand, Jacques P. 〈最初個別差異的相對重要性、勝利與失敗的經驗,以及階層組成的評估準確性〉《行為會議會議記錄》 41 (1997): 177-192.
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    Beauty/Images of Women

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    Art, Music and Dance

    Hanna, Judith Lynne. 《人類舞蹈:一個非語言溝通理論》. (GV1603 .H36)
    Hanna, Judith Lynne. To Dance is Human: A Theory of Nonverbal Communication. (GV1603 .H36)

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    Robinson, Jenefer. 《音樂與意義》. (ML3845 .M96 1997)
    Robinson, Jenefer. Music & Meaning. (ML3845 .M96 1997)

    Signs and Symbols

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    Koch, Rudolf. 《符號之書》. 譯者(原著為德文): Vyvyan Holland. (本書包含所有中世紀人類、早期基督教徒的符號使用方法, 由 Rudolf Koch收集、畫下以及解釋.) (AZ108 .K62 1955)
    Koch, Rudolf. The Book of Signs. Translated from the German by Vyvyan Holland. (The book contains all manner of symbols used from the earliest times to the Middle Ages by primitive peoples and early Christians, collected, drawn and explained by Rudolf Koch.) (AZ108 .K62 1955)

    Liungman, Carl G. 《標誌字典》. 1938. (REFERENCE BL603 .L5413 1991)
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    Bruce-Mitford, Miranda. 《符號與象徵的圖解書》. (REFERENCE AZ108 .B78 1996)
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    Biezais, Haralds. Symposium on Religious Symbols and Their Functions. Turku, Finland, 1978. (Religious symbols and their functions: based on papers read at the Symposium on Religious Symbols and Their Functions, held at Abo on the 28th-30th of August 1978.) (BL603 .S95 1978)

    Smeets, Rene. 《符號、象徵與符飾》. (NK1520 .S613)
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    Schrank, Jeffrey. 《欺騙:藝術洞察之教育者指南》.(HF5822 .S287)
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    Lewis, Michale 和 Carolyn Saarni Lewis. 《日常生活中的謊言與欺騙》. (BF637.D42 L49 1993)
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    Ekman, Paul. 《說謊:謊言、說謊者、被騙者之分析》. New York: Norton, c1985. (CSB BJ1421 .E36 1985 )
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    Persuasion: Advertising, Politics

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