



    One written term paper, including an interim progress report and oral presentation, is required. Below are project topics from past terms of the course. 



    1. 整合環保能源與能源效率::在新英格蘭競爭的電力市場的一個可行選擇?
      Integrating Green Energy and Energy Efficiency: A Viable Option for New England's Competitive Electricity Markets?
    2. 零能源建築:是否在經濟上可行?
      Zero Net Energy Buildings: Are they Economically Feasible?
    3. 綠建築住宅的永續能源選項指引
      A Guide to Sustainable Energy Options for Green Residential Housing
    4. 印度風力能源使用的經驗
      The Use of Wind Energy in India - Lessons Learned
    5. 推廣網柵型小型風力能源轉換系統(SWECS)之障礙:都市區域劃分、建置、維護、和其他實施問題
      Obstacles to the Widespread Use of Grid-Connected Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems (SWECS): Zoning, Installation, Maintenance and Other Issues of Implementation
    6. 環境污染控制政策的選擇及個案研究:道路運輸的替代方案
      Policy Options for Environmental Pollution Control Including a Case Study: Road Transport Alternatives
    7. 核能:在美國與日本的政府政策和民意
      Nuclear Power: Government Policy and Public Opinion in the United States and Japan
    8. 生態效率與永續產品的發展
      Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Product Development
    9. 我們如何達到目標?在市場經濟前提下創造永續性的世界,政府和企業所扮演的角色為何?
      How Can We Get There? The Role of Government and Business in Creating a Sustainable World Given a Market Economy
    10. 分散式發電系統
      Distributed Electricity Generation
    11. 美國農業中的能源利用
      Energy Use in American Agriculture
    12. 中美洲的地熱發電:哥斯大黎加米拉瓦耶斯火山的個案研究
      Geothermal power in Central America: A Case Study of the Miravalles Project, Costa Rica
    13. 再生能源的計劃
      Shell Projects on Renewable Energy
    14. 太陽光電能否在美國能源部門扮演重要角色?
      Can Photovoltaics Play a Significant Role in the U.S. Energy Sector?
    15. 永續能源在汽車工業上的應用:挑戰與機會
      Sustainable Energy Practices in the Automotive Industry: Challenges and Opportunities