L = Lecture
T = Toolbox Lecture
R = Recitation
課 | 課程單元 | 重要日期 |
第一部分:能源背景知識 |
教師授課-1 L-1 |
導論,課程概論及授課方式 Introductions. Subject Overview and Administration 歷史脈絡(「後蒸氣引擎時代」已開發國家的逐步發展,加上低度開發國家能源需求的增長) Historical context (the "post steam engine" evolving growth of the developed countries, superimposed on the growing energy needs of less-developed countries) 更永續的未來能源來源 Energy sources for a more sustainable future 教科書:《永續能源》,試印第二版 Sustainable Energy text, ß--test version |
分發學生資訊系統表格 Distribution of Student Information Systems Forms |
L-2 |
教師授課-2 Overview of Energy Use and Related Issues 能源利用與相關議題概要 Population growth, urbanization, developing countries… 人口增長、都市化、開發中國家…..主要能源選擇;供給與需求的問題 Major energy options; Issues of supply and demand 概述全球能源流的單位與尺度 (quads、MMboe、MW…)、能源轉換(化學能轉變成電能等等….)、及經濟考量 Overview of units and dimensions for global energy flows (quads, MMboe, MW, …), energy conversions (chemical to electric, etc.), and economic considerations |
課程相關工具介紹-1 T-1 |
教師授課-3 L-3 |
永續性、能源、與潔淨技術的背景 Sustainability, Energy, and Clean Technologies in Context 議題;評估架構;永續性的特質、時間和空間尺度、權衡和選擇;不確定性 Issues; Frameworks for evaluation; Sustainability attributes; Time and space scales; Tradeoffs and choices; Uncertainty |
分發複習/實習課程的主題選擇表格 Distribution of Recitation Topic Selection Forms |
教師授課-4 L-4 |
作業#1什麼是永續性? #1 What is sustainability? |
複習/實習課程-1 R-1 |
永續性議題討論 Discussion of Sustainability Issues 技術範疇及可行性分析的實例 Examples of technical scoping and feasibility analysis |
繳交複習/實習課程主題選擇表及學生資訊系統表 Return Recitation Selection and SIS forms
分發學期報告建議題目及表格,以及學期報告時間表和評分標準BR>Distribution of Term Paper Suggested Topics and Forms, and Timetables and Criteria for Term Paper Evaluation |
教師授課-5 L-5 |
第二部分:特定能量技術 |
教師授課-6 L-6 |
概述能源供給之可用性、品質及可靠性,兼論能源儲存的角色 Overview of Energy Supply Availability, Quality and Reliability, and the Role of Energy Storage |
教師授課-7 L-7 |
再生能源技術概論 Overview of Renewable Energy Technologies |
教師授課-8 L-8 |
太陽熱能 Solar Thermal Energy 資源等級與分布;技術、環境、和其他屬性;性能議題(間歇性供給與儲存需求);經濟預測 Resource grade and distributions; Technical, environmental and other attributes; Performance issues (intermittent supply and storage needs); Economic projections |
課程相關工具介紹-2 T-2 |
作業#2能源的來源與耗竭 #2 Energy resources and depletion |
教師授課-9 L-9 |
國際間關於減緩全球暖化現象的努力 International Efforts to Abate Global Warming |
繳交學期報告主題選擇表 Term paper topic selection forms due |
教師授課-10 L-10 |
發還學期報告主題選擇表及教師評論 Term paper topic selection forms returned with comments |
教師授課-11 L-11 |
風力 Wind Power 可靠性和潛力;環境和社會效應;生命週期考量;經濟預測 Reliability and potential; Environmental and societal effects; Life cycle aspects; Economic projections |
複習/實習課程-2 R-2 |
問題討論時間:資源評估與耗竭之分析 Problem Session: Resource Evaluation, Depletion Analyses |
複習/實習課程任務分配與分發作業 Recitation "charges" and assignments distributed |
課程相關工具介紹-3 T-3 |
作業#3能源經濟 #3 Energy economics |
課程相關工具介紹-4 T-4 |
作業#4需求、供應、以及儲存的概念 #4 Demand, supply and storage concepts |
複習/實習課程-3 R-3 |
問題討論時間:需求、供應及儲存的概念 Problem Session: Demand, Supply and Storage Concepts |
教師授課-12 L-12 |
核融合科技 Fusion Energy Technologies |
複習/實習課程-4 R-4 |
問題討論時間:能源經濟以及經濟評估 Problem Session: Energy Economics and Economic Assessments |
教師授課-13 L-13 |
生質能 Biomass Energy 資源類型與需求;技術、環境、和其他特徵;土地利用(生態壓力、與食物和飲水供應的土地使用競爭、表土侵蝕,職業危害);生命週期的能源密度;能源應用選擇;經濟預測 Resource types and requirements; Technical, environmental and other characteristics; Land use (ecological stress, competition with food and water use, topsoil erosion, occupational hazards); Life cycle energy intensity; Utilization options; Economic projections |
課程相關工具介紹-5 T-5 |
作業#5能源輸送及轉換 #5 Energy transfer and conversion |
教師授課-14 L-14 |
地熱能源 Geothermal Energy 資源的類型和規模;技術、環境、社會和經濟議題;鑽探技術;地下儲水系統;;熱能與電力轉換技術;未來的機會 Resource types and Magnitudes; Technical, environmental, societal and economic issues; Drilling technologies; Subsurface reservoir systems; Heat and power conversion technologies; Future opportunities |
複習/實習課程-5 R-5 |
問題討論時間:能源輸送及轉換 Problem Session: Energy Transfer and Conversion |
課程相關工具介紹-6 T-6 |
作業#6能源效率與動力循環 進一步討論學期報告及個案研究之要求 |
教師授課-15 L-15 |
複習/實習課程-6 R-6 |
問題討論時間能源效率與動力循環 Problem Session: Energy Efficiency and Power Cycles |
以一頁的篇幅概述學期報告內容 One-page outline of term paper presentation |
教師授課-16 L-16 |
化石能源(一) Fossil Energy - I 類型和特徵;資源基底;技術及其伴隨之經濟衝擊 Type and characteristics; Resource base; Technologies and associated economics and impacts |
與指導教授老師預約討論學期報告題目 Schedule time with advisor for discussion of term paper topic |
教師授課-17 L-17 |
化石能源(二) Fossil Energy - II 燃料轉換;熱力循環;複循環;合成燃料 Fuel conversion; Power cycles; Combined cycles; Synthetic fuels |
作業#7能源系統分析 #7 Energy system analysis |
複習/實習課程-7 R-7 |
問題討論時間:能源系統分析 Problem Session: Energy System Analysis |
教師授課-18 L-18 |
化石能源(三) Fossil Energy - III 石油生產和供應 Petroleum production and supply |
複習/實習課程-8 R-8 |
個案研究第一組學生-如何減少溫室氣體排放:技術層面 Case Study Student Team #1 - How to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Technically |
教師授課-19 L-19 |
核能-I Nuclear Energy - I 現行技術 Present technologies |
作業#8再生能源系統 #8 Renewable energy systems |
教師授課-20 L-20 |
核能-II Nuclear Energy - II 未來技術和燃料循環 Future technologies and the fuel cycle |
與指導教授討論學期報告完成 Advisor discussions on term paper complete |
複習/實習課程-9 R-9 |
個案研究第二組學生-如何減少溫室氣體排放:美國政策 Case Study Student Team #2 - How to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: US Policy |
作業#9化石能源系統 #9 Fossil energy systems |
複習/實習課程-10 R-10 |
個案研究第三組學生-如何減少溫室氣體排放:工業化國家的政策 Case Study Student Team #3 - How to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Industrialized County Policy |
第三部分:能源選擇評估和權衡評估 |
教師授課-21 L-21 |
教師授課-22 L-22 |
開發中國家的能源議題 Energy Issues in Developing Countries 生質能的角色與農業及其他土地用途的互動;資源和基礎建設發展、經濟限制條件、優先順序的設定 Role of biomass and interactions with agriculture and other land use; Resource and infrastructure development, economic constraints, setting priorities |
教師授課-23 L-23 |
作業#10核能系統 #10 Nuclear systems |
複習/實習課程-11 R-11 |
個案研究第四組學生-如何減少溫室氣體排放:開發中國家的政策 Case Study Student Team #4 - How to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Developing Country Policy |
教師授課-24 L-24 |
繳交學期書面報告 Term papers due |
複習/實習課程-12 R-12 |
個案研究第五組學生-如何使再生能源獲得高市場佔有率:就技術層面而言,要贊同哪一種發電配置方式。 Case Study Student Team #5 - How/Whether to Obtain Large Market Share for Renewable Energy Technologies: What Mix to Favor, Technically |
複習/實習課程-13 R-13 |
個案研究第六組學生-如何使再生能源獲得高市場佔有率:已開發國家的政策促進介紹 Case Study Student Team #6 - How/Whether to Obtain Large Market Share for Renewable Energy Technologies: Developed Country Policies to Facilitate Introduction |
教師授課-26 L-26 |
生態建築 Eco-Buildings 美國和開發中國家;室內空氣品質;智慧型建築;基礎建設整合 US and developing countries; Indoor air quality; Smart buildings; Infrastructure integration |
教師授課-27 L-27 |
永續性發展問題和決策技巧 Sustainable Development Issues and Decision-Making Techniques |
複習/實習課程-14 R-14 |
個案研究第七組學生-如何使再生能源獲得高市場佔有率:開發中國家政策促進介紹 Case Study Student Team #7 - How/Whether to Obtain Large Market Share for Renewable Energy Technologies: Developing Country Policies to Facilitate Introduction |
複習/實習課程-15 R-15 |
個案研究第八組學生-如何減少住宅能源消耗:技術問題 Case Study Student Team #8 - How to Reduce Residential Energy Consumption: Technically |
複習/實習課程-16 R-16 |
個案研究第九組學生-如何減少住宅能源消耗:美國的政策 Case Study Student Team #9 - How to Reduce Residential Energy Consumption: Policy for United States |
複習/實習課程-17 R-17 |
個案研究第十組學生-使用再生能源技術來符合麻省理工學院的能源需求 Case Study Student Team #10 - Using Renewable Energy Technologies to Meet MIT's Energy Needs |
教師授課-28 L-28 |
結尾 Wrap-up |
課程評估與總結 Course Evaluation and Wrap-Up |
Final Exam Week - Scheduled individual oral presentations (30 min) on individual term paper topics.
L = Lecture
T = Toolbox Lecture
R = Recitation
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