Good afternoon, everybody. I've got something to show you. (Laughter) Think about this as a pixel, a flying pixel. This is what we call, in our lab, sensible design. Let me tell you a bit about it. Now if you take this picture -- I'm Italian originally, and every boy in Italy grows up with this picture on the wall of his bedroom. But the reason I'm showing you this is that something very interesting happened in Formula 1 racing over the past couple of decades. Now some time ago, if you wanted to win a Formula 1 race, you take a budget, and you bet your budget on a good driver and a good car. And if the car and the driver were good enough, then you'd win the race. Now today, if you want to win the race, actually you need also something like this -- something that monitors the car in real time, has a few thousand sensors collecting information from the car, transmitting this information into the system, and then processing it and using it in order to go back to the car with decisions and changing things in real time as information is collected. This is what, in engineering terms, you would call a real time control system. And basically, it's a system made of two components -- a sensing and an actuating component.
What is interesting today is that real time control systems are starting to enter our lives. Our cities, over the past few years, just have been blanketed with networks, electronics. They're becoming like computers in open air. And, as computers in open air, they're starting to respond in a different way to be able to be sensed and to be actuated. If we fix cities, actually it's a big deal. Just as an aside, I wanted to mention, cities are only two percent of the Earth's crust, but they are 50 percent of the world's population. They are 75 percent of the energy consumption -- up to 80 percent of CO2 emissions. So if we're able to do something with cities, that's a big deal. Beyond cities, all of this sensing and actuating is entering our everyday objects.
這是來自Paola Antonelli正在策畫的展覽,今年夏季晚些時候在紐約現代藝術博物館舉行,名稱是「跟我說話」。我們的物品、我們的環境已開始向我們回應,在某種意義上,幾乎像是周遭的每個原子都逐漸變成感測器和驅動器,從根本上改變了我們人類和環境的互動,在某種意義上,幾乎像是米開朗基羅的舊時夢想,你知道,當米開朗基羅雕刻摩西,據說結束時,他拿起鐵鎚丟向摩西-事實上,你在底下仍可以看到一塊小鐵片,並喊道:「Perche non parli?你為什麼不說話?」今天,第一次的,我們的環境已開始對我們回應。我會展示幾個例子,同樣以我們對環境的感知和驅動這個概念。
That's from an exhibition Paola Antonelli is organizing at MoMA later this year, during the summer. It's called "Talk to Me." Well our objects, our environment, is starting to talk back to us. In a certain sense, it's almost as if every atom out there were becoming both a sensor and an actuator. And that is radically changing the interaction we have as humans with the environment out there. In a certain sense, it's almost as in the old dream of Michelangelo ... you know, when Michelangelo sculpted the Moses, at the end it said that he took the hammer, threw it at the Moses -- actually you can still see a small chip underneath -- and said, shouted, "Perché non parli? Why don't you talk?" Well today, for the first time, our environment is starting to talk back to us. And I'll show just a few examples -- again, with this idea of our sensing our environment and actuating.
Let's starting with sensing. Well the first project I wanted to share with you is actually one of the first projects by our lab. It was four and a half years ago in Italy. And what we did there was actually use a new type of network at the time that had been deployed all across the world -- that's a cellphone network -- and use anonymous and aggregated information from that network, that's collected anyway by the operator in order to understand how the city works. The summer was a lucky summer -- 2006. It's when Italy won the soccer World Cup. Some of you might remember, it was Italy and France playing, and then Zidane at the end, the headbutt. And anyway, Italy won at the end.
現在看看那天發生的事,只是透過監測發生在網路上的活動。你看到的這個是城市,可以看到羅馬競技場在中間;台伯河;這是早晨;在比賽前;上端可以看見時間軸;下午早些時候;散佈四處的人們打電話和移動;比賽開始-一片沉寂;法國得分;義大利得分;半場結束時人們打個簡短的電話,去洗手間。下半場;正常結束時間;第一次延長賽,第二次;席丹頂進頭槌的瞬間,義大利獲勝,好耶!(笑聲)(掌聲)嗯,那天晚上大家都去市中心慶祝,你可以看到這個大高峰。第二天,大家都去市中心迎接獲勝隊伍和總理,然後每個人都往下移動,你看到的影像是在一個叫Circo Massimo的地方,那是從羅馬時代開始,人們前去慶祝舉行大宴會的地方;你看到一天結束時的尖峰。好吧,這只是一個我們今天如何感知城市的例子,用一種我們僅在幾年前還無法做到的方式。
Now look at what happened that day just by monitoring activity happening on the network. Here you see the city. You see the Colosseum in the middle, the river Tiber. It's morning, before the match. You see the timeline on the top. Early afternoon, people here and there making calls and moving. The match begins -- silence. France scores. Italy scores. Halftime, people make a quick call and go to the bathroom. Second half. End of normal time. First overtime, second. Zidane, the headbutt in a moment. Italy wins. Yeah. (Laughter) (Applause) Well, that night, everybody went to celebrate in the center. You saw the big peak. The following day, everybody went to the center to meet the winning team and the prime minister at the time. And then everybody moved down. You see the image of the place called Circo Massimo, where, since Roman times, people go to celebrate -- to have a big party, and you see the peak at the end of the day. Well, that's just one example of how we can sense the city today, in a way that we couldn't have done just a few years ago.
Another quick example about sensing: it's not about people, but about things we use and consume. Well today, we know everything about where our objects come from. This is a map that shows you all the chips that form a Mac computer, how they came together. But we know very little about where things go. So in this project, we actually developed some small tags to track trash as it moves through the system. So we actually started with a number of volunteers who helped us in Seattle, just over a year ago, to tag what they were throwing away -- different types of things, as you can see here -- things they would throw away anyway. Then we put a little chip, little tag, onto the trash and then started following it. Here are the results we just obtained.
我麻省理工學院的同事Assaf Biderman,能告訴你們更多關於感知以及許多其他能用感知進行的美好事物,但我要進行到一開始所討論的第二部分,即驅動我們環境的部份。第一個項目是我們幾年前在西班牙的Zaragoza做的,它由市長所提出的一個問題開始。他對我們說,西班牙和南歐有一個美好的傳統,就是將水裝置在公共空間及建築中,問題是:要如何在其中加上新的科技?其中一個想法是由麻省理工在一間工作室開發的。想像這個管道上有閥門、電磁閥、控制鈕,將它開啟和關閉,可以創造出像是以水做像素的水幕,當這些像素落下時,可以在上面書寫,來顯示圖形、影像、文字,你甚至可以接近它,它會開啟讓你跳進去,如你在這張圖片上所見。
From Seattle ... after one week. With this information we realized there's a lot of inefficiencies in the system. We can actually do the same thing with much less energy. This data was not available before. But there's a lot of wasted transportation and convoluted things happening. But the other thing is that we believe that if we see everyday that the cup we're throwing away, it doesn't disappear, it's still somewhere on the planet. And the plastic bottle we're throwing away everyday still stays there. And if we show that to people, then we can also promote some behavioral change. So that was the reason for the project.
My colleague at MIT, Assaf Biderman, he could tell you much more about sensing and many other wonderful things we can do with sensing, but I wanted to go to the second part we discussed at the beginning, and that's actuating our environment. And the first project is something we did a couple of years ago in Zaragoza, Spain. It started with a question by the mayor of the city, who came to us saying that Spain and Southern Europe have a beautiful tradition of using water in public space, in architecture. And the question was: How could technology, new technology, be added to that? And one of the ideas that was developed at MIT in a workshop was, imagine this pipe, and you've got valves, solenoid valves, tabs, opening and closing. You create like a water curtain with pixels made of water. If those pixels fall, you can write on it, you can show patterns, images, text. And you can even approach it, and it will open up to let you jump through, as you see in this image.
Well, we presented this to Mayor Belloch. He liked it very much. And we got a commission to design a building at the entrance of the expo. We called it Digital Water Pavilion. The whole building is made of water. There's no doors or windows, but when you approach it, it will open up to let you in. (Music) The roof also is covered with water. And if there's a bit of wind, if you want to minimize splashing, you can actually lower the roof. Or you could close the building, and the whole architecture will disappear, like in this case. You know, these days, you always get images during the winter when they take the roof down of people who have been there and said, "They demolished the building." No, they didn't demolish it, just when it goes down, the architecture almost disappears. Here's the building working. You see the person puzzled about what was going on inside. And here was myself trying not to get wet, testing the sensors that open the water.
Well I should tell you now what happened one night when all of the sensors stopped working. But actually that night, it was even more fun. All the kids from Zaragoza came to the building, because the way of engaging with the building became something different. Not anymore a building that would open up to let you in, but a building that would still make cuts and holes through the water, and you had to jump without getting wet.
(Video) (Crowd Noise)
And that, for us, was very interesting, because, as architects, as engineers, as designers, we always think about how people will use the things we design. But then reality's always unpredictable. And that's the beauty of doing things that are used and interact with people.
Here is an image then of the building with the physical pixels, the pixels made of water, and then projections on them. And this is what led us to think about the following project I'll show you now. That's, imagine those pixels could actually start flying. Imagine you could have small helicopters that move in the air, and then each of them with a small pixel in changing lights -- almost as a cloud that can move in space. Here is the video.
我想首次在這裡向你們展示一些東西,我們與當今頂尖的芭蕾舞者之一Roberto Bolle合作,他是紐約大都會劇院及米蘭La Scala劇院的明星,實際捕捉他三維方向的動作,將其用於Flyfire的動作輸入值。你可以看到Roberto正跳著舞,在左側的像素中,可以看到其捕捉了不同解析度的動作,3D掃描和動作捕捉都是即時進行,所以你可以重建整個動作,可以從頭到尾將它重現,只要我們擁有這些像素,就可以操作它們,操作色彩和動作,重力和旋轉,因此,我們想用這個作為Flyfire的一個可能輸入值。
So imagine one helicopter, like the one we saw before, moving with others, in synchrony. So you can have this cloud. You can have a kind of flexible screen or display, like this -- a regular configuration in two dimensions. Or in regular, but in three dimensions, where the thing that changes is the light, not the pixels' position. You can play with a different type. Imagine your screen could just appear in different scales or sizes, different types of resolution. But then the whole thing can be just a 3D cloud of pixels that you can approach and move through it and see from many, many directions. Here is the real Flyfire control and going down to form the regular V as before. When you turn on the light, actually you see this. So the same as we saw before. And imagine each of them then controlled by people. You can have each pixel having an input that comes from people, from people's movement, or so and so.
I want to show you something here for the first time. We've been working with Roberto Bolle, one of today's top ballet dancers -- the étoile at Metropolitan in New York and La Scala in Milan -- and actually captured his movement in 3D in order to use it as an input for Flyfire. And here you can see Roberto dancing. You see on the left the pixels, the different resolutions being captured. It's both 3D scanning in real time and motion capture. So you can reconstruct a whole movement. You can go all the way through. But then, once we have the pixels, then you can play with them and play with color and movement and gravity and rotation. So we want to use this as one of the possible inputs for Flyfire.
I wanted to show you the last project we are working on. It's something we're working on for the London Olympics. It's called The Cloud. And the idea here is, imagine, again, we can involve people in doing something and changing our environment -- almost to impart what we call cloud raising -- like barn raising, but with a cloud. Imagine you can have everybody make a small donation for one pixel. And I think what is remarkable that has happened over the past couple of years is that, over the past couple of decades, we went from the physical world to the digital one. This has been digitizing everything, knowledge, and making that accessible through the Internet.
Now today, for the first time -- and the Obama campaign showed us this -- we can go from the digital world, from the self-organizing power of networks, to the physical one. This can be, in our case, we want to use it for designing and doing a symbol. That means something built in a city. But tomorrow it can be, in order to tackle today's approaching challenges -- think about climate change or CO2 emissions -- how we can go from the digital world to the physical one. So the idea that we can actually involve people in doing this thing together, collectively.
The cloud is a cloud, again, made of pixels, in the same way as the real cloud is a cloud made of particles. And those particles are water, where our cloud is a cloud of pixels. It's a physical structure in London, but covered with pixels. You can move inside, have different types of experiences. You can actually see from underneath, sharing the main moments for the Olympics in 2012 and beyond, and really using it as a way to connect with the community. So both the physical cloud in the sky and something you can go to the top [of], like London's new mountaintop. You can enter inside it. And a kind of new digital beacon for the night -- but most importantly, a new type of experience for anybody who will go to the top.
Thank you.