過去一年半期間,我在Push Pop Press(數位創造出版平台)的團隊,與Charlie Melcher及Melcher媒體公司著手創造第一本長篇互動電子書,書名為《我們的選擇》,作者是高爾(前美國副總統)。本書為《不願面對的真相》之續作,其中探討了所有可以解決氣候危機的方案。
Mike Matas:在這整本書中,高爾會從頭到尾導讀並解釋所有照片,這張照片裡,你還可以看到一張互動地圖,放大地圖就可以看見照片是在哪裡拍攝的。在這本書中有超過一小時的紀錄片和互動動畫,因此,你可以打開這張圖-
So for the past year and a half, my team at Push Pop Press and Charlie Melcher and Melcher Media have been working on creating the first feature-length interactive book. It's called "Our Choice" and the author is Al Gore. It's the sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth" and it explores all the solutions that will solve the climate crisis.
The book starts like this. This is the cover. As the globe spins, we can see our location. Then we can open the book and swipe through the chapters to browse the book. Or, we can scroll through the pages at the bottom. And if we wanted to zoom into a page, we can just open it up. And anything you see in the book, you can pick up with two fingers and lift off the page and open up. And if you want to go back and read the book again, you just fold it back up and put it back on the page. And so this works the same way; you pick it up and pop it open.
(Audio) Al Gore: I consider myself among the majority who look at windmills and feel they're a beautiful addition to the landscape.
Mike Matas: And so throughout the whole book, Al Gore will walk you through and explain the photos. This photo, you can you can even see on an interactive map. Zoom in to it and see where it was taken. And throughout the book, there's over an hour of documentary footage and interactive animations. So you can open this one.
(Audio) AG: Most modern wind turbines consist of a large ...
MM: 影片會馬上開始播放,在播放的同時,我們可以捏起影片,並將其置回頁面,影片依然會繼續播放,或者,我們可以將它縮小,放回目錄中,影片依然繼續播放。但這本書中最酷的一項內容,就是它的互動資料圖表,這張圖表顯示出美國各地的風力潛能,不只是觀看這些資訊,我們還可以用手指探索,逐一查看全國各州確實擁有多少風力潛能,我們也能以同樣方法檢視地熱能和太陽能。
這就是Push Pop Press創作的第一本電子書,高爾的《我們的選擇》,謝謝。(掌聲)
Chris Anderson: 太精彩了,你們想成為出版社的技術授權公司嗎?你們公司是做什麼的?其他人也可以做像這樣的事嗎?
MM: 是的,我們建立的是一項工具,讓出版社能非常容易地建立像這樣的內容。Melcher媒體的團隊位於東岸,我們在西岸建立起這套軟體,利用我們的工具,每天將圖片和文字拖曳到書中編排內容。
CA: 所以你們希望將這套軟體授權給出版社,來製造出這麼美的書?(MM: 是的)好,Mike,非常感謝。
MM:謝謝。(CA: 祝你好運)
MM: It starts playing immediately. And while it's playing, we can pinch and peak back at the page, and the movie keeps playing. Or we can zoom out to the table of table of contents, and the video keeps playing. But one of the coolest things in this book are the interactive infographics. This one shows the wind potential all around the United States. But instead of just showing us the information, we can take our finger and explore, and see, state by state, exactly how much wind potential there is. We can do the same for geothermal energy and solar power.
This is one of my favorites. So this shows ... (Laughter) (Applause) When the wind is blowing, any excess energy coming from the windmill is diverted into the battery. And as the wind starts dying down, any excess energy will be diverted back into the house -- the lights never go out. And this whole book, it doesn't just run on the iPad. It also runs on the iPhone. And so you can start reading on your iPad in your living room and then pick up where you left off on the iPhone. And it works the exact same way. You can pinch into any page. Open it up.
So that's Push Pop Press' first title, Al Gore's "Our Choice." Thank you. (Applause)
Chris Anderson: That's spectacular. Do you want to be a publisher, a technology licenser? What is the business here? Is this something other people can do?
MM: Yeah, we're building a tool that makes it really easy for publishers right now to build this content. So Melcher Media's team, who's on the East coast -- and we're on the West coast, building the software -- takes our tool and, every day, drags in images and text.
CA: So you want to license this software to publishers to make books as beautiful as that? (MM: Yes.) All right. Mike, thanks so much.
MM: Thank you. (CA: Good luck.)