



    The readings listed below provide the foundation of this course. Click on the links to view abstracts for the journal articles, where available. 



    Reading List


    T. Au,〈中英文中與事實相反的假設:再探Sapir-Whorf假說〉。《認知》,第15卷(1983),155到187頁。

    Au, T. "Chinese and English counterfactuals: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis revisited." Cognition 15(1-3) (1983): 155-187.


    ──,〈與事實相反的假設:答Alfred Bloom〉。《認知》,第17卷第三期(1984),289到302頁。

    ------. "Counterfactuals: In reply to Alfred Bloom." Cognition 17(3) (1984): 289-302.


    E. Bialystok,〈雙語使用者心智的認知複雜性與注意力控制〉。《兒童發展》,第70卷第三期(1999),636到644頁。

    Bialystok, E. "Cognitive complexity and attentional control in the bilingual mind." Child Development 70(3) (1999): 636-644.


    A. Bloom,〈注意:你的用詞會影響意旨:回應Au的文章〉。《認知》,第17卷第三期(1984),275到287頁。

    Bloom, A. "Caution--the words you use may affect what you say: A response to Au." Cognition 17(3) (1984): 275-287.


    L. Boroditsky,〈語言是否形塑思想?英語與漢語使用者的時間概念〉。《認知科學》,第43卷第一期(2001),1到22頁。

    Boroditsky, L. "Does language shape thought? English and Mandarin speakers' conceptions of time." Cognitive Psychology 43(1) (2001): 1-22.


    L. Boroditsk與Z. Trusova,〈各語言不同動詞時貌及其對思想的影響:在英語和俄語中標示事件完成〉(準備中)

    Boroditsky, L., and Z. Trusova. "Cross-linguistic differences in verb aspect and their effects on thought: Encoding completion in English and Russian." (in preparation).


    L. Boroditsky、L. Schmidt與W. Phillips,〈性、句法與語意〉。將載於Gentner與Goldin-Meadow合編《心智中的語言:語言與認知研究的進展》(印刷中)。

    Boroditsky, L., L. Schmidt, and W. Phillips. "Sex, Syntax, and Semantics." To appear in Language in Mind: Advances in the study of Language and Cognition. Edited by Gentner and Goldin-Meadow. (In press). L. Boroditsky、W. Ham與M. Ramscar,〈事件之感知有何共同特性?比較英語和印尼語使用者〉。《認知科學學會第二十四屆年會會議公報》(2002)。

    Boroditsky, L., W. Ham, and M. Ramscar. "What is universal about event perception? Comparing English and Indonesian speakers." Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2002.


    M. Bowerman與S. Choi,〈為語言形塑意義:空間語義範疇習得中各語言的共性與殊性〉。選自M. Bowerman與S. C. Levinson合編《語言習得與概念發展》(2001)。劍橋大學出版社。

    Bowerman, M., and S. Choi. "Shaping meanings for language: Universal and language-specific in the acquisition of spatial semantic categories." In Language acquisition and conceptual development. Edited by M. Bowerman, and S. C. Levinson. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 


    R. Brown與E. Lenneberg,〈語言與認知之研究〉。《變態與社會心理學期刊》,第49卷,454到462頁。

    Brown, R., and E. Lenneberg. "A study in language and cognition." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 49: 454-462.

    B. Butterworth,《什麼東西重要》第四章。紐約Free Press。

    Butterworth, B. Chap. 4 in What counts. NY: Free Press.

    S. Carey,〈知識之習得:增進知識還是概念改變?〉。選自S. Carey與R. Gelman合編《心智之漸成:生物與認知論集》(1991),257到291頁。新澤西州Hillsdale:Erlbaum出版。

    Carey, S. "Knowledge acquisition: enrichment or conceptual change?" In The Epigenesis of Mind: Essays in Biology and Cognition. Edited by S. Carey, and R. Gelman. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1991, pp. 257-291.



    ------. "Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Number." Chap. 7 in The Origin of Concepts.


    H. Clark,〈空間、時間、語意與兒童〉。選自T. E. Moore編《認知發展與語言習得》(1973)。

    Clark, H. "Space, time, semantics, and the child." In Cognitive development and the acquisition of language. Edited by T. E. Moore, 1973.


    E. Colunga 與L. B. Smith (2000),〈學著去學習字詞:語言與材料偏誤的跨語言研究〉。波士頓大學語言習得研討會上展示的海報。

    Colunga, E., and L. B. Smith. "Learning to learn words: A cross-linguistic study of the shape and material biases." Poster presented at the BU Language Acquisition Conference.


    P. Carruthers,〈語言的認知功能〉。《行為與腦科學》(印刷中)。(譯註:本文已刊於2002年出版的25卷第六期。)

    Carruthers, P. "The cognitive functions of language." Behavioral & Brain Sciences. (In press).


    J. Davidoff、I. Davies與D. Roberson,〈石器文化部落的顏色分類〉。《自然》,第398期203到204頁(1999)。

    Davidoff, J., I. Davies, and D. Roberson. "Color categories of a stone-age tribe." Nature 398 (1999): 203-204.


    J. G. de Villiers與J. Pyers,〈由補語到認知:複雜句與假信念理解之關係的演變研究〉。《認知發展》,第17卷第一期(2002),1037到1060頁。

    de Villiers, J.G., and J. Pyers. "Complements to Cognition: A longitudinal study of the relationship between complex syntax and false-belief-understanding." In Cognitive Development. 2002.

    J. G. de Villiers與P. A. de Villiers,〈語言服務思考:逐漸瞭解假信念〉。為《Whorf哪裡去?》(印刷中)寫的章節。

    de Villiers, J.G., and P. A. de Villiers. Language for Thought: coming to understand False Beliefs. Chapter prepared for Whither Whorf? (in press)

    ──,〈語言決定論與假信念〉。選自P. Mitchell與K. Riggs合編《兒童的推理與心智》(2000)。英國Hove:心理印書館出版。

    ------. "Linguistic determinism and false belief." In Children's Reasoning and the Mind. Edited by P. Mitchell and K. Riggs. Hove, U.K.: Psychology Press, 2000.


    S. Dehaene,〈數的語言〉。選自《數感》第四章。

    Dehaene, S. "The Language of Number." Chap. 4 in The Number Sense.



    ------. Chap. 1 in The Number Sense. Pp. 17-23.



    ------. Chap. 3 in The Number Sense. Pp. 73-76.


    S. Dehaene、E. Spelke、P. Pinel、R. Stanescu與S. Tsivkin,〈數學思考的來源:行為與腦部造影的證據〉。《科學》,第284卷(1999),970到974頁。

    Dehaene, S., E. Spelke, P. Pinel, R. Stanescu, and S. Tsivkin. "Sources of mathematical thinking: Behavioral and brain-imaging evidence." Science 284 (1999): 970-974.


    H. Foundalis,〈印歐語性別的進化〉。《認知科學學會第二十四屆年會會議公報》(2002)。

    Foundalis, H. "Evolution of gender in Indo-European languages." Proceedings of the 24th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2002. 



    Gathercole, and Baddeley. "Calculation speed and arithmetic learning by children who speak different languages: (TBA)."

    S. Gennari、S. Sloman、B. Malt與W. Fitch,〈語言與認知中的動作事件〉。《認知》,第83卷第一期(2002),49到79頁。

    Gennari, S., S. Sloman, B. Malt, and W. Fitch. "Motion events in language and cognition." Cognition 83(1) (2002): 49-79.

    D. Gentner、S. Brem、R. W. Ferguson、A. B. Markman、B. B. Levidow、P. Wolff與K. D. Forbus,〈類比推理與概念改變:刻卜勒個案研究〉。《認知科學期刊》,第6卷第一期(1997),3到40頁。

    Gentner, D., S. Brem, R. W. Ferguson, A. B. Markman, B. B. Levidow, P. Wolff, and K. D. Forbus. "Analogical reasoning and conceptual change: A case study of Johannes Kepler." The Journal of the Learning Sciences 6(1) (1997): 3-40.

    Giaquinto,〈心智的數線〉。選自P. Carruthers編《文化與心智底層》(印刷中)。

    Giaquinto. "Mental number lines." In Culture and the Innate Mind. Edited by P. Carruthers. (In press). 


    P. Gordon,〈不用語詞的數感認知:Amazonia語的證據〉。(投稿審查中)(譯註:本文已刊於2004年十月出版的《科學》第306卷496到499頁)。

    Gordon, P. "Numerical cognition without words: Evidence from Amazonia." (Under review). 


    R. Goldstone, Y. Lippa, and R. Shiffrin,〈以範疇學習改變物體表現型〉。《認知》,78卷第一期(2001),27到43頁。

    Goldstone, R., Y. Lippa, and R. Shiffrin. "Altering object representations through category learning." Cognition 78(1) (2001): 27-43.


    A. Guiora,〈語言與概念之形成:跨語言分析〉。《行為科學研究》,第18卷第三期(1983),228到256頁。

    Guiora, A. "Language and concept formation: A cross-lingual analysis." Behavior Science Research 18(3) (1983): 228-256.


    L. Hermer-Vasquez、E. S. Spelke與A. S. Katsnelson,〈人類認知彈性的來源:空間與語言的雙工研究〉。《認知心理學》,第39卷(1999),3到36頁。

    Hermer-Vasquez, L., E. S. Spelke, and A. S. Katsnelson. "Sources of flexibility in human cognition: Dual-task studies of space and language." Cognitive Psychology 39 (1999): 3-36.


    Hespos, S. J., and Spelke, E. S. Conceptual precursors to language. (Unpublished). S. J. Hespos與E. S. Spelke,《語言的觀念先驅》(未出版)。

    Hespos, S. J., and Spelke, E. S. Conceptual precursors to language. (Unpublished).

    E. Hunt與F. Agnoli,〈Whorf假說:認知心理學的觀點〉。《心理學評論》,98卷第三期(1991),377到389頁。

    Hunt, E., and F. Agnoli. "The Whorfian hypothesis: A cognitive psychology perspective." Psychological Review 98(3) (1991): 377-389. 


    M. Imai與D. Gentner,〈早期詞語意義的跨語言研究:普遍存在論與語言影響〉。《認知》,62卷(1997)169到200頁。

    Imai, M., and D. Gentner. "A crosslinguistic study of early word meaning: universal ontology and linguistic influence." Cognition 62 (1997): 169-200.


    M. Imai與R. Mazuko,〈重新評估語言影響論:個人翻譯中各語不同的範疇與普遍存在知識的關係〉。(印刷中)

    Imai, M. and R. Mazuko. "Re-evaluation of linguistic relativity: Language-specific categories and the role of universal ontological knowledge in the construal of individuals." (In press). 


    R. Jakobson,〈翻譯之語言面向〉。選自R. A. Brower編《論翻譯》第232到239頁。紐約:牛津大學出版社。

    Jakobson, R. "On linguistic aspects of translation." In On translation. Edited by R.A. Brower. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 232-239.


    P. K. Kuhl,〈語言、心智與腦:經驗更改感知〉。取自M. Gazzaniga所編《認知神經科學新引》(2000)。麻省理工學院出版社。

    Kuhl, P. K. "Language, mind & brain: Experience alters perception." In The New Cognitive Neurosciences. Edited by M. Gazzaniga. MIT Press, 2000. 


    C. Lemer的碩士論文部分章節(以法語寫成),或未出版之英語手稿。副標題未定。(2000)

    Lemer, C. Chapter from her thesis (in French!) or unpublished manuscript in English: TBA, 2000. 


    S. C. Levinson、S. Kita、D. B. M. Hawn與B. H. Rasch,〈局勢再逆轉:語言影響空間推理〉。《認知》,第84卷(2002),155到188頁。

    Levinson, S. C., S. Kita, D. B. M. Haun, and B. H. Rasch. "Returning the tables: Language affects spatial reasoning." Cognition 84 (2002): 155-188.


    P. Li與L. R. Gleitman,〈局勢逆轉:語言與空間推理〉。《認知》,第83卷(2002),265到294頁。

    Li, P., and L. R. Gleitman. "Turning the tables: Language and spatial reasoning." Cognition 83 (2002): 265-294.


    H. Lohman與M. Tomasello,《假信念理解的發展過程中語言的角色》(手稿)。

    Lohman, H., and M. Tomasello. The role of language in the development of false belief understanding. (Manuscript).


    J. Lucy,《詞類與認知:語言影響假說的個案研究》(1992)72到84頁。

    Lucy, J. Grammatical categories and cognition: A case study of the linguistic relativity hypothesis (1992): 72-84.



    ------. Language diversity and thought: A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England, pp. 208-256.


    J. A. Lucy與S. Gaskins,〈非口頭式分類偏好中語言型與指涉物型方法的互動〉。選自D. Gentner與S. Goldin-Meadow合編《心智中的語言:語言與思想研究的進展》(印刷中)美國麻州劍橋:麻省理工學院出版社。

    Lucy, J. A., and S. Gaskins. "Interaction of language type and referent type in the development of nonverbal classification preferences." In Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. Edited by D. Gentner and S. Goldin-Meadow. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (In press). 


    L. McDonough、S. Choi與J. Mandler,〈瞭解空間關係:有彈性的兒童與使用詞彙的成人〉。《認知心理學》,46卷第三期(2003),229到259頁。(譯註:本文確已刊出,如教學大綱所言,故採用教學大綱所述。)

    McDonough, L., S. Choi, and J. Mandler. "Understanding spatial relations: Flexible Infants, Lexical Adults." To appear in Cognitive Psychology. (In press).


    K. Miller、S. M. Major、H. Shu與H. Zhang,〈順序的知識:中文與英文中數名與數的概念〉。《加拿大實驗心理學期刊》,第54卷(2000),129到139頁。

    Miller, K., S. M. Major, H. Shu, and H. Zhang. "Ordinal knowledge: number names and number concepts in Chinese and English." Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (2000): 129-139.


    K. S. Mix、J. Juttenlocher與S. C. Levine,〈學齡前兒童是否習得數量的視聽協調?〉。《兒童發展》,第67卷(1996),1592到1608頁。

    Mix, K. S., J. Huttenlocher, and S.C. Levine "Do preschool children recognize auditory-visual correspondences?" In Child Development 67, 1592, 1608.


    I. Mori,〈兒童速度與歷時概念的跨文化研究:比較日本與泰國的兒童〉。《日本心理學研究》,第18卷第三期(1976),105到112頁。

    Mori, I. "A cross-cultural study on children's conception of speed and duration: A comparison between Japanese and Thai children." Japanese Psychological Research 18(3) (1976): 105-112.

    S. Pinker,《語言本能:心智如何製造語言》(1994),第三章。紐約William Morrow & Co.出版。

    Pinker, S. Chap. 3 in The Language Instinct: How the mind creates language. William Morrow & Co.: New York, 1994.

    K. Mirikawa與M. McBeath,〈聯結於閱讀方向的側向動作判斷差異〉。《視覺研究》,32卷第六期(1992),1137到1141頁。

    Morikawa, K., and M. McBeath. "Lateral motion bias associated with reading direction." Vision Research 32(6) (1992): 1137-1141.


    R. Mulford,〈冰島語代名詞性別的理解:語意因素與形式因素〉。《兒童語言期刊》,第12卷第二期(1985),443到453頁。

    Mulford, R. "Comprehension of Icelandic pronoun gender: Semantic versus formal factors." Journal-of-Child-Language 12(2) (1985): 443-453.


    K. Oh,《語言使用之習慣形式與為說而想:Whorf效應對動作事件的影響》(未出版)。

    Oh, K. Habitual Patterns of Language Use and Thinking for Speaking: A Whorfian Effect on Motion Events. (Unpublished).

    A. Papafragou、C. Massey與L. Gleitman,〈搖動、撼動跟滾動:語言與認知中的動作表現〉。《認知》,第84卷第二期(2002),189到219頁。

    Papafragou, A., C. Massey, and L. Gleitman. "Shake, rattle, 'n' roll: The representation of motion in language and cognition." Cognition 84(2) (2002): 189-219.


    E.Pederson、E. Danziger、D. Wilkins、S. Levinson、S. Kita與G. Senft,〈語意形態與空間的概念化〉。《語言》,74卷(1998),557到589頁。

    Pederson, E., E. Danziger, D. Wilkins, S. Levinson, S. Kita, and G. Senft. "Semantic typology and spatial conceptualization." Language 74 (1998): 557-589.


    M. Perez-Pereira,〈性別之習得:西班牙兒童的啟示〉。《兒童語言期刊》,第18卷第三期(1991),571到590頁。

    Perez-Pereira, M. "The acquisition of gender: What Spanish children tell us." Journal-of-Child-Language 18(3) (1991): 571-590. 


    D. Roberson、J. Davidoff與L. Shapiro,〈化圓為方:「好」形狀的文化關係〉。將刊載於《認知與文化期刊》。(印刷中)(譯註:已載於本期刊第2卷第一期29到51頁。)

    Roberson, D., J. Davidoff, and L. Shapiro. "Squaring the circle: The cultural relativity of 'good' shape." To appear in Journal of Cognition and Culture. (In press). 


    E. H. Rosch,〈自然類別〉。《認知心理學》,第4卷(1973),328到350頁。

    Rosch, E.H. "Natural categories." Cognitive Psychology 4 (1973): 328-350.


    E. Rosch Heider與D. C. Olivier,〈對兩種語言使用者以命名與記憶測驗測試其色彩空間之結構〉。《認知心理學》,第三卷(1973),337到354頁。

    Rosch Heider, E., and D. C. Olivier. "The structure of the color space in naming and memory for two languages." Cognitive Psychology 3 (1972): 337-354.


    M. Sera、C. Berge與J. del Castillo,〈英語及西班牙語中的性別對其使用者語法與概念的影響力〉。《認知發展》,第9卷第三期(1994),261到292頁。

    Sera, M., C. Berge, and J. del Castillo. "Grammatical and conceptual forces in the attribution of gender by English and Spanish speakers." Cognitive Development 9, 3 (1994): 261-292. 


    A. Shusterman與E. Spelke所著,載於《以空間語言訓練兒童導向能力之效果》的未出版論文。

    Shusterman, A. and E. Spelke. Unpublished paper on effects of spatial language training on children's navigation.


    M. Siegal、R. Varley與S. C. Want,〈心智凌駕語法:失語症患者與發展中兒童的推理〉。《認知科學趨勢》,296到301頁。

    Siegal, M., R. Varley, and S. C. Want. "Mind over grammar: reasoning in aphasia and development." Trends Cogn Sci.: 296-301.


    D. I. Slobin從〈思想與語言〉到〈為說而想〉等各篇文章。選自J. J. Gumperz與S. C. Levinson合編《反思語言關係》(1996),70到96頁。本書為「語言的社會文化基礎之研究」叢書第十七冊。

    Slobin, D. I. "From 'thought and language' to 'thinking for speaking'." In Rethinking linguistic relativity. Studies in the social and cultural foundations of language, No. 17. Edited by J. J. Gumperz, and S. C. Levinson. 1996, pp. 70-96.


    D. Slobin,〈找青蛙的多種方法:語言形態與動作事件表示〉。將載於S. Strmqvist與L. Verhoeven合編《敘述中的相關事件:語言型態與語境觀點》(印刷中)。新澤西州Mahwah:Lawrence Erlbaum協會。

    Slobin, D. "The many ways to search for a frog: Linguistic typology and the expression of motion events." To appear in Relating events in narrative: Typological and contextual perspectives. Edited by S. Strömqvist, and L. Verhoeven. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.(In press). 


    C. Smith與C. Unger,〈「每格都有幾個點」實驗有何意義?概念的引導成型與無表面提示的視覺相似物〉。《學習科學期刊》,第六卷(1997),143到181頁。

    Smith, C., and C. Unger. "What's in dots-per-box? Conceptual boot-strapping with stripped-down visual analogs." Journal of the Learning Sciences 6 (1997): 143-181.


    E. S. Spelke與S. Tsivkin,〈語言與數:雙語訓練研究〉。《認知》,78卷(2001),45到88頁。

    Spelke, E. S., and S. Tsivkin "Language and number: A bilingual training study." Cognition 78 (2001): 45-88.


    R. Stanescu-Cosson、P. Pinel、P.-F. van de Moortele、D. Le Bihan、L. Cohen與S. Dehaene,〈瞭解計算困難症:以腦部造影研究數量運作區大小對大腦網路執行確算、概算的影響〉。《腦》,第123卷(2000),2240到2255頁。

    Stanescu-Cosson, R., P. Pinel, P.-F. van de Moortele, D. Le Bihan, L. Cohen, and S. Dehaene. "Understanding dissociations in dyscalculia: A brain imaging study of the impact of number size on the cerebral networks for exact and approximate calculation." Brain 123 (2000): 2240-2255.


    W. Strange與S. Dittman,〈日本成人英語學習中辨音訓練對/r/和/l/音感知的影響〉。《感知與心理物理學》,36卷(1984),131到145頁。

    Strange, W., and Dittman, S. "Effects of discrimination training on the perception of /r-l/ by Japanese adults learning English." Perception & Psychophysics 36 (1984): 131-145.


    B. Tversky、S. Kugelmass與A. Winter,〈圖像使用中跨文化與發展的傾向〉。《認知心理學》,第23卷第四期(1991),515到557頁。

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