



    The assignments are described below, in Professor Sorensen's own words.


    The assignments are deliberately open-ended. It is not specified what the dependent variable should be, what you are trying to explain, etc. Part of the goal of these exercises is to give you practice with working with data, estimating models and making sense of the results. In the language of 15.347, I want you to formulate a conceptual model of the data as well as a statistical model. The major constraint is that you apply the method discussed during that week's class (e.g., count models). I will make appropriate datasets available for this purpose, but you are also allowed to use your own data sources.


    At the beginning of class in each "Application" week, I ask that you hand in a brief summary of the results of your analysis. This summary should be a maximum of two pages of text, plus any tables and figures, and should discuss the results in light of the conceptual model you have developed. These assignments may be done in groups of up to two people. I will ask two or three groups each week to present the results of their work, so that we may discuss them as a class.


    課程單元 作業
    1 導讀:課程目標與運算
    Introduction: Course Goals and Logistics
    2 理論:普通最小平方迴歸
    Principles: Ordinary Least Squares Regression
    3 應用:普通最小平方迴歸 口頭報告
    Presentations of worked data
    4 理論:二元結果模型
    Principles: Models for Binary Outcomes
    5 應用:二元結果模型
    Applications: Models for Binary Outcomes
    Presentations of worked data
    6 理論:計算模型
    Principles: Models for Counts
    7 應用:計算模型
    Applications: Models for Counts
    Presentations of worked data
    8 理論:跨區域整合/時間序列分析
    Principles: Pooled Cross-Section/Time Series Analysis
    9 應用:跨區域整合/時間序列分析
    Applications: Pooled Cross-Section/Time Series Analysis
    Presentations of worked data
    10 理論:事件歷史分析與數據架構之基礎概念
    Principles: Basic Concepts of Event History Analysis and Data Structures
    11 理論:事件歷史數據之敘述統計
    Principles: Descriptive Statistics for Event History Data
    12 理論:事件歷史數據之模型
    Principles: Models for Event History Data
    13 應用:事件歷史分析
    Applications: Event History Analysis
    Presentations of worked data
    14 回顧與整合
    Review and Wrap-up