


    單元 課程單元 閱讀文本 觀賞材料 作業/重要事項


    Introduction and Overview - 2 Sessions

    Redfern, Betty, 「藝術為何」
    Redfern, Betty. "What is Art."

    "The Power of Dance" In Dancing. Pp. 12-35.

    "Manifestos." In Modern Bodies... Pp. 8-26.


    Dancing: The Power of Dance.

    課堂演示/名師講座:蕾尼-哈利純粹舞動舞團(Rennie Harris Puremovement)將於綺禮安廳進行表演與教學
    Lecture Demonstration/Master Class: Rennie Harris Puremovement at Killian Hall.

    Members of Rennie Harris' Puremovement Dance Company, masters of hip-hop, popping, locking, stepping, break, house and other styles from inner city America will present a lecture on the artform, followed by a dance class.



    Dance as an Expression of Religious Worship - 3 Sessions

    "Lord of the Dance." In Dancing. Pp. 36-69.

    Stuckey, P. Sterling. 「皈依基督教與舞蹈的挑戰」
    Stuckey, P. Sterling. "Christian Conversion and the Challenge of Dance."

    "Lord of the Dance." Dancing.

    Ailey, Alvin. Revelations.


    Paper #1 due in Session #5 - How does the dance "Revelations" (Ailey, 1960) convey concepts of religion and social order?



    Dance as an Expression of Social Order and Power - 3 Sessions

    "Dance of the Realm." In Dancing. Pp. 70-107.

    "Pioneer Women." In Modern Bodies... Pp. 27-50.

    "An Introduction to Choreography."

    "Dance of the Realm." Dancing.

    Humphrey, Doris.《新舞》
    Humphrey, Doris. "New Dance."

    第八堂課特別活動:邀請Jigna Desia及Mit Alum演講,講題:「家鄉」影片賞析:好萊塢電影在美國的南亞社會

    Special Event in Session #8: Jigna Desia, Mit Alum, will give an invited lecture titled 「Watching 'Home' Movies: Hollywood Cinema in South Asian America.」



    Dance as an Expression of Cultural Mores - 3 Sessions

    "Social Dance." In Dancing. Pp. 108-127.

    "Men Must Dance." In Modern Bodies... Pp. 79-103.

    DeFrantz, Thomas.「縕發之被動性:音樂舞劇中的黑人男體」
    DeFrantz, Thomas. "Simmering Passivity: The Black Male Body in Concert Dance."

    Ward, Andrew H.「黑暗中漫舞:理性主義與社會舞蹈的被忽視」
    Ward, Andrew H. "Dancing in the Dark: Rationalism and the Neglect of Social Dance."

    "Sex and Social Dance." Dancing.

    Shawn, Ted.《活躍的摩拜》
    Shawn, Ted. "Kinetic Molpai."

    Jones, Bill T.《熱沼地》
    Jones, Bill T. "Fever Swamp."

    於第十一堂課繳交第二份書面報告-舞作《秋水傳奇》(Fall River Legend, Demille, 1950)如何傳達文化傳統與文化認同的概念?
    Paper #2 due two days after Session #11 - How does the dance "Fall River Legend" (DeMille, 1950) convey concepts of Cultural Mores and Cultural Identity?

    馬克摩里斯舞團(Mark Morris Group)將在第十、第十一堂課之間,於舒伯特劇院進行表演活動
    Performance Event between Sessions #10 and #11: Mark Morris Group at the Shubert Theater.



    Dance as an Emblem of Cultural Identity - 2 Sessions

    "New Worlds of Dance." In Dancing. Pp. 164-189.

    "Primitive Moderns." In Modern Bodies... Pp. 51-78.

    Malone, Jacqui.「隨著節奏舞動生命:非裔美式通俗舞蹈的內涵與風格」

    Malone, Jacqui. "'Keep to the Rhythm and You'll Keep to Life': Meaning and Style in African American Vernacular Dance."

    Nash, Joe.「黑人現代舞蹈之任務」
    Nash, Joe. "The Mission of Black Modern Dance."

    Myers, Gerald.「非裔美人與現代舞美學」
    Myers, Gerald. " African Americans and the Modern Dance Aesthetic."

    Thompson, Robert Farris.「舞蹈與文化-冷調的美學:西非舞蹈」
    Thompson, Robert Farris. "Dance and Culture, An Aesthetic of the Cool: West Africa Dance."


    Dance Black America.

    第十五堂課七天後,邀請布萊恩梅爾學院之Yutian Wong教授演講:「舞台上之東方文化:亞裔美式現代舞/後現代舞中種族與性別之表現」

    Special Lecture seven days after Session #15: Yutian Wong, Professor at Bryn Mar College, will deliver invited lecture 「Upstaging Orientalism: Performing Race and Gender in (Asian) American Modern/Postmodern Dance.」



    Dance as a Classical Art - 4 Sessions

    "Classical Dance Theater." In Dancing. Pp. 128-163.

    "Organizing Dance." In Modern Bodies... Pp. 104-129.

    Kealiinohomoku, Joann.「一個人類學家看芭蕾:民族舞蹈的一種形式」
    Kealiinohomoku, Joann. "An Anthropologist Looks at Ballet as a Form of Ethnic Dance."

    Novak, Cynthia.「芭蕾,性別,文化政治」
    Novak, Cynthia. "Ballet, Gender and Cultural Politics."

    Daly, Ann.「巴蘭欽式女人:蜂鳥與水道泳者屬」
    Daly, Ann. "The Balanchine Woman: Of Hummingbirds and Channel Swimmers."

    Balanchine, 喬治巴蘭欽,《競賽、珠寶、敗家子》

    George. Agon, Jewels, Prodigal Son.

    "Classical Dance Theater." Dancing.


    In Class Presentations begin two days before Session #16.



    Dance as a Medium of Cultural Fusion - 1 Session

    Huenemann, Lynn.「北原之舞」
    Huenemann, Lynn. "Northern Plains Dance."

    "Dancing America." In Modern Bodies... Pp. 130-156.

    Gottschild, Brenda Dixon.「赤足與熱情、球鞋與冷漠:現代與後現代舞蹈的非洲內涵」
    Gottschild, Brenda Dixon. "Barefoot and Hot, Sneakered and Cool: Africanist Subtexts in Modern and Postmodern Dance."


    "Dancing on One World." Dancing.

    第十六堂課與第十七堂課間的表演:艾文艾莉美國舞蹈劇場(Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater)將於王氏藝文中心演出

    Performance Event between Sessions #16 and #17: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at the Wang Center.



    Dance as the Autobiographical Creation of Individual Artists - 2 Sessions

    "Modernizing Dance." In Dancing. Pp. 190-237.

    Deborah, Jowitt.「舞蹈評論之個人觀點」
    Deborah, Jowitt. "A Private View of Dance Criticism."

    Graham, Martha. "I am a Dancer."

    Dempster, Elizabeth.「女性書寫身體:且看她如何舞蹈」
    Dempster, Elizabeth. "Women Writing The Body: Let's Watch a Little How She Dances."

    Brown, Carol.「追憶步履:女性主義舞蹈史之可能性」
    Brown, Carol. "Re-tracing Our Steps: The Possibilities for Feminist Dance Histories."

    "Individual and Tradition." Dancing.

    Rainer, Yvonne.《三人舞A》
    Rainer, Yvonne. "Trio A."

    Tharp, Twyla.《凱薩琳之輪》
    Tharp, Twyla. Catherine Wheel.

    Cunningham, Merce. Story.

    於第十九堂課繳交第三份書面報告-《凱薩琳之輪》(Tharp, 1981)的黃金段落(gold section)如何呈現性別與個體議題?

    Paper #3 due Session #19 - How does the "gold section" of The Catherine Wheel (Tharp, 1981) describe issues of gender and individuality?



    Wrap Up and Review - 1 Session