


    Required Texts


    Achebe, Chinua《人民的偉人》紐約:Doubleday出版,1989年。
    Achebe, Chinua. A Man of the People. New York: Doubleday, 1989.

    Cornelius, Wayne A《變遷中的墨西哥政治:一黨專政政體的瓦解》La Jolla,加利福尼亞:美墨研究中心和聖地牙哥的加利福尼亞大學聯合出版,1996年。
    Cornelius, Wayne A. Mexican Politics in Transition: The Breakdown of a One-Party Dominant Regime. La Jolla, California: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California at San Diego, 1996.

    Huntington, Samuel P《第三次浪潮:20世紀後期的民主化進程》Norman, OK:奧克拉荷馬大學出版,1991年。
    Huntington, Samuel P. The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.

    Schaffer, Frederic C《翻譯的民主:理解陌生文化的政治》Ithaca, NY:康奈爾大學出版,1998年。
    Schaffer, Frederic C. Democracy in Translation: Understanding Politics in an Unfamiliar Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998.


    Recommended Texts


    《比較性新世界地圖》,Hammond: Maplewood出版,1998年。
    The New Comparative World Atlas. Hammond: Maplewood, 1998.




    Almond,Gabriel,and Sidney Verba合著的《公民文化》,倫敦:Sage出版,1989年,1-44頁,307-315頁。
    Almond, Gabriel, and Sidney Verba. The Civic Culture. London: Sage, 1989, pp. 1-44, 307-315.

    國際特赦〈免罰的政策聲明〉,選自Neil J. Kritz編緝《變遷中的正義:新興民主如何應對先前的政體》,華盛頓:美國和平協會出版,1995年,219-221頁。
    Amnesty International. "Policy Statement on Impunity." In Neil J. Kritz, ed., Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Institute for Peace, 1995, pp. 219-221.

    Anderson, Benedic〈菲律賓的酋長民主〉選自《比較的幽靈:民族主義,東南亞和世界》紐約:Verso出版,1998年,192-226.頁。
    Anderson, Benedict. "Cacique Democracy in the Philippine." In The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World. New York: Verso, 1998, pp. 192-226.

    Bell, Daniel A《中西喜相逢》普林斯頓,新澤西:普林斯頓大學出版,2000年。
    Bell, Daniel A. East Meets West. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.

    Benomar, Jamal〈變遷之後的正義〉,選自Neil J. Kritz編緝《變遷中的正義:新興民主如何應對先前的政體》,華盛頓:美國和平協會出版,1995年,32-41頁。
    Benomar, Jamal. "Justice After Transitions." In Neil J. Kritz, ed., Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute for Peace, 1995, pp. 32-41.

    Bitencourt, Emilio Luis〈21世紀美洲的軍民關係:拉丁美洲的觀點〉選自Donald E. Schulz編緝《會議報告:美洲武裝力量的角色:21世紀的軍民關係》Carlisle,PA:戰略研究學院和美國陸軍戰爭學院聯合出版,1998年,85-100頁。
    Bitencourt, Emilio Luis. "Civil-Military Relations in the Americas for the 21st Century: A Latin American Perspective." In Donald E. Schulz, ed., Conference Report: The Role of the Armed Forces in the Americas: Civil-Military Relations for the 21st Century. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1998, pp. 85-100.

    Camp, Roderic Ai著,《墨西哥政治:獨裁主義的衰落》,紐約:牛津大學出版,1999年,179-205頁,225-252頁。
    Camp, Roderic Ai. Politics in Mexico: The Decline of Authoritarianism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 179-205, 225-252.

    Colburn, Forrest D〈拉丁美洲的犯罪行為〉《異議》45期第3卷(1998年夏),27-30頁。
    Colburn, Forrest D. "Crime in Latin America." Dissent 45, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 27-30.

    Coleman, James S《奈日利亞:民族主義的背景》Berkeley,CA:加利福尼亞大學出版,1958年,10-60頁。
    Coleman, James S. Nigeria: Background to Nationalism. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1958, pp. 10-60.

    Coronel, Sheila 〈Cavite:商業的殺戮戰場〉選自Jose F. Lacaba編緝《老闆:菲律賓地方政治的五個案例研究》Pasig, 菲律賓:菲律賓新聞調查業中心出版,1995年,1-29頁。
    Coronel, Sheila S. "Cavite: The Killing Fields of Commerce." In Jose F. Lacaba, ed., Boss: Five Case Studies of Local Politics in the Philippines. Pasig, Philippines: Philippines Center for Investigative Journalism, 1995, pp. 1-29.

    Dahl, Robert A《民主及其批評者》New Haven, CT:耶魯大學出版,1989年,52-79頁。
    Dahl, Robert A. Democracy and Its Critics. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989, pp. 52-79.

    Dahl, Robert A著,〈多頭政治是否重要?〉《多頭政治:參與及反對》New Haven, CT:耶魯大學出版,1971年,17-32頁。
    Dahl, Robert A. "Does Polyarchy Matter?" In Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1971, pp. 17-32.

    Dahl, Robert A著《多頭政治:參與及反對》New Haven, CT:耶魯大學出版,1971年。
    Dahl, Robert A. Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1971.

    Diamond, Larry〈定義及發展民主〉《發展中的民主:走向鞏固》Baltimore, MD:約翰霍普金斯大學出版,1999年,1-7頁。
    Diamond, Larry. "Defining and Developing Democracy." In Developing Democracy: Toward Consolidation. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, pp. 1-7.

    Diamond, Larry〈民主的第三次浪潮結束了嗎?〉《發展中的民主:走向鞏固》Baltimore, MD:約翰霍普金斯大學出版,1999年,24-63頁
    Diamond, Larry. "Is the Third Wave of Democratization Over?" In Developing Democracy: Toward Consolidation. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, pp. 24-63.

    Dugger, Celia〈為何民主對於巴基斯坦的窮人幾乎毫無價值〉《紐約時報》,1999年10月30日,A8版面
    Dugger, Celia. "Why Democracy Means So Little to Pakistan's Poor." New York Times, 30 October 1999, p. A8.

    Emmerson, Donald K〈新加坡與'亞洲價值'的辯論〉《民主期刊》第6期第4卷(1995年10月)95-105頁。
    Emmerson, Donald K. "Singapore and the 'Asian Values' Debate." Journal of Democracy 6, no. 4 (October 1995): 95-105.

    《世界自由》巴西,印度,墨西哥,奈日利亞及新加坡的章節,紐約:Freedom House出版,年刊。
    Freedom in the World, chapters on Brazil, India, Mexico, Nigeria, and Singapore. New York: Freedom House. Annual edition.

    Freeman, Michael〈人權,民主及'亞洲價值'〉《太平洋評論》第9期第3卷(1996年),352-366頁
    Freeman, Michael. "Human Rights, Democracy, ,and 'Asian Values'." The Pacific Review 9, no. 3 (1996): 352-366.

    福山, Francis〈儒學與民主〉《民主期刊》第6期第2卷(1995年4月)20-33頁
    Fukuyama, Francis. "Confucianism and Democracy." Journal of Democracy 6, no. 2 (April 1995): 20-33.

    Galvan, Dennis 〈塞內加爾的政治顛覆與社會變革〉《民主期刊》第12期第3卷(2001年7月),51-62頁
    Galvan, Dennis. "Political Turnover and Social Change in Senegal." Journal of Democracy 12, no. 3 (July 2001): 51-62.

    Haggard, Stephan與Robert R. Kaufman《民主變遷的政治經濟學》,普林斯頓, NJ,普林斯頓大學出版,1995年,25-44頁
    Haggard, Stephan, and Robert R. Kaufman. The Political Economy of Democratic Transition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995, pp. 25-44.

    Holston, James〈法律的錯政:巴西的土地及掠奪〉《社會與歷史的比較研究》第33期第4卷(1991年10月),695-725頁
    Holston, James. " The Misrule of Law: Land and Usurpation in Brazil." Comparative Studies in Society and History 33, no. 4 (October 1991): 695-725.

    Hunter, Wendy〈政治家與軍人的對抗:在後獨裁主義的巴西挑戰軍方〉《比較政治學》第27期第4卷(1995年7月),425-443頁
    Hunter, Wendy. "Politicians Against Soldiers: Contesting the Military in Post-Authoritarian Brazil." Comparative Politics 27, no. 4 (July 1995): 425-443.

    Huntington, Samuel P〈政治差距〉《變革社會中政治秩序》New Haven, CT:耶魯大學出版,1968年,1-8頁。
    Huntington, Samuel P. "The Political Gap." In Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1968, pp. 1-8.

    Ibelema, Minabere〈奈日利亞:邊緣化的政治〉《當今歷史》第99期第637卷(2000年5月),211-214頁
    Ibelema, Minabere. "Nigeria: The Politics of Marginalization." Current History 99, no. 637 (May 2000): 211-214.

    Jung, Kim Dae. "Is Culture Destiny? The Myth of Anti-Democratic Values. A Response to Lee Kuan Yew." Foreign Affairs 73, no. 6 (November/December 1994): 189-194.

    Karl, Terry與Philippe C. Schmitter〈民主是什麼…不是什麼〉《民主期刊》第2期第3卷(1991年夏),75-86頁
    Karl, Terry, and Philippe C. Schmitter. "What Democracy is...and is Not." Journal of Democracy 2, no. 3 (Summer 1991): 75-86.

    Kingsbury, Damien〈新加坡:企業國家〉《東南亞:政治輪廓》紐約:牛津大學出版,2001年,325-351頁
    Kingsbury, Damien. "Singapore: The Corporate State." In South-East Asia: A Political Profile. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 325-351.

    Kohli, Atul〈忍受另一次選舉〉《民主期刊》第9期第3卷(1998年7月),7-20頁
    Kohli, Atul. "Enduring Another Election." Journal of Democracy 9, no. 3 (July 1998): 7-20.

    Lande, Carl H〈菲律賓'人民力量'的回歸〉《民主期刊》第12期第2卷(2001年4月),88-102頁
    Lande, Carl H. "The Return of 'People Power' in the Philippines." Journal of Democracy 12, no. 2 (April 2001): 88-102.

    Languth, A. J〈隱藏的恐怖:美國員警在拉丁美洲行動被隱藏的真相〉紐約:Pantheon出版,1978年,117-122頁,160-165頁。
    Languth, A. J. Hidden Terrors: The Hidden Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America. New York: Pantheon, 1978, pp. 117-122, 160-165. 

    Lanser, Thomas R〈權利,尊敬,與'亞洲價值'〉《自由評論》第26期第4卷(1995年7月)42-45頁
    Lanser, Thomas R. "Rights, Respect, and 'Asian Values'." Freedom Review 26, no. 4 (July 1995): 42-45.

    Lawson, Chappell〈墨西哥未完成的轉變:墨西哥民主化與被獨裁包圍的孤立區〉《墨西哥研究》第16期第2卷(2000年夏),267-287頁
    Lawson, Chappell. "Mexico's Unfinished Transition: Democratization and Authoritarian Enclaves in Mexico." Estudios Mexicanos/Mexican Studies 16, no. 2 (Summer 2000): 267-287.

    Lipjhart, Arend〈印度民主的難題:一個社會國家共同體的闡釋〉《美國政治科學評論》第90期第2卷(1996年6月),258-268頁
    Lipjhart, Arend. "The Puzzle of Indian Democracy: A Consocianational Interpretation." American Political Science Review 90, no. 2 (June 1996): 258-268.

    Lipset, Seymour Martin〈政治人〉Baltimore, MD:約翰霍普金斯大學出版,1981年,27-63頁
    Lipset, Seymour Martin. Political Man. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981, pp. 27-63.

    Machiavelli, Niccolo〈群眾比皇子更明智更堅定〉《論文集》第一冊第58章於Peter Bondanella與Mark Musa編緝《馬基雅維利便裝本》New York:Penguin Books,1979年,281-286頁
    Machiavelli, Niccolo. "The Masses are Wiser and More Constant than a Prince." The Discourses, Book 1, Chapter 58. In The Portable Machiavelli. Edited by Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa. New York: Penguin Books, 1979, pp. 281-286.

    Madison, James〈數字10和51〉於Isaac Kramnick編緝, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton和John Jay《聯邦党人文集》Harmondsworth:Penguin Books,1987年,122-128頁,319-322頁
    Madison, James. "Numbers 10 and 51." In The Federalist Papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. Edited by Isaac Kramnick. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1987, pp. 122-128, 319-322.

    Malamud-goti, Jamie〈在分裂中的過渡政府:為什麼懲罰國家罪犯?〉選自國際特赦〈免罰的政策聲明〉於Neil J. Kritz編緝《變遷中的正義:新興民主如何對抗先前的政體》華盛頓:美國和平學院出版,1995年,189-202頁
    Malamud-goti, Jamie. "Transitional Governments in the Breach: Why Punish State Criminals?" In Amnesty International, "Policy Statement on Impunity." In Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes. Edited by Neil J. Kritz. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Institute for Peace, 1995, pp. 189-202.

    Manor, James〈讓聯邦主義起作用〉《民主期刊》第9期第3卷(1998年7月),21-35頁
    Manor, James. "Making Federalism Work." Journal of Democracy 9, no. 3 (July 1998): 21-35.

    Mendez, Juan〈為過去濫權問責〉《人權季刊》第19期第2卷(1997年),255-282頁
    Mendez, Juan. "Accountability for Past Abuses." Human Rights Quarterly 19, no. 2 (1997): 255-282.

    Mydans, Seth〈街頭演說者擴大了民主的界限〉《紐約時報》(2000年9月2日),A4版面。
    Mydans, Seth. "Soapbox Orators Stretch the Limits of Democracy." New York Times (September 2, 2000), p. A4.

    〈奈日利亞:團結就是力量〉《非洲國事大全》New York: Routledge出版,1994年,86-93頁。
    "Nigeria: Strength Through Unity." In The Atlas of African Affairs. New York: Routledge, 1994, pp. 86-93.

    Onishi, Norimitsu 〈政治變革到了奈日利亞的汽油泵〉《紐約時報》(1999年9月9日),A1版面。
    Onishi, Norimitsu. "Political Reforms Reach Nigeria's Gasoline Pumps." New York Times (9 September 1999), p. A1.

    Pinches, Michael〈馬尼拉遝遝侖工人階級的恥辱,不平等以及人民力量的經歷〉《從馬可斯到阿基諾:菲律賓政治變遷中的地方性展望》Honolulu:夏威夷大學出版,1992年,166-186頁
    Pinches, Michael. "The Working Class Experience of Shame, Inequality, and People Power in Tatalon, Manila." In From Marcos to Aquino: Local Perspectives on Political Transition in the Philippines. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992, pp. 166-186.

    Putnam, Robert《讓民主發揮作用:當代義大利的公民傳統》普林斯頓,新澤西:普林斯頓大學出版,1993年,3-12頁,148-162頁
    Putnam, Robert. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993, pp. 3-12, 148-162.

    Rial, Juan著〈拉丁美洲的軍隊與公民社會〉於Larry Diamond與Marc F. Plattner編緝《軍民關係與民主》,Baltimore, MD:約翰霍普金斯大學出版,1996年,47-65頁
    Rial, Juan. "Armies and Civil Society in Latin America." In Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, eds., Civil-Military Relations and Democracy. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. 47-65.

    Rizzo de Oliveira, Eliezer〈巴西國防政策與卡多佐總統統治下的軍民關係〉於Donald E. Schulz編緝《會議報告:美洲的武裝力量的角色:21世紀的軍民關係》Carlisle, PA:戰略研究學院和美國陸軍戰爭學院聯合出版,1998年,31-69頁
    Rizzo de Oliveira, Eliezer. "Brazilian National Defense Policy and Civil-Military Relations in the Government of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso." In Donald E. Schulz, ed., Conference Report: The Role of the Armed Forces in the Americas: Civil-Military Relations for the 21st Century. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1998, pp. 31-69.

    Rosenberg, Tina〈戰勝專政的遺物〉《外交事務》第74期第3卷(1995年5/6月),134-152頁
    Rosenberg, Tina. "Overcoming the Legacies of Dictatorship." Foreign Affairs 74, no. 3 (May/June 1995): 134-152.

    Rustow, Dankwart〈向民主的轉變:朝向動態模型〉《比較政治學》第2期第3卷(1970年),337-363頁
    Rustow, Dankwart. "Transitions to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model." Comparative Politics 2, no. 3 (1970): 337-363.

    Sathe, Vasant〈獻給印度直選總統〉Arend Lipjhart編緝《議會制與總統制政府》紐約:牛津大學出版,1992年,187-190頁
    Sathe, Vasant. "For a Directly Elected President of India." In Arend Lipjhart, ed., Parliamentary versus Presidential Government. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp. 187-190.

    Schaffer, Frederic C〈廉潔選舉與'不清潔的重大事件':菲律賓的階級劃分與選舉變革〉,在美國政治科學協會2001年年會上提交的論文,三藩市,2001年8月30日-9月2日。
    Schaffer, Frederic C. "Clean Elections and the 'Great Unwashed': Class Divide and Electoral Reform in the Philippines." Paper delivered at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 30 - September 2, 2001.

    Sen, Amartya〈作為普遍價值的民主〉《民主期刊》第10期第3卷(1999年7月),3-17頁
    Sen, Amartya. "Democracy as a Universal Value." Journal of Democracy 10, no. 3 (July 1999): 3-17.

    Stepan, Alfred《再思軍事政治:巴西及南錐地區》,普林斯頓,新澤西:普林斯頓大學出版,1988年,68-127頁
    Stepan, Alfred. Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988, pp. 68-127.

    Timmerman, Jacobo《沒有名字的囚犯,沒有號碼的獄室》Tony Talbot譯,紐約:Vintage Books,1982年。
    Timmerman, Jacobo. Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number. Translated by Tony Talbot. New York: Vintage Books, 1982.

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    Varshney, Ashotosh. "Why Democracy Survives." Journal of Democracy 9, no. 3 (July 1998): 36-50.

    Weschler, Lawrence《一個奇跡,一個宇宙:清算虐待者》芝加哥:芝加哥大學出版,1998年,7-79頁
    Weschler, Lawrence. A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, pp. 7-79.

    Zakaria, Fareed〈文化是命運 :與李光耀對話〉《外交事務》第73期第6卷(1994年11/12月),189-194頁
    Zakaria, Fareed. "Culture is Destiny: A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew." Foreign Affairs 73, no. 6 (November/December 1994): 189-194.

    Zakaria, Fareed〈狹隘民主的興起〉《外交事務》第76期第6卷(1997年11/12月),22-43頁
    Zakaria, Fareed. "The Rise of Illiberal Democracy." Foreign Affairs 76, no. 6 (November/December 1997): 22-43.

    Zalaquett, Jose〈道德規則與政治約束的平衡:新民主政治面臨過去侵害人權行為時的兩難境地〉《Hastings法律期刊》43期第6卷(1992年8月),1425-1438頁
    Zalaquett, Jose. "Balancing Ethical Imperatives and Political Constraints: The Dilemma of New Democracies Confronting Past Human Rights Violations." Hastings Law Journal 43, no. 6 (August 1992): 1425-1438.


    Films / Videos


    Film: Herod's Law.

    Video: Tableau Ferraille.
    塞內加爾電影製片人Moussa Sense Absa的《破車堆》是一部關於一位年輕政治家興衰的戲劇。他有兩位完全不同的妻子: 他深愛的但不能生育的Gagnesiri,與令他厭煩但迷人的Kine。當Daam成為發展部部長時,他所屬的貧窮社區希望他成為一個救世主-尤其是一個急於建造一座不安全橋樑的腐敗開發者。
    Senegalese filmmaker Moussa Sense Absa'a "Tableau Ferraille" (Scrap Heap) is a drama about the rise and fall of a young politician with two very different wives, the devoted but barren Gagnesiri and the bored, glamorous Kine. When Daam becomes a minister of development, his impoverished community expects him to be a savior - especially a corrupt developer eager to build an unsafe bridge.

    Video: Central Station.

    Video: Kiss of the Spider Woman.