


    課程單元 閱讀資料
    1 課程簡介
    Introduction to the Course
    2 課程議題
    Issues of the Course
    Delmar, Rosalind,〈何謂女性主義?〉,出自《何謂女性主義?》,Juliet Mitchell和Ann Oakley編,頁8-33
    Delmar, Rosalind. "What is Feminism?" In What is Feminism? Edited by Juliet Mitchell, and Ann Oakley. Pp. 8-33.

    Cott, Nancy F.,〈女性主義理論與女性主義運動:在我們之前的過去〉,出自同前書,頁49-62
    Cott, Nancy F. "Feminist Theory and Feminist Movements: The Past Before Us." In Ibid. Pp. 49-62

    Beauvoir, Simone de.,〈序言〉,出自《第二性》,1949年,頁xv-xxxiv
    Beauvoir, Simone de. "Introduction." In The Second Sex. 1949. Pp. xv-xxxiv.

    Rhode, Deborah L.,〈媒體形象/女性主義議題〉,出自《女性主義,媒體與法律》,Martha A. Fineman和Martha T. McCluskey編,New York,1997,頁8-21
    Rhode, Deborah L. "Media Images/Feminist Issues." In Feminism, Media & the Law. Edited by Martha A. Fineman, and Martha T. McCluskey. New York, 1997. Pp. 8-21.

    "Doing Theory." In Making Face. Pp. 335-45, 370-75 and 377-402.
    3 方法論
    Thoughts on Methods
    Dodson, Lisa,《不要以名譽召喚我們》,頁viii-13
    Dodson, Lisa. Don't Call Us Out of Name. Pp. vii-13.

    Narayan, Kirin,〈所謂「天生」的人類學家?〉,出自《情境中的生活》,Lamphere等人編,頁23-41
    Narayan, Kirin. "How Native is a 'Native' Anthropologist?" In Situated Lives. Edited by Lamphere et al. Pp. 23-41.

    "Still Trembles Our Rage," and "If You would be My Ally." In Making Face. Pp. 3-4, 20-41, 46-54 and 297-325.

    Collins, Patricia Hill,〈褓母、女性領袖,及其他操控人物〉,出自《黑人女性主義思想》,頁67-90
    Collins, Patricia Hill. "Mammies, Matriarchs and Other Controlling Images." In Black Feminist Thought. Pp. 67-90.

    Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks,〈非裔美國女性的歷史及種族的後設語言》刊於《符號》,第17卷第2期,1992,頁251-74
    Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks. "African-American Women's History and the Metalanguage of Race." Signs 17, no. 2 (1992): 251-74.

    Poovey, Mary,〈性別的意識型態工作〉,出自《崎嶇的發展》,1988,頁1-2
    Poovey, Mary. "The Ideological Work of Gender." In Uneven Developments. 1988. Pp. 1-2.
    4 女性與身體
    "Femaleness" and the Body
    Martin, Emily,〈卵子與精子:科技如何建構以男女刻板角色為基礎的羅曼史〉,出自《情境中的生活》,頁85-98
    Martin, Emily. "The Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles." In Situated Lives. Pp. 85-98.

    Simmonds, Felly Nkweto,〈我的身體、我自己:一個黑人女性如何研究社會學〉,Helen Marshall,〈我們的身體,我們自己:為什麼我們必須在新的身體理論中加入傳統經驗的現象學〉,以及Evelynn M. Hammonds,〈黑人女性性別的系譜學:沈默釋疑〉,出自《女性主義理論與身體》,Janet Price和Margrit Shildrick編,New York,1999,頁50-75,93-104
    Simmonds, Felly Nkweto. "My Body, Myself: How Does a Black Woman Do Sociology," Helen Marshall. "Our Bodies, Ourselves: Why We Should Add Old-Fashioned Empirical Phenomenology to the New Theories of the Body," and Evelynn M. Hammonds. "Toward a Genealogy of Black Female Sexuality: The Problematic of Silence." In Feminist Theory and the Body. Edited by Janet Price, and Margrit Shildrick. New York, 1999. Pp. 50-75 and 93-104.

    Ginzburg, Faye,〈身體政治:反墮胎運動對性約束的辯護〉,出自《歡愉與危險》,Carole S. Vance編,1984,頁173-88
    Ginzburg, Faye. "The Body Politic: The Defense of Sexual Restriction by Anti-Abortion Activists." In Pleasure and Danger. Edited by Carole S. Vance. 1984. Pp. 173-88.

    ———. "The 'Word-Made' Flesh: The Disembodiment of Gender in the Abortion Debate." In Situated Lives. Pp. 142-56.

    Poovey, Mary,〈墮胎問題與男人之死〉,出自《女性主義者將政治理論化》,Judith Butler和Joan Scott編,1992,頁239-56
    Poovey, Mary. "The Abortion Question and the Death of Man." In Feminists Theorize the Political. Edited by Judith Butler, and Joan Scott. 1992. Pp. 239-56.
    5 家務勞動
    The Work of Family
    Dodson. Don't Call Us. Pp. 14-49.

    Lewin, Ellen,〈永遠的室友〉,Beatriz M. Pesquera,〈一開始時他一支湯匙都不碰〉,和Matthew Guttman,〈男子氣概的意義〉,出自《情境中的生活》,頁192-34
    Lewin, Ellen. "'This Permanent Roommate,'" Beatriz M. Pesquera. "In the Beginning He Wouldn't Lift a Spoon," and Matthew Guttman. "The Meanings of Macho." Situated Lives. Pp. 192-34.

    Rollins, Judith,〈視而不見,他者的意識,宿怨〉,和Leslie Salzinger,〈無論什麼稱謂還是女傭:中美洲移民將「骯髒工作」轉型的過程〉,出自《情境中的生活》,頁255-91
    Rollins, Judith. "Invisibility, Consciousness of the Other, Ressentiment," and Leslie Salzinger. "A Maid by Any Other Name: The Transformation of 'Dirty Work' by Central American Immigrants." In Situated Lives. Pp. 255-91.

    Folbre, Nancy,〈不事生產的家庭主婦:她在十九世紀經濟思想裡的演變〉,出自《歷史與理論》,Barbara Laslett等人編,1997年,頁42-63
    Folbre, Nancy. "The Unproductive Housewife: Her Evolution in Nineteenth-Century Economic Thought." In History and Theory. Edited by Barbara Laslett et al. 1997. Pp. 42-63.
    6 性別與性
    Gender and Sexuality
    Dodson. Don't Call Us. Pp. 50-82.

    Ross, Ellen和Rayna Rapp,〈性與社會〉,出自《慾望的權力》,Ann Snitow等人編,頁51-73
    Ross, Ellen, and Rayna Rapp. "Sex and Society." In Powers of Desire. Edited by Ann Snitow et al. Pp. 51-73.

    Rubin, Gayle,〈女性的交易〉,出自《關於女性的人類學》,Rayna R. Reiter編,1975年,頁157-77(可再參考頁178-210)
    Rubin, Gayle. "The Traffic in Women." In Toward an Anthropology of Women. Edited by Rayna R. Reiter. 1975. Pp. 157-77. [Optional pp. 178-210].

    Peiss, Kathy,〈慈善女孩和城市歡愉〉,Rennie Simson,〈非裔美國女性〉,和Amber Hollibaugh, Cherrie Moraga,〈我們在床上和什麼滾在一起:女性主義中的性沈默〉,和Joan Nestle,〈我媽媽喜歡做愛〉,出自《慾望的權力》,頁73-88,229-35,394-405,468-70
    Peiss, Kathy. "Charity Girls and City Pleasures," Rennie Simson. "The Afro-American Female," and Amber Hollibaugh, and Cherrie Moraga. "What We're Rollin Around in Bed With: Sexual Silences in Feminism," and Joan Nestle. "My Mother Liked to Fuck." In Powers of Desire. Pp. 73-88, 229-35, 394-405 and 468-70.

    "The Nature of the Beast: What is a Lesbian?" Pp. 29-49.

    Clausen, Jan,〈我的有趣境況〉,《向外/看》,1990冬天,頁11-21
    Clausen, Jan. "My Interesting Condition." Out/Look (Winter 1990): 11-21.
    7 色情出版、性侵害,與同意政治
    Pornography, Rape, and the Politics of Consent
    Pateman, Carole,〈女性與同意〉,出自《女人的失序》,頁71-89
    Pateman, Carole. "Women and Consent." In The Disorder of Women. Pp. 71-89.

    Marcus, Sharon,〈戰鬥的身體,戰鬥的文字:性侵害防制的理論與政治〉,出自《女性主義者將政治理論化》,Judith Butler和Joan W. Scott編,頁385-403
    Marcus, Sharon. "Fighting Bodies, Fighting Words: A Theory and Politics of Rape Prevention." In Feminists Theorize the Political. Edited by Judith Butler, and Joan W. Scott. Pp. 385-403.

    Benedict, Helen,〈盲目:性侵害與媒體對女性主義的恐懼〉,出自《女性主義,媒體》,Fineman,和McCluskey編,頁267-72
    Benedict, Helen. "Blindfolded: Rape and the Press's Fear of Feminism." In  Feminism, Media. Edited by Fineman, and McCluskey. Pp. 267-72.

    Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd,〈燃燒在每個身體裡的理智:女人、性侵害和種族暴力〉,和Ann Barr Snitow,〈羅曼史的大眾市場:女人要的色情不一樣〉,出自《慾望的權力》,頁329-333。在《性政治》,頁245-63
    Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd. "The Mind That Burns in Each Body: Women, Rape and Racial Violence," and Ann Barr Snitow. "Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women is Different." in Powers of Desire. In The Politics of Sex. Pp. 329-333, 245-63.

    Cuklanz, Lisa M.,《審判強暴:大眾媒體如何建構合法的改造與社會變遷》,1996,頁1-32
    Cuklanz, Lisa M. Rape on Trial: How the Mass Media Construct Legal Reform and Social Change. (1996): 1-32.
    8 性別與母職
    Gender and Mothering
    Dodson. Don't Call Us. Pp. 83-113.

    Ashe, Marie,〈麻州的壞母親和福利改革:Claribel Ventura案例〉,出自〈女性主義、媒體〉,Fineman和McCluskey編,頁203-16
    Ashe, Marie. "'Bad Mothers' and Welfare Reform in Massachusetts: The Case of Claribel Ventura." In Feminism, Media. Edited by Fineman, and McCluskey. Pp. 203-16.

    Pollitt, Kathe,〈胎兒的權利:對女性主義的新抨擊〉,和Annette R. Appell,〈修理「壞」母親,拯救他們的孩子〉,出自《壞母親:二十一世紀美國的怪罪政治》,Molly ladd-Taylor和Lauri Umansky編,1998,頁285-98,356-80
    Pollitt, Kathe. "'Fetal Rights': A New Assault on Feminism," and Annette R. Appell. "On Fixing 'Bad' Mothers and Saving Their Children." In "Bad Mothers": The Politics of Blame in Twentieth-Century America. Edited by Molly Ladd-Taylor, and Lauri Umansky. 1998. Pp. 285-98 and 356-80.

    Ragone, Helena,〈追尋血緣:代理孕母、養母和父親〉,和Lopez, Iris,〈代理和規範:紐約市波多黎各女人不孕和複製的自由〉,出自《情境中的生活》,頁110-27,157-171
    Ragone, Helena. "Chasing the Blood Tie: Surrogate Mothers, Adoptive Mothers, and Fathers," and Lopez, Iris. "Agency and Constraint: Sterilization and Reproductive Freedom Among Puerto Rican Women in New York City." Situated Lives. Pp. 110-27 and 157-171.
    9 福利國家
    The Welfare State
    Dodson. Don't Call Us. Pp. 114-46.

    Fraser, Nancy和Linda Gordon,〈「依賴」的去神秘化:以福利國家的關鍵字論權力的聲明〉,《社會的政治》,第1卷第1期,1994春天,頁4-31
    Fraser, Nancy, and Linda Gordon. "'Dependency' Demystified: Inscriptions of Power in a Keyword of the Welfare State." Social Politics 1, 1 (Spring 1994): 4-31.

    Lubiano, Wahneema,〈黑人仕女,福利女王和國家吟遊詩人:以敘事方式進行的意識型態戰爭〉,出自《將正義種族化,將權力性別化》,Toni Morrison編,1992年,頁323-63
    Lubiano, Wahneema. "Black Ladies, Welfare Queens, and State Minstrels: Ideological War by Narrative Means." In Race-ing Justice, En-gendering Power. Edited by Toni Morrison. 1992. Pp. 323-63.

    Mink, Gwendolyn,〈淑女與蕩婦:性別、種族,及美國福利國家的起源〉,出自《女性,國家與福利》,Linda Gordon編,1990年,92-122
    Mink, Gwendolyn. "The Lady and the Tramp: Gender, Race, and the Origins of the American Welfare State." In Women, the State, and Welfare. Edited by Linda Gordon. 1990. Pp. 92-122.

    "Welfare: Facts and Fictions," Ms. (May/June 1995): 93, and "Welfare." Ms. (July/Aug. 1995): 50-61.
    10 政治的範圍
    The Political Sphere
    Dodson. Don't Call Us. Pp. 147-85.

    Duke, Lois Lovelace編,《政治裡的女人:外人或成員?》Prentice Hall,??,頁33-44,78-99,127-143,175-186,199-214,295-313,322-337
    Duke, Lois Lovelace, ed. Women in Politics: Outsiders or Insiders? Prentice Hall, 1996. Pp. 33-44, 78-99, 127-143, 175-186, 199-214, 295-313 and 322-337.
    11 軍事主義與性別
    Militarism and Gender
    Cohn, Carol,〈抗辯知識份子的理性世界中的性與死〉,出於《實踐與過程中的女性主義理論》,Mecheline R. Malson等人編,頁107-138
    Cohn, Carol. "Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals." In Feminist Theory in Practice and Process. Edited by Micheline R. Malson et al. Pp. 107-138.

    Pohl, Frances K.,〈91年尾鉤事件中的儀式與犧牲:文件展示與政治行動〉,出自《女人改變政治》,Cathy J. Cohen等人編,1997年,頁238-55
    (譯者按:1991年美國空軍發生美國海軍性騷擾案之尾鉤事件 (Tailhook scandal)。美國海軍在1991年的三天全體大會中,有22名女性海軍人員和61位平民女性被海軍飛行員集體性侵害,即使這些女性確實拒絕這些有辱自尊的行為,仍遭到性虐待。詳細資料可參考))
    Pohl, Frances K. "Ritual and Sacrifice at Tailhook '91: A Documentary Exhibition and Political Action." In Women Transforming the Political. Edited by Cathy J. Cohen et al. 1997. Pp. 238-55.

    Enloe, Cynthia. Maneuvers. Pp. 1-34 and 108-52.
    12 國際政治
    International Politics
    Stoler, Ann L.,〈讓帝國是可尊敬的:二十一世紀殖民文化的種族政治和性道德〉,Jean Comaroff,〈帝國的舊衣裳〉,Faye V. Harrison,〈性別政治和結構調整的暴力:牙買加觀點〉,Pena, Devon G.,〈剝削的寫照〉,出自《情境中的生活》,頁373-419,451-85
    Stoler, Ann L. "Making Empire Respectable: The Politics of Race and Sexual Morality in Twentieth-Century Colonial Cultures," Jean Comaroff. "The Empire's Old Clothes," Faye V. Harrison. "The Gender Politics and Violence of Structural Adjustment: A View from Jamaica." Pena, Devon G. "The Mirror of Exploitation." In Situated Lives. Pp. 373-419 and 451-85.

    Enloe. Maneuvers. Pp. 49-53, 68-79 and 235-87.
    13 結語與學生期末報告發表
    Concluding Thoughts and Student Presentations
    Dodson. Don't Call Us. Pp. 186-221.

    Enloe. Maneuvers. Pp. 103-7 and 288-300.